Peter David
Peter Allen David (born 1956) is an American author. He is best known for his work in comic books and Star Trek novels.
Peter David has also written novels under the pseudonym of David Peters.
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Series by Peter David
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (47 books)
Modern Arthur (3 books)
Sir Apropos of Nothing (3 books)
The Hidden Earth Chronicles (2 books)
Transformers (6 books)
Alien Nation (8 books)
Fantastic Four (5 books)
Fable (4 books)
Speculative Fiction Books
The Camelot Papers
2011 | fantasy
2008 | fantasy
Mascot to the Rescue!
2008 | science fiction, young adult
Survival (Star Trek: The Next Generation: Starfleet Academy #3 / 14)
1993 | science fiction, space opera
Line of Fire (Star Trek: The Next Generation: Starfleet Academy #2 / 14)
1993 | science fiction, space opera
Worf's First Adventure (Star Trek: The Next Generation: Starfleet Academy #1 / 14)
1993 | science fiction, space opera
The Captain's Daughter (Star Trek: The Original Series (numbered novels) #76 / 97)
1992 | science fiction
A Rock and a Hard Place (Star Trek: The Next Generation (numbered novels) #10 / 63)
1989 | science fiction
Comics and Anthology
The Dark Tower : The Gunslinger – Last Shots (The Dark Tower Graphic Novels #11 / 11)
2013 | fantasy, comics
The Dark Tower : The Gunslinger – The Man in Black (The Dark Tower Graphic Novels #10 / 11)
2013 | fantasy, comics
The Dark Tower : The Gunslinger – The Way Station (The Dark Tower Graphic Novels #9 / 11)
2012 | fantasy, comics
The Dark Tower : The Gunslinger – The Battle of Tull (The Dark Tower Graphic Novels #8 / 11)
2012 | fantasy, comics
The Dark Tower : The Gunslinger – The Little Sisters of Eluria (The Dark Tower Graphic Novels #7 / 11)
2011 | fantasy, comics
The Dark Tower : The Gunslinger – The Journey Begins (The Dark Tower Graphic Novels #6 / 11)
2011 | fantasy, comics
The Dark Tower: The Battle of Jericho Hill (The Dark Tower Graphic Novels #5 / 11)
2010 | fantasy, comics
The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger Born (The Dark Tower Graphic Novels #1 / 11)
2007 | fantasy, comics, romance