Warcraft: The Official Movie Novelization
The peaceful realm of Azeroth stands on the brink of war as its civilization faces a fearsome race of invaders: Orc warriors fleeing their dying home to colonize another. As a portal opens to connect the two worlds, one army faces destruction and the other faces extinction. From opposing sides, two heroes are set on a collision course that will decide the fate of their family, their people and their home. So begins a spectacular saga of power and sacrifice in which war has many faces, and everyone fights for something.
Christie Golden
Christie Golden (born 1963) is an award winning author who lives in Denver, Colorado, United States.
She also writes under the pseudonym of Jadrien Bell.
WarCraft consists of three primary books, and includes two additional books that complement the series but are not considered mandatory reads. The current recommended reading order for the series is provided below.
Related series WarCraft: War of the Ancients
Related series WarCraft: World of WarCraft