The Face of the Enemy
Whilst the Doctor and Jo are away from Earth the Brigadier is confronted with open warfare on the streets of Britain. He and UNIT have to rely on an old adversary to help them save Earth.
David A. McIntee
David A. McIntee has written many tie-in novels in such franchises as Dr Who, Star Trek, Final Destination and Space 1999. He has also written comics adapting the work of Ray Harryhausen, William Shatner and John Saul. He has been a regular features contributor to many genre media magazines, and has written academic studies about the Aliens and Predator series, Blakes 7, and others. He has also run re-enactment demos of Ancient Egyptian events.
Doctor Who: The Past Doctor Adventures
Doctor Who: The Past Doctor Adventures consists of seventy-seven books. The current recommended reading order for the series is provided below.
Main series Doctor Who