Command Decision
Command Decision, book four of Vatta's War: Ky Vatta, having survived a multi-ship battle and saved two other ships besides her own, remains determined to organize a force to avenge her family and keep Gammis Turek and his followers from conquering other worlds... even though she lacks almost everything such a campaign requires. But Ky isn't easily daunted, and after rescuing a shipload of refugees from another attack, she finds unlikely allies in the ebullient Teddy Ransome, whose own private force of pirate hunters is shockingly flamboyant.
Meanwhile, her cousin Stella, trying to revive Vatta's commercial ventures, discovers that she has legal control of intellectual property ISC never meant to let out of its laboratories... which delights their Aunt Grace when she returns to influence as Slotter Key's Rector of Defense.
Rafe Dunbarger, who had gone back to the ISC headquarters world to find out why his family had not contacted him in far too long, discovers the sinister plot at the center of the great monopoly, and must save his family from a traitor... but can he save ISC?
Elizabeth Moon
Elizabeth Moon is an American fantasy and science fiction author. She was born born 1945. She grew up on the Texas-Mexico border. She has degrees in history and biology, and she programmed computers while in the Marine Corps.
She began writing stories in childhood, but didn't make a fiction sale until she was forty. She has several books in print, including The Speed of Dark. She and her husband live in Central Texas; their son, in his early twenties, is autistic.
She loves the outdoors, rides horses, sings in a choir, and would rather do anything than clean house.
Vatta's War
Vatta's War consists of five books. The current recommended reading order for the series is provided below.
Main series Vatta's War Universe