Evolution Expects
After more than 150 years as the supreme power on the planet, the British Empire has become a corpulentm stagnating monster. At its heart lies Londinium Maximum, a city under a near-permanent cloud of noxious smog. More than ever before, the realm of Magna Britannia needs a saviour – a man like new Prime Minister, Devlin Valentine. But wheile London prepares for the launch of the Jupiter Station there are those who wante this longed-for change to come about more quickly – people who are willing to give evolution a helping hand.
Jonathan Green
Jonathan Green is a writer of speculative fiction with more than sixty books to his name. He has written everything from Fighting Fantasy gamebooks to Doctor Who novels, by way of Sonic the Hedgehog, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and Judge Dredd. He is the creator of the Pax Britannia steampunk series for Abaddon Books, and the author of the award-winning, and critically-acclaimed, YOU ARE THE HERO – A History of Fighting Fantasy Gamebooks.
Pax Britannia
Pax Britannia consists of ten primary books, and includes three additional books that complement the series but are not considered mandatory reads. The current recommended reading order for the series is provided below.