The Misenchanted Sword
The old wizard wasn't exactly happy with Valder, who'd led the enemy to his hut. Now hut and magical supplies were destroyed. But he'd promised the young army scout a magic sword to get him safely back to his own lines – and a much enchanted sword Valder would get!
The resulting sword gave perfect protection – sometimes! It could kill any man – or even half-demon. In fact, once drawn, it had to kill before it could be put down or sheathed.
Army wizards told Valder that the sword would keep him alive until he'd drawn it 100 times; then it would kill him! It wouldn't prevent his being wounded, maimed or cut to pieces, but it wouldn't let him die. If his new job as Chief Assassin for the army didn't make him use up the spell, he'd be practically immortal.
Not bad, it seemed. But there had to be a catch somewhere – and there was!
Lawrence Watt-Evans
Lawrence Watt-Evans (born 1954) is one of the pseudonyms of the American science fiction and fantasy author Lawrence Watt Evans. He writes science fiction primarily under the pseudonym of Nathan Archer.
Legends of Ethshar
Legends of Ethshar consists of fourteen primary books, and includes one additional book that complement the series but is not considered mandatory reads. The current recommended reading order for the series is provided below.
Book Reviews
I loaned The Misenchanted Sword from a friend a couple of days ago and I finished reading it today. It was a nice and simple fantasy book. It wasn't a masterpiece, but I liked it very much (it's nice to read this kind of light fantasy every once in a while). If you want to read an entertaining fantasy book, The Misenchanted Sword is a good choice. It's not a great book, but it's very entertaining.