The Paths of the Perambulator
Nobody wants to be around when a freak of supernature called a Perambulator enters the world, bringing with it some really weird shifts in the fabric of existence... like suddenly turning Jon-Tom in a giant blue crab, or Mudge the Otter into a nasty disease... But the mad Perambulator is there to stay, unless the wizard Clothahump can muster all his power and boot it into the next dimension. So, despite the bumblings of Sorbl the drunken owl and the fitful runes of a koala amateur wizard, Jon-Tom, Mudge, and Clothahump make their way ever deeper into the realms where Chaos Perambulates... to find a deadly foe that only the combined forces of illogic can hope to defeat...
Alan Dean Foster
Alan Dean Foster (born 1946) is a prolific American author of fantasy and science fiction.
Photo source: Wikipedia Commons.
Spellsinger consists of eight books. The current recommended reading order for the series is provided below.