Kim Stanley Robinson
Kim Stanley Robinson (born 1952) is an American science fiction author.
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Series by Kim Stanley Robinson
Author's Choice Monthly (29 books)
Mars Trilogy (4 books)
Three Californias (4 books)
Capital Code (3 books)
Speculative Fiction Books
The Ministry for the Future
2020 | science fiction
Red Moon
2018 | science fiction
New York 2140
2017 | science fiction
2015 | science fiction
2012 | science fiction
The Best of Kim Stanley Robinson
2010 | science fiction, short stories
Galileo's Dream
2009 | science fiction
The Years of Rice and Salt
2002 | alternate history
Vinland the Dream and Other Stories
2002 | science fiction, short stories
1997 | science fiction
Remaking History and Other Stories
1994 | science fiction, short stories
Down and Out in the Year 2000
1992 | science fiction, short stories
A Sensitive Dependence on Initial Conditions (Author's Choice Monthly #20 / 29)
1991 | science fiction, short stories
Remaking History
1991 | science fiction, short stories
A Short, Sharp Shock
1990 | science fiction, fantasy
Escape from Kathmandu
1989 | science fiction, short stories
The Planet on the Table
1986 | science fiction, short stories
The Memory of Whiteness
1985 | science fiction
1984 | science fiction
Fictions and Others
2013 | paleofiction