Arthur C. Clarke
Born 1917 in Minehead, England. Died 19th of March 2008 in Sri Lanka.
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Series by Arthur C. Clarke
Space Odyssey (4 books)
Rama (4 books)
A Time Odyssey (3 books)
The Best of Arthur C. Clarke (3 books)
Speculative Fiction Books
The Last Theorem
2008 | science fiction
The Space Trilogy
2001 | science fiction
The Light of Other Days
2000 | science fiction
The Collected Stories
2000 | science fiction, short stories
The Trigger
1999 | science fiction
Richter 10
1996 | science fiction
The Hammer of God
1993 | science fiction
More Than One Universe: The Collected Stories of Arthur C. Clarke
1991 | science fiction, short stories
Beyond the Fall of Night
1990 | science fiction
The Ghost from the Grand Banks
1990 | science fiction
Tales from Planet Earth
1989 | science fiction, short stories
1988 | science fiction
The Songs of Distant Earth
1986 | science fiction
The Sentinel
1983 | science fiction, short stories
The Fountains of Paradise
1979 | science fiction
Four Great SF Novels
1978 | science fiction
The Best of Arthur C. Clarke: 1956-1972 (The Best of Arthur C. Clarke)
1977 | science fiction, short stories
The Best of Arthur C. Clarke: 1937-1955 (The Best of Arthur C. Clarke)
1976 | science fiction, short stories
Imperial Earth
1975 | science fiction
The Best of Arthur C. Clarke: 1937-1971 (The Best of Arthur C. Clarke)
1973 | science fiction, short stories
The Wind from the Sun
1972 | science fiction, short stories
Of Time and Stars
1972 | science fiction, short stories
An Arthur C. Clarke Second Omnibus
1968 | science fiction
The Lion of Comarre and Against the Fall of Night
1968 | science fiction
The Nine Billion Names of God
1967 | science fiction, short stories
Prelude to Mars
1965 | science fiction, short stories
An Arthur C. Clarke Omnibus
1965 | science fiction, short stories
Tales of Ten Worlds
1962 | science fiction, short stories
A Fall of Moondust
1961 | science fiction
From the Ocean, from the Stars
1961 | science fiction, short stories
Across the Sea of Stars
1959 | science fiction, short stories
The Other Side of the Sky
1958 | science fiction, short stories
The Deep Range
1957 | science fiction
Tales from the White Hart
1957 | science fiction, short stories
The City and the Stars
1956 | science fiction
Reach for Tomorrow
1956 | science fiction, short stories
1955 | science fiction
Against the Fall of Night
1953 | science fiction
Childhood's End
1953 | science fiction
Expedition to Earth
1953 | science fiction, short stories
Islands in the Sky
1952 | science fiction, young adult
Prelude to Space
1951 | science fiction
The Sands of Mars
1951 | science fiction
Fictions and Others
Dolphin Island
1963 | mainstream