The Guns of the South
January 1864 – General Robert E. Lee faces defeat. The Army of Northern
Virginia is ragged and ill-equpped. Gettysburg has broken the back of
the Confederacy and decimated its manpower.
Andries Rhoodie, a strange man with an unplaceable accent, approaches
Lee with an extraordinary offer. Rhoodie demonstrates an amazing rifle;
its rate of fire is incredible, its lethal efficiency breathtaking – and
Rhoodie guarantees unlimited quantities to the Confederates.
The name of the weapon is the AK-47...
Harry Turtledove
Harry Norman Turtledove (born 1949) is an American historian and novelist. He writes historical fiction, alternate history, science fiction and fantasy novels.
Harry Turtledove has written books under three pseudonyms: Eric Iverson, Dan Chernenko and H. N. Turteltaub.
Photo source: Wikimedia Commons.