Edited by George R. R. Martin and Gardner Dozois.
Locus Award for Best Anthology 2011.
George R. R. Martin, from his introduction to Warriors:
“People have been telling stories about warriors for as long as they have been telling stories. Since Homer first sang the wrath of Achilles and the ancient Sumerians set down their tales of Gilgamesh, warriors, soldiers, and fighters have fascinated us; they are a part of every culture, every literary tradition, every genre. All Quiet on the Western Front, From Here to Eternity, and The Red Badge of Courage have become part of our literary canon, taught in classrooms all around the country and the world.
Our contributors make up an all-star lineup of award-winning and bestselling writers, representing a dozen different publishers and as many genres. We asked each of them for the same thing — a story about a warrior. Some chose to write in the genre they’re best known for. Some decided to try something different. You will find warriors of every shape, size, and color in these pages, warriors from every epoch of human history, from yesterday and today and tomorrow, and from worlds that never were. Some of the stories will make you sad, some will make you laugh, and many will keep you on the edge of your seat.”
Every story in this volume appears here for the first time. Included are a long novella from the world of his Song of Ice and Fire by George R. R. Martin, a new tale of Lord John by Diana Gabaldon, an Emberverse story by S. M. Stirling, a Forever Peace story by Joe Haldeman, and a long tale of humanity at bay by David Weber. Also present are original tales by David Ball, Peter S. Beagle, Lawrence Block, Gardner Dozois, Robin Hobb, Cecelia Holland, Joe R. Lansdale, David Morrell, Naomi Novik, James Rollins, Steven Saylor, Robert Silverberg, Carrie Vaughn, Howard Waldrop, and Tad Williams. Many of these writers are bestsellers. All of them are storytellers of the highest quality. Together they make a volume of unforgettable reading.
- Introduction: "Stories from the Spinner Rack," by George R. R. Martin
- "The King of Norway," by Cecilia Holland
- "Forever Bound," by Joe Haldeman
- "The Triumph," by Robin Hobb
- "Clean Slate," by Lawrence Block
- "And Ministers of Grace," by Tad Williams
- "Soldierin'," by Joe Lansdale
- "Dirae," by Peter S. Beagle
- "The Custom of the Army," by Diana Gabaldon
- "Seven Years from Home," by Naomi Novik
- "The Eagle and the Rabbit," by Steven Saylor
- "The Pit," by James Rollins
- "Out of the Dark," by David Weber
- "The Girls from Avenger," by Carrie Vaughn
- "Ancient Ways," by S. M. Stirling
- "Ninieslando" by Howard Waldrop
- "Recidivist" by Gardner Dozois
- "My Name is Legion," by David Morrell
- "Defenders of the Frontier," by Robert Silverberg
- "The Scroll," by David Ball
- "The Mystery Knight: A Tale of the Seven Kingdoms," by George R. R. Martin
George R. R. Martin
George Raymond Richard Martin (born 1948 in Bayonne, New Jersey), is an American author and screenwriter of science fiction, horror, and fantasy. He majored from Norhwestern University in 1970.
Martin sold his first science fiction story in 1971 and has been writing professionally since then. He spent ten years in Hollywood as a writer-producer, working on various television series and feature films. In the mid ‘90s he returned to prose, his first love, and began work on his epic fantasy series, A Song of Ice and Fire. He has been in the Seven Kingdoms ever since. Whenever he’s allowed to leave, he returns to Santa Fe, New Mexico, where he lives with lovely Parris, and two cats named Augustus and Caligula, who think they run the place.