Vault Ravaged. Titan Fallen. Fugitives in Flight.
Felix and his friends have escaped the Undermount laden with spoils, a belly full of power, and most importantly: another Unbound at their side. Yet, their triumph is shadowed by the pursuit of the Dwarven Hinterlords, Hierocratic soldiers, and a sinister truth haunting Felix’s Mind.
Imara, Chosen Vessel of the Pathless, is his sister—and he failed to save her.
Encircled by two armies, uncaring mountains, and his newfound sister's oppressive power, the team is forced to face the long path… a crucible so demanding, they must transcend their limitations just to survive. As for Felix, the Unbound must evolve beyond what should be possible, grasping every scrap of power he can muster.
He's got a god to kill.
Nicoli Gonnella
Nicoli Gonnella spent his formative years atop a mountain, breathing deep of the world energy and expelling impurities from his soul. Also he went to school and stuff. He always wrote but now he's abandoned everything to do it full time. Readers give him strength, spirit bomb style, and there's no telling how strong he will become. This isn't even his final form.
He lives with his wife, two kids, and a corgi named Cornelius.
Unbound consists of ten books, and the series is set to expand with the upcoming release of two more books. The current recommended reading order for the series is provided below.