A Stone in Heaven
With A Stone in Heaven, Poul Anderson has brought the career of Dominic Flandry full cycle. From the beginning, Flandry has piece by piece mortgaged his soul that the long night of Galactic barbarism might be held off just a little longer.
Now, face to face with his personal long night, Flandry is offered one last chance for love and honor in a universe he has come to believe holds neither...
Poul Anderson
Poul Anderson (1926–2001) was born in Pennsylvania of Scandinavian stock. He started publishing science fiction in 1947 and became one the great figures in the genre, serving as President of the Science Fiction Writers of America, winning many Hugo and Nebula awards, and also winning the Gandalf (Grand Master) Award.
Dominic Flandry (Terran Empire)
Dominic Flandry (Terran Empire) consists of 11 total books. The current recommended reading order for the series is provided below.
Main series Technic History