Robin Hobb is alias for Margaret (Megan) Lindholm Ogden. She also writes as Megan Lindholm.
Hobb was born in 1952 in California, US. She is married with sailor Fred Ogden and they have four children and grandchildren. She lives in Tacoma, Washington with her cats and youngest child.
For most of her teen years Hobb lived in Fairbanks, Alaska. She majored in Communications at Denver University, Colorado. She worked as a journalist in Kodiak and wrote fairy tales to children's magazines. She has always been a keen reader and already knew as a child that she wanted to be an author. She sold her first story when she was 18. In 1971 she started writing as Megan Lindholm. Her first book as Lindholm came out in 1983.
When she started writing Farseer trilogy, she felt that this epic fantasy was so unlike from anything Lindholm would write that she chose a new pen name. (Also there was some economical reasons as well.)
J. R. R. Tolkien has been an important figure for young Robin. She got her first Tolkien books around 12 years of age and this changed her life. ”I had three distinct sensations at the end of The Lord of the Rings. One was the simple, unbelievable void of 'It's over. There's no more of it to read.' The second was, 'And I've never encountered anything like this. I'll never find anything this good again'. The third was perhaps the most alarming: 'In all my life I will never write anything as good as this. He's done it; he's achieved it. Is there any point in my trying?'
Realm of the Elderlings is the name given to the five series placed in the same world. Farseer trilogy tells about young FitzChivalry and his destiny in Six Duchies. Liveship Traders takes us south of Six Duchies to Bingtown. Hobb had thought that Assassin's Quest was the end of Fitz's story, but after finishing Liveships Fitz surfaced again and demanded his story to be told. The Tawny Man is a trilogy. The Rain Wild Chronicles is a tetralogy. Fitz and the Fool is a trilogy.
There are also four short stories from the Realm of Elderlings. ”The Inheritance” was first published in 2000, in a publisher's promotional booklet. Now it is available as an e-book. ”Homecoming” was written for Legends 2 anthology, published in 2003. ”Words like coins” is published in Fantasy Medley anthology in 2009.
The Soldier Son trilogy takes place in a different world, telling the destiny of Nevare Burvelle.