Ithanalin's Restoration
When Magic Goes Awry...
What is an aspiring apprentice wizard to do when she finds her mentor and master frozen in his tracks by mysterious magics?
Kilisha of Eastgate, a promising young student of wizardry in the city of Ethshar of the Rocks, still has much to learn before she can assume the robes of a journeyman enchanter. But when her teacher, the venerable Ithanalin the Wise, is overcome by a peculiar spell that scatters his soul amongst a collection of runaway household furnishings, it is up to Kilisha to find the cause and restore him to his former self. Adventure and mayhem abound.
Lawrence Watt-Evans
Lawrence Watt-Evans (born 1954) is one of the pseudonyms of the American science fiction and fantasy author Lawrence Watt Evans. He writes science fiction primarily under the pseudonym of Nathan Archer.
Legends of Ethshar
Legends of Ethshar consists of fourteen primary books, and includes one additional book that complement the series but is not considered mandatory reads. The current recommended reading order for the series is provided below.