A mysterious spell has fallen over the bards of Waterdeep, rewriting the past in their memories and adding dangerous new tales to their repertoires. Khelben Arunsun, archmage of Waterdeep, fears this spell is part of a larger plot. He calls upon Danilo Thann, Harper mage and would-be bard, to confront the green dragon who holds the key to the mystery.
Accompanied by a Gold elf minstrel with strange abilities, a dwarf maid, and his old enemy Elaith Craulnober, Danilo must draw upon all his bardcraft to solve the mystery.
Elaine Cunningham
Elaine Cunningham (USA, born 1962) published her first novel, Elfshadow, in 1991. Since then she has written the Songs & Swords series and the Counselors & Kings trilogy. Cunningham lives in New England.
Songs & Swords
Featuring Arilyn, Danilo and Elaith.
Songs & Swords consists of five books. The current recommended reading order for the series is provided below.
Main series Forgotten Realms