With the fall of the ancient Thallonian Empire, civil war threatens the planet of Zondar. The arrival of the U.S.S Excalibur is greeted with relief and celebration by the anxious populace, and Captain Mackenzie Calhoun, fresh from his cataclysmic escape form the Thallonian throneworld, is acclaimed as their prophesied savior. But one believer's messiah is another's blasphemer - and a prime candidate for martyrdom.
When Captain Calhoun is captured, Lieutenant Commander Burgoyne must find him before an alien fleet launched a holy war against the Federation!
Peter David
Peter Allen David (born 1956) is an American author. He is best known for his work in comic books and Star Trek novels.
Peter David has also written novels under the pseudonym of David Peters.
Star Trek: New Frontier
Star Trek: New Frontier consists of sixteen primary books, and includes three additional books that complement the series but are not considered mandatory reads. The current recommended reading order for the series is provided below.
Main series Star Trek