The Black Raven
Book Two of The Dragon Mage
The second novel in the exciting new series, The Dragon Mage – and the tenth in the Deverry Cycle – The Black Raven continues the tales begun in The Red Wyvern.
At the end of the Civil Wars, Prince Maryn stands on the brink of bringing peace at last to the torn kingdom, but powerful magics threaten his reign and his life. Only Nevyn's young apprentice, Lilli, can see the horrifying power of the curse, her dead mother's legacy of evil, that could bring disaster upon them all. But she has only untried magic for a weapon as she fights to save her beloved prince.
Centuries later, the ancient evil rises again, threatening a raging tide of war that could destroy Deverry forever. Out in the lonely Northlands the savage Horsekin are gathering their armies to march west and conquer the kingdom promised them by their blood-maddened goddess, Alshandra, and her human priestess, Raena. Directly in their path lies the peaceful city of Cerr Cawnen, trembling in the fear of war.
Katharine Kerr
Katharine Kerr was born in Cleveland, Ohio in 1944 to a family which considered itself British-in-exile far more than American. In 1962, she moved to the San Francisco Bay Area, and has lived there ever since.
In 1979 a friend gave Katherine her first fantasy role-playing game. She became so intrigued with gaming and with the fantasy field that she began writing articles for gaming magazines, and for some time was a contributing editor to ‘Dragon’ magazine, as well as devising gaming modules. Now, however, she is devoting herself exclusively to fiction.
Deverry Series
Deverry Series consists of fifteen primary books, and includes one additional book that complement the series but is not considered mandatory reads. The current recommended reading order for the series is provided below.
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