Tales from the Planet Earth
Edited by Frederik Pohl and Elizabeth Anne Hull.
- Report From the Planet Earth (essay) by Frederik Pohl
- The Last Word (essay) by Elizabeth Anne Hull
- Sitting Around the Pool, Soaking Up the Rays by Frederik Pohl
- The Thursday Events by Ye Yonglie
- User Friendly by Spider Robinson
- Life as an Ant by André Carneiro
- Fiddling for Waterbuffaloes by S.P. Somtow (as by Somtow Sucharitkul)
- S Is for Snake by Lino Aldani
- The Divided Carla by Josef Nesvadba
- The View From the Top of the Tower by Harry Harrison
- Don't Knock the Rock by A. Bertram Chandler
- The Owl of Bear Island by Jon Bing
- Contacts of a Fourth Kind by Ljuben Dilov
- Infestation by Brian W. Aldiss
- In the Blink of an Eye by Carlos Maria Federici
- Particularly Difficult Territory by Janusz A. Zajdel
- Time Everlasting by Sam Lundwall
- The Middle Kingdom by Tong Enzheng and Elizabeth Anne Hull
- On the Inside Track by Karl-Michael Armer
- The Legend of the Paper Spaceship by Tetsu Yano
- We Servants of the Stars by Frederik Pohl
- Notes on Contributors (essay)
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Category: Science Fiction, Anthology
Release date: 1986
Frederik Pohl
Frederik George Pohl, Jr. (1919-2013) was an American science fiction writer, editor and fan, with a career spanning over seventy years. From about 1959 until 1969, Pohl edited Galaxy magazine and its sister magazine If, winning the Hugo for if three years in a row. His writing also won him three Hugos and multiple Nebula Awards. He became a Nebula Grand Master in 1993.
Frederik Pohl used these pseudonyms: Edson McCann, Jordan Park, Elton V. Andrews, Paul Fleur, Lee Gregor, Warren F. Howard, Scott Mariner, Ernst Mason, James McCreigh, Dirk Wilson, Donald Stacy and James MacCreigh.