Daphne du Maurier

Daphne du Maurier

Dame Daphne du Maurier, Lady Browning DBE (1907-1989) was an English author and playwright.

Many of her works have been adapted into films, including the novels Rebecca (the film adaptation of which won the Best Picture Oscar in 1941) and Jamaica Inn and the short stories The Birds and Don't Look Now. The first three film adaptations were directed by Alfred Hitchcock and the last by Nicolas Roeg.

Her grandfather was the artist and writer George du Maurier and her father the actor Gerald du Maurier. Her elder sister Angela also became a writer, and her younger sister Jeanne was a painter.

Updated 03/31/2015

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Books by Daphne du Maurier
  ★ 6.00 / 5
  ★ 10.00 / 1
  ★ 7.00 / 4
  ★ 6.00 / 1
  ★ 8.00 / 1

Series by Daphne du Maurier

Rebecca (2 books)

Speculative Fiction Books

2011 | horror, short stories, mystery
1987 | horror, short stories, mystery
1976 | horror, short stories, mystery
1972 | science fiction, dystopia
1971 | horror, short stories, mystery
1952 | horror, short stories, mystery
1952 | horror, short stories, mystery
(Rebecca #1 / 2)
1938 | horror, mystery

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