Venom's Taste
A city populated by the humanoid serpents known as the yuan-ti, and ruled by
House Extaminos
The powerful House of Serpents, and the ultimate target of
The Pox
A human cult whose members worship the goddess of plague and disease, and who begins to work the deadly will of
Sibyl's Chosen
A dangerous cabal of yuan-ti who will turn every human in the city into a freakish tainted one, unless
A yuan-ti halfblood, can stop them all.
Venom's Taste is the first title in a new trilogy exploring the political intrigues of the yuan-ti race, the details of which have been little explored in previous Forgotten Realms products. Lisa Smedman will be penning the entire trilogy, which will affect many other storylines in the Forgotten Realms setting.
Lisa Smedman
Lisa Smedman (born c. 1959) is a newspaper editor and a science fiction and fantasy novelist. Her most well-known novel is Extinction, set in the Forgotten Realms universe.
Forgotten Realms: House of Serpents
Forgotten Realms: House of Serpents consists of three primary books, and includes one additional book that complement the series but is not considered mandatory reads. The current recommended reading order for the series is provided below.
Main series Forgotten Realms