Undead and Uneasy
You are cordially invited to the wedding of
Elizabeth Anne Taylor and Eric Sinclair
607 Summit Ave
July 4, 2007
RSVP by June 25, and don't be like one of those jerks who doesn't RSVP and then shows up with three people. Seriously.
In the days leading up the The Big Day, Vampire Queen Betsy Taylor seems to have a full house – and the wedding guests have yet to arrive. Along with her human buddies, there's a ghost, a werewolf, and a Fiend crashing at her place. And though her fiance, Vampire King Eric Sinclair, conveniently disappears when the conversation turns to seating charts and flower arrangements, he does manage to make his oh-so-sexy presence known at other moments.
Betsy knows the next few weeks won't be smooth sailing – but she never expects just what's in store for her. Cold feet are no surprise, especially with an undead groom. But when Sinclair truly goes missing – and not just to avoid wedding preparations - along with most of her friends and loved ones, Betsy is frantic. Alone and afraid for the fate of everyone she loves, Betsy can't trust anyone as she trieds to find them and whoever is behind all the disappearances. And what happens next will shake the foundation of the vampire world forever in the bestselling series that "breath(es) new life into conventional vampire lore" (The Romance Reader's Connection).
MaryJanice Davidson
MaryJanice Davidson (born August 1969) is an American author. She is the creator of the popular Undead series. She is both a New York Times and USA Today bestseller. Davidson lives in Minnesota with her husband and two children. She won a 2004 Romantic TimesReviewers' Choice Award and was nominated for the same award in 2005.
Queen Betsy / The Undead Series
Elizabeth "Betsy" Taylor turns thirty in the most unfortunate manner possible: she is laid off from work and then run down by an SUV. Waking up in the morgue fails to improve her mood, and when she discovers she can't kill herself, she gets downright stroppy. Being proclaimed "Queen of the Vampires" by the obnoxious Eric Sinclair, who places himself first in line to be her consort, proves to be the last straw.
Queen Betsy / The Undead Series consists of fifteen primary books, and includes two additional books that complement the series but are not considered mandatory reads. The current recommended reading order for the series is provided below.
Main series Queen Betsy and the Wyndham Werewolf Universe