A graphic novel. Illustrated by Xian Nu Studio.
The stakes are rising, and Rika finds it harder to ignore Faerie politics. As a former mortal and now a solitary faery, she has relished the isolation and freedom of the desert. But new players are seeking power, and old allies are imperiled. As tensions mount, Rika must decide whether — and how — to act to save her independence and her romance with Jayce.
Melissa Marr
Melissa has never been good at choosing just one path. After finishing high school with the dubious honor of being voted "most likely to end up in jail," she went to college and graduate school. There curiosity (and tuition bills) led her to the dual jobs of teaching and slinging drinks at a biker bar. During the daylit hours, she indulged in long literary chats; at night, she lingered with intriguing people with one word names.
Desert Tales
Desert Tales consists of three books. The current recommended reading order for the series is provided below.
Main series Wicked Lovely