Rules of Engagement
Rules of Engagement
A sudden revolution on the planet Dekkanar brings Captain Kirk and the U.S.S. Enterprise running to evacate Federation personnel trapped there. But their orders from Starfleet are quite clear; the U.S.S. Enterprise is to assist in the evacuation, no more. No weapons are to be displayed, no shields raised, no shots fired.
Meanwhile, halfway across the galaxy, an experimental Klingon warship sets forth on a mission of its own, a warship with hidden – and heretofore undreamed of – capabilities, commanded by a warrior who will stop at nothing to bring glory to his Empire – and restore his own lost honor.
The Klingon ship's destination? The planet Dekkanar...
Star Trek: The Original Series (numbered novels)
Star Trek: The Original Series (numbered novels) consists of ninety-seven books. The current recommended reading order for the series is provided below.
Main series Star Trek: The Original Series