Before the Universe
A collection of stories.
At the mysterious nexus where space and time cease to be lie worlds of fearful wizardry and dazzling enchantment. Worlds where humans slumber awaiting their savior... or their executioner. Where a race of sea creatures can colonize Earth and transplant its inhabitants to another dimension. Where protean beings transform themselves at will. And two crazy geniuses go back to the beginning, the very beginning. To play God.
Frederik Pohl
Frederik George Pohl, Jr. (1919-2013) was an American science fiction writer, editor and fan, with a career spanning over seventy years. From about 1959 until 1969, Pohl edited Galaxy magazine and its sister magazine If, winning the Hugo for if three years in a row. His writing also won him three Hugos and multiple Nebula Awards. He became a Nebula Grand Master in 1993.
Frederik Pohl used these pseudonyms: Edson McCann, Jordan Park, Elton V. Andrews, Paul Fleur, Lee Gregor, Warren F. Howard, Scott Mariner, Ernst Mason, James McCreigh, Dirk Wilson, Donald Stacy and James MacCreigh.