The Last Castle
A novella. First published in book form as half of an Ace Double (with World of the Sleeper by Tony R. Wayman) in 1967. Underwood & Miller hardcover edition published in 1980.
Hugo Award for Best Novellette 1967, Nebula Award for Best Novella 1966.
First Castle Halcyon fell, then Sea Island, then Morninglight, then Maraval – one by one, with their gauze-clad Phanes, ancient books and subtle essences, the proud castles of Earth fell before the rebellious Meks, until only Castle Hagedorn was left.
For 700 years the Meks had served without complaint; they were indispensable – for no true gentleman would demean himself with the indignity of toil. Now, for no discernible reason, they were about to destroy the genteel civilization of Earth.
But the cultured aristocrats were too proud to lower themselves by dealing with the Mek rebellion. Even as their turrets crumbled around them they chose to remain dignified and aloof.
Someone had to DO something... Hagedorn was the last castle.
Jack Vance
John Holbrook "Jack" Vance (1916–2013) was an American mystery, fantasy and science fiction writer. Though most of his work has been published as by Jack Vance, he also wrote 11 mystery novels using his full name John Holbrook Vance, three under the pseudonym Ellery Queen, and once each using the pseudonyms Alan Wade, Peter Held, John van See, and Jay Kavanse.
Vance won the World Fantasy Award for Life Achievement in 1984 and he was a Guest of Honor at the 1992 World Science Fiction Convention in Orlando, Florida. The Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America made him its 14th Grand Master in 1997 and the Science Fiction Hall of Fame inducted him in 2001, its sixth class of two deceased and two living writers.