K. W. Jeter
Kevin Wayne Jeter (born 1950) is an American science fiction and horror author known for his literary writing style, dark themes, and paranoid, unsympathetic characters. He has written novels set in the Star Trek and Star Wars universe, and has written sequels to Blade Runner.
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Series by K. W. Jeter
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (47 books)
Alien Nation (8 books)
Blade Runner (4 books)
Dr. Adder (3 books)
Infernal Devices (3 books)
Speculative Fiction Books
Death's Apprentice
2012 | fantasy
1998 | science fiction
Wolf Flow
1992 | horror
1991 | science fiction
The Night Man
1990 | horror
Farewell Horizontal
1989 | science fiction
In the Land of the Dead
1989 | horror
Dark Seeker
1987 | horror
1987 | horror
Soul Eater
1983 | horror
Morlock Night
1979 | science fiction
The Dreamfields
1976 | science fiction
1975 | science fiction