Krampus and the Crone
Can a horned alien warrior and an isolated woman grant two children their holiday wish for a family?
Jaelle is lonely. Ostracized by the village, like her mother and grandmother before her, she poses as an old witch in order to eke out a meager living selling herbal remedies to people who don't want to admit they need her help. When children start disappearing from the village, she is determined to find an answer to the riddle. She doesn't expect to find a massive, horned alien - one who sees through all her disguises.
Since crash-landing on K.R.S Three, Commander Krampusarian D'Marchandar spends his time working on his ship and secretly observing the other inhabitants. During his explorations, he discovers a strange, beautiful female. It is an impossible attraction - but when he sees her treatment at the hands of the other villagers, he decides she is his to protect.
A sweet and steamy holiday tale featuring two precocious orphans, a determined heroine, an unexpected hero, and, of course, a very happy ending! (Intended for mature audiences.)
Honey Phillips
USA Today bestselling author Honey Phillips writes steamy science fiction romance about hot alien warriors and the Earth women they can’t resist. From abductions to invasions, the ride might be rough, but the end always satisfies.
Honey wrote and illustrated her first book at the tender age of five. Her writing has improved since then. Her drawing skills, unfortunately, have not. She loves writing, reading, traveling, cooking, and drinking champagne - not necessarily in that order.
Horned Holidays
Horned Holidays consists of four primary books, and includes one additional book that complement the series but is not considered mandatory reads. The current recommended reading order for the series is provided below.
Book Reviews
I really enjoyed this story and all the characters in it including the two kids Whit and Cinna that end up with Krampusarian and Jaelle. The epilogue was also fun and I am looking forward to reading the next book in this series as well as many other books by this author in the future.