William Gibson

William Gibson

William Gibson (born 1948) is an American-Canadian writer who has been called the ”noir prophet” of the cyberpunk subgenre of science fiction. Gibson coined the term ”cyberspace” in his short story ”Burning Chrome” and later popularized the concept in his debut novel, Neuromancer (1984). In envisaging cyberspace, Gibson created an iconography for the information age before the ubiquity of the Internet in the 1990s.

Updated 01/26/2023

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Books by William Gibson
  ★ 7.34 / 133
  ★ 7.16 / 6
  ★ 6.98 / 41
  ★ 7.08 / 36
  ★ 6.00 / 2
  ★ 6.36 / 37
  ★ 6.00 / 4
  ★ 7.00 / 4
  ★ 6.64 / 34
  ★ 6.00 / 3
  ★ 5.50 / 2
  ★ 7.34 / 3
  ★ 9.00 / 1

Series by William Gibson

Bridge (3 books)
Sprawl (3 books)
Alien Universe (7 books)
The Blue Ant Trilogy (3 books)

Speculative Fiction Books

(Alien Universe)
2021 | science fiction
2020 | science fiction
2014 | science fiction
(The Blue Ant Trilogy)
2010 | science fiction, thriller
(The Blue Ant Trilogy)
2007 | science fiction, thriller
(The Blue Ant Trilogy)
2003 | science fiction, cyberpunk, thriller
(Bridge #3 / 3)
1999 | science fiction
(Bridge #2 / 3)
1996 | science fiction
(Bridge #1 / 3)
1993 | science fiction
1990 | science fiction, alternate history, steampunk
(Sprawl #3 / 3)
1988 | science fiction, cyberpunk
(Sprawl #2 / 3)
1986 | science fiction
1986 | science fiction, short stories
(Sprawl #1 / 3)
1984 | science fiction, cyberpunk

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