Assassin Marked
A short story.
An interplanetary crime syndicate.
A debt, long overdue.
An assassin gone rogue.
Love. Revenge. Betrayal.
Although he knows it will mean the end of his relationship with both the Crime Syndicate and his long-time lover, Captain Victoria Maruska, Damian can’t let sleeping dogs lie. After overcoming his captain’s well-intended efforts to hold him back, Damian sets off to exact his revenge on the man who had once left him to die on the barren wastelands of Earth....
Victoria may not know where to look, but she knows she has to find him. Following Damian’s disappearance and the not-so-mysterious murder of one of his superiors, the Syndicate has called Captain Maruska’s loyalty into question. As a result, she has been assigned the unenviable job of leading a task force to hunt him down....
On the outs with his lover and on the run from trained killers, Damian DuFonte is...
An Assassin Marked.
Michael C. Sahd
Michael C. Sahd grew up in Santa Fe, New Mexico. From a young age, he read voraciously, particularly in the fields of fantasy and science fiction. Shortly after becoming a teenager, he learned to play and enjoy fantasy games such as Dungeons and Dragons. At around the same time, he began writing stories and D&D campaigns of his own.
As an adult, Michael attended the College of Santa Fe, studying in the fields of English and literature. During this time, he honed his writing skills and expanded his writing portfolio. Although he has completed numerous short stories, Assassin Marked represents his debut published work.
The DuFonte Chronicles
The DuFonte Chronicles consists of one book. The current recommended reading order for the series is provided below.