Advance and Retreat
When Avram became King of Detina, he declared he intended to liberate
the blond serfs from their ties to the land. This noble assertion
immediately plunged the kingdom into a civil war that would prove long
and bloody, and set brother against brother. The northern provinces,
dependent on their serf's labor, seceded, choosing Avram's cousin, Grand Duke Geoffrey, as their king. To save the kingdom, Avram sent armies
clad in gray against the slave-holding North, battling Geoffrey's army,
arrayed in blue.
Though King Avram held more land and wealth than Geoffrey, Geoffrey's
men were better soldiers and the North had better and more powerful
wizards. Still, as the war raged on, greater population and superior
organization began to tell and the tide turned against the North.
Even so, the war is far from over. The South still faces two formidable
leaders: General Bell, whose loss of a leg has only strengthened his
resolve, and Ned of the Forest, whose unicorn riders are the most
dangerous force on the Northern side. And though the Southern sorcerers
have become more adept at war spells, use of sorcery is
unpredictable – as the North learned earlier when its forces held an
almost impregnable position, but retreated in terror when an
overconfident sorcerer's spell went awry.
Though victory seems in sight for the South, its armies must now battle
the North on its own ground, ground which will prove treacherous and
Harry Turtledove
Harry Norman Turtledove (born 1949) is an American historian and novelist. He writes historical fiction, alternate history, science fiction and fantasy novels.
Harry Turtledove has written books under three pseudonyms: Eric Iverson, Dan Chernenko and H. N. Turteltaub.
Photo source: Wikimedia Commons.
War Between the Provinces
War Between the Provinces consists of three books. The current recommended reading order for the series is provided below.