Yoda: Dark Rendezvous
As the Clone Wars rage, Jedi Master Yoda must once again face one of his greatest adversaries: Count Dooku...
savage Clone Wars have forced the Republic to the edge of collapse.
During the height of the battle, on Jedi Knight escapes the carnage to
deliver a message to Yoda on Coruscant. It appears that Dooku wants
peace and demands a rendezvous. Chances are slim that the treacherous
Count is sincere but, with a million lives at stake, Yoda has no choice.
meeting will take place on Djun, a planet steeped in evil. The
challenge could not be more difficult. Can Yoda win back his once
promising pupil from the dark side or will Count Dooku unleash his
sinister forces against his former mentor? Either way, Yoda is sure of
one thing: This battle will be one of the fiercest he’ll ever face.
Sean Stewart
Sean Stewart (born 1965) is a U.S.-Canadian science fiction and fantasy author.
Born in Lubbock, Texas, Sean Stewart moved to Edmonton, Alberta, Canada in 1968. After stints in Houston, Texas, Vancouver, British Columbia, Irvine, California and Monterey, California, he now lives in Davis, California, with his wife and two daughters.
Stewart received an Honors degree in English from University of Alberta in 1987, following which he spent many years writing novels. He gradually moved from writing novels to interactive fiction. He served as a consultant on several computer games, and is on the management team of the marketing and entertainment company.
Star Wars: Clone Wars Novels
Star Wars: Clone Wars Novels consists of 8 total books. The current recommended reading order for the series is provided below.
Main series Star Wars