City of Blades
A densely atmospheric and intrigue-filled fantasy novel, set in the same world as the author’s City of Stairs
A few months ago, General Turyin Mulaghesh was one of the most powerful people in all the Saypur empire.
Then, for reasons known to nobody but herself, Mulaghesh abruptly turned her back on a position most people could only dream of.
Now? Now she’s about to be shuffled off to one of those backwater postings where lame-duck senior officers like her are put out to pasture, left to count down the days before she draws her military pension and heads off into a long, lonely retirement.
At least, that’s the cover story.
The truth is that the general has been pressed into service one last time, dispatched to investigate a discovery only she’s qualified to make sense of, one with the potential to change the world — or destroy it.
The trouble is that this old soldier isn’t at all sure she’s still got what it takes to play the hero.
Robert Jackson Bennett
Robert Jackson Bennett is a two-time award winner of the Shirley Jackson Award for Best Novel, an Edgar Award winner for Best Paperback Original, and is also the 2010 recipient of the Sydney J Bounds Award for Best Newcomer, and a Philip K Dick Award Citation of Excellence. City of Stairs was shortlisted for the Locus Award and the World Fantasy Award. City of Blades was a finalist for the 2015 World Fantasy, Locus, and British Fantasy Awards. City of Miracles is in stores now, and the entire Divine Cities trilogy is currently nominated for a Hugo Award for Best Series.
Robert lives in Austin with his wife and large sons.
The Divine Cities
The Divine Cities consists of three books. The current recommended reading order for the series is provided below.