Shattered Legions
Edited by Laurie Goulding.
After the massacre at Isstvan V, the broken remnants of three Legions formed a guerrilla force dedicated to slowing Horus's advance on Terra. The ten tales in this volume relate exceptional stories of heroism by these Shattered Legions.
Driven almost to the brink of self-destruction at Isstvan V, the Iron Hands now seek vengeance for the murder of their primarch Ferrus Manus. Gathering survivors from the Raven Guard and the Salamanders aboard any vessels capable of warp travel, these Shattered Legions wage a new campaign of annihilation against the traitor forces across the galaxy – a campaign masterminded by legendary warleader Shadrak Meduson. This Horus Heresy anthology contains ten short stories by authors including Dan Abnett, Chris Wraight, John French and many more. Also, in the novella The Seventh Serpent, Graham McNeill revisits the ragtag crew of the starship Sisypheum as they are drawn into a war of subterfuge against the Alpha Legion.
Meduson by Dan Abnett
The Noose by David Annandale
The Keys of Hel by John French
Unforged & Unspoken by Guy Haley
Immortal Duty by Nick Kyme
The Either & The Seventh Serpent by Graham McNeill
Deeds Endure by Gav Thorpe
Grey Talon & The Hand Elect by Chris Wraight
Laurie Goulding
Laurie Goulding was born in London, grew up in Burton-upon-Trent, and then experienced a slight regression in Winchester before finally settling in Nottingham. As the original director of Black Library TV, he would regularly make the authors uncomfortable by sticking a camera in their faces – now he achieves the same effect by wielding a red pen as a member of the editorial team.
Warhammer 40,000: The Horus Heresy
Warhammer 40,000: The Horus Heresy consists of fifty-four primary books, and includes one additional book that complement the series but is not considered mandatory reads. The current recommended reading order for the series is provided below.
Main series Warhammer 40,000
Related series The Horus Heresy: Primarchs
Related series The Horus Heresy: The Siege of Terra