Menolly - Mistress of Music, Ward of Fire Lizards
Every two hundred years or so, shimmering threads fall, raining black ruin on Fern. The great dragons of Fern hurl themselves through the beleaguered skies, flaming tongues of fire to destroy deadly Thread and save the planet.
It was not Threadfall that made Menolly unhappy. It was her Ether who betrayed her ambition to be a Harper, who thwarted her love of music. Menolly had no choice but to run away. She came upon a group of fire lizards, wild relatives of the fire-breathing dragons. Her music swirled about them; she taught nine to sing, suddenly Menolly was no longer alone.
Anne McCaffrey
Anne Inez McCaffrey (1926-2011) was born in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. She was married and had three children. She lived in Dragonhold-Underhill in Wicklow County, Ireland.
McCaffrey studied Slavonic Languages and Literature in Radcliffe College and made career in music theatre before starting to write.
She is best known for her Pern-series. Her son Todd McCaffrey is also writing for the series, so more adventures are coming.
The Harper Hall Trilogy
The Harper Hall Trilogy consists of three books. The current recommended reading order for the series is provided below.
Main series Pern