Shadow's Seventh Step
Ruwen wants nothing more than to relax in the Third Secret and recover from the terrible damage to his core. Escaping the ambush in the Infernal Realm had come at a steep cost—one that means no Spirit use until he heals.
Unfortunately, rest is one more thing that needs to wait, because the Bamboo Viper Master’s trial started days ago, and not participating results in the purging of his Step knowledge. Not something he wants to risk.
Joining the trial holds extra danger for Ruwen because fighting the Infernal God forced him to use forbidden Shadow Clan knowledge, breaking an oath, and the Founders will certainly punish him. But he’s spent the last eighteen months intensely training for the worst, so the peril doesn’t frighten him.
What does make Ruwen pause is the chaos back home, because attending the Master’s trial will delay his return. But the Steps hold no more secrets from him, and finishing the testing quickly will be trivial. His homecoming will barely notice the delay.
Entering the Master’s trial, Ruwen learns there are seven secrets, not six, and his assumptions quickly fall apart. The Founders deliver additional troubles, as the consequences of his broken oath spread further than he thought possible.
Ruwen's seemingly straightforward trial may prove a trap, and instead of leaving a Master of the Bamboo Viper Step Clan, he may fail to unravel the mystery of the seventh step and spend eternity in the shadow’s darkness. Even if he survives it, the terrible judgment of the Founders awaits, and amid all this uncertainty an ancient relic delivers a misfortunate prophecy that if left unheeded, declares death will surely find him.
A.F. Kay
AFK is the pen name of Ripht, a monk still wandering the Crypt of Dalnir looking for the Lumpy Goo that refuses to drop his Fighting Baton. Some of AFK's best memories happened online, and the Divine Apostasy, a LitRPG series, is his attempt to relive those days in some small part.
AFK spent decades away from the keyboard as he figured out life, the universe, and everything. Eventually, the voices in his head demanded their stories be told, and his professional writing journey began. He writes wonder-filled books that are safe for middle-graders and enjoyable for adults.
Divine Apostasy
Divine Apostasy consists of eleven books, and the series is set to expand with the upcoming release of one more book. The current recommended reading order for the series is provided below.