A Song for Arbonne
Locus Award nominee 1993.
Until the sun dies and the moons fall, Gorhut and Arbonne shall not lie easily beside each other...
and sun-blessed in the south, a country of olive trees and vineyards,
of troubadours and courts of love, of the sensuous, flamboyant women
and men who worship the mother goddess. A land of intense and enduring
passions where two powerful dukes feud over the love and death of a
woman and the disappearance of her child.
Land of
hard, dour northern men, pious in their worship of the god Corannos and
rapacious in war. Ruled by an ambitious, debauched young king under the
subtle, manipulative guidance of Galbert, High Elder of the god, the
warriors of Gorhaut look south and see a land ripe for the taking,
ruled by a woman and blasphemously worshipping a goddess.
through these two very different worlds is Blaise, a sardonic, bitter
northern mercenary who serves amidst the cultured decadence of Arbonne.
In a time of testing and great peril, the men and women of both
countries find their lives – and their ideas of what life should be –
placed squarely in the balance. And Blaise is forced to confron the
darkest secrets of his past and the sharply branching pathways of the
“A thoughtful, literate adventure filled with rich details and vivid characters.” – San Francisco Chronicle
Guy Gavriel Kay
Guy Gavriel Kay (born 1954, Canada) is the internationally bestselling author of twelve books. He has been awarded the International Goliardos Prize for his work in the literature of the fantastic, is a two-time winner of the Aurora Award, and has been nominated five times for the World Fantasy Award. His works have been translated into 22 languages. He was retained by J.R.R. Tolkien's estate to work with Christopher Tolkien in the reconstruction of the posthumously published Tolkien work, The Silmarillion.