Knight of Shadows
Sign of Chaos, the last Amber novel, ended in a violent magical confrontation between Merlin Corey and his maniacal half-brother Jurt at the Keep of the Four Worlds. Deafened and bloodied by exploding spells of Power, threatened and confused by the alliance of Jurt with the powerful and msyterious sorcerer Mask, Merlin strategically deployed his limited magic against the near-infinite resources of the Fount of Power - and succeeded. Jurt, forced to retreat, carried off the body of the stricken Mask, whose face - glimpsed by Merlin at the last instant - was the face of Merlin's lover, Julia.
Now, in Knight of Shadows, Merlin doggedly pursues the mysterious disappearances of the two people dearest to him: Julia, once murdered and now reincarnated as his enemy; and his father, Corwin, never visible, who nevertheless leaves behind tantalizing signs of life and purpose.
But the powers of Order and Chaos intervene, attempting to force Merlin to choose once and for all where his allegiance lies: with the Courts of Chaos or with Amber, with the Logrus or the Unicorn.
Roger Zelazny
Roger Zelazny (1937–1995) was an American writer of fantasy and science fiction short stories and novels. He won the Nebula award three times and the Hugo award six times, including two Hugos for novels This Immortal (1965) and the novel Lord of Light (1967).
Zelazny was born in Ohio, the only child of Polish immigrant Joseph Zelazny and Irish-American Josephine Sweet. In high school, Roger Zelazny was the editor of the school newspaper and joined the Creative Writing Club. He was accepted to Columbia University in New York to study English and specialized in Elizabethan and Jacobean drama, graduating with an M.A. in 1962.
The Chronicles of Amber
The Chronicles of Amber consists of ten primary books, and includes one additional book that complement the series but is not considered mandatory reads. The current recommended reading order for the series is provided below.
Related series The Dawn of Amber