Orphans of Earth
"This is an open broadcast. We are the sole survivors of the human race. Our primary task is to locate those colonies that have survived. We must cooperate in this venture - even if it is to be our last."
In the wake of Earth's demise, true human Caryl Hatzis and human engram Peter Alander have but one goal: to warn the surviving colonies of a coming menace - deadly alien ships, seemingly intent on the destruction of everything in their path. The only way to defend against them is to use the Gifts, advanced technological devices given to humanity under mysterious circumstances. But no one really understands the Gifts - and there is mounting evidence that it is their very use that attracts attack.
With time running out, Hatzis and Alander are desperate to find a way to save the scattered orphans of planet Earth. And then help arrives - from an unexpected and unwelcome source...
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Category: Science Fiction
Release date: 2003
Sean Williams
Sean Llewellyn Williams is an Australian fantasy and science fiction author who lives in Adelaide, Australia. He was born 1967.
Orphans consists of three books. The current recommended reading order for the series is provided below.