The Dead of Winter
Edited by Robert Lynn Asprin and Lynn Abbey. Cover art by Gary Ruddell. Cover: Armies of the dead enticed across the White Foal River by a trail of blood.
Welcome to Sanctuary, a city of outlaws and advernturers in a world of war and wizardry, peopled with colorful characters created by today's top fantasy adventure talents, including:
Robert W. Bailey
C. J. Cherryh
Diane Duane
Janet Morris
Andrew Offutt
Diana L. Paxson
Lynn Abbey
Robert Lynn Asprin
In this awesome seventh volume, a fearful cold grips Sanctuary, and the risen dead begin to outnumber the living, a new alliance that may save the war-torn Borderlands is born...
- Dramatis Personae by Lynn Abbey
- Introduction by Robert Lynn Asprin
- Hell to Pay by Janet Morris
- The Veiled Lady, or A Look at the Normal Folk by Andrew Offutt
- The God-Chosen by Lynn Abbey
- Keeping Promises by Robin W. Bailey
- Armies of the Night by C.J. Cherryh
- Down by the Riverside by Diane Duane
- When the Spirit Moves You by Robert Lynn Asprin
- The Color of Magic by Diana L. Paxson
- Afterword by Andrew Offutt
Robert Asprin
Robert Lynn Asprin (1946–2008) was an American science fiction and fantasy author. He is best known for his humorous Myth Adventures series.
Thieves' World (original novels)
Thieves' World (original novels) consists of twelve books. The current recommended reading order for the series is provided below.
Main series Thieves' World