The Tired Sounds, A Wake
A novella. Cover and interior art by Justine Jones.
'The Tired Sounds, A Wake' explores the contours of a marriage, questioning the traditional dynamic and how it must change. As a wife and husband are each confronted by a strange, wordless visitor bearing gifts, their alternating paths test the familiar thread that is woven through the decades of every life partnership.
Michael Wehunt
Michael Wehunt grew up in North Georgia, close enough to the Appalachians to feel them but not quite easily see them. There were woods, and woodsmoke, and warmth. He did not make it far when he left, falling sixty miles south to the lost city of Atlanta, where he lives today, with fewer woods but still many trees. He writes. He reads. Robert Aickman fidgets next to Flannery O’Connor on his favorite bookshelf.
His short fiction has appeared in various places, and his debut collection, Greener Pastures, will be published in spring of 2016 by Shock Totem Publications.