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Alphabetic search for authors: r

Found authors: 715
Sara Raasch
Raasch, Sara

Sara Raasch has known she was destined for bookish things since the age of five, when her friends had a lemonade stand and she tagged along to sell her hand-drawn picture books too. Not much has changed since then: her friends still cock concerned eyebrows when she attempts to draw things, and her enthusiasm for the written word still drives her to extreme measures. She is also the New York Times bestselling author of the Snow Like Ashes series and These Rebel Waves.

Samer Rabadi
Rabadi, Samer

Samer Rabadi grew up devouring stories of science fiction and fantasy. Books have always been his second home, and he practically lived at the library as a kid. Being able to share his own writings with others is a wish come true.

Jean Rabe
Rabe, Jean

Jean Rabe is an author and role-playing fan. She has written numerous fantasy and science fiction novels and short stories in Dragonlance, Forgotten Realms, and Star Wars settings.

Rosanne Rabinowitz
Rabinowitz, Rosanne

In her own words:

"I started writing when I produced ‘zines in the 1990s like Feminaxe and Bad Attitude, contributing articles, reviews and interviews. Then I began to make stuff up. My fiction has since found its way into anthologies and magazines and I completed a creative writing MA at Sheffield Hallam University. My novella Helen's Story was a finalist for the 2013 Shirley Jackson Award for achievement in the ‘literature of the dark fantastic’. I live in South London, an area that Arthur Machen once described as "shapeless, unmeaning, dreary, dismal beyond words." In this most unshapen place I engage in a variety of occupations including care work, copywriting and freelance editing. I spend a lot of time drinking coffee and listening to loud music while looking out my tenth-floor window. Sometimes it's whisky."

Daniel A. Rabuzzi
Rabuzzi, Daniel A.

Daniel A. Rabuzzi studied folklore and mythology in college and graduate school, and keeps one foot firmly in the Other Realm. His fiction and poetry have appeared in Sybil’s Garage, Shimmer, ChiZine, Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet, Abyss & Apex, Goblin Fruit, Mannequin Envy and Scheherezade’s Bequest. The Choir Boats, the first volume of his Longing for Yount series, was published through ChiZine Publications in 2009, followed by the second volume, The Indigo Pheasant, in 2012.

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Amy Raby
Raby, Amy

Amy Raby is literally a product of the U.S. space program, since her parents met working for NASA on the Apollo missions. After earning her bachelor's in Computer Science from the University of Washington, Amy settled in the Pacific Northwest with her family.

Kate Racculia
Racculia, Kate

Kate is a novelist living in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. She is the author of the novels This Must Be the Place and Bellweather Rhapsody, winner of the American Library Association’s Alex Award. Her third novel, Tuesday Mooney Talks to Ghosts, was published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt in 2019.

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Holly Race
Race, Holly

Holly Race works as a development executive in the film and TV industry, most recently with Aardman Animations. Holly is a Faber Academy graduate, and Midnight's Twins is her debut novel and the first in a trilogy. Holly lives in Cambridge with her family.

Melanie Rachel
Rachel, Melanie

Melanie Rachel is a university professor and long time Jane Austen fan. She was born in Southern California, but has also lived in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Washington, and Arizona, where she now resides with her family and their two dogs.

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John Rackham
Rackham, John

John Rackham is a pseudonym of John T. Phillifent.

Alexis Radcliff
Radcliff, Alexis

Alexis Radcliff is an author, gamer, unashamed geek, and history junkie who spent the better part of a decade working in tech before dedicating herself to her first love, literature. A Vanishing Glow, her debut novel, is the opening book in her Mystech Arcanum series, an exciting blend of steampunk and flintlock fantasy with mature themes.

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Ann Radcliffe
Radcliffe, Ann

Ann Radcliffe (1764–1823) was an English author and the pioneer of Gothic fiction. Her technique of explaining apparently supernatural elements in her novels has been credited with gaining Gothic fiction respectability in the 1790s. Radcliffe was the most popular writer of her day and almost universally admired; contemporary critics called her the mighty enchantress and the Shakespeare of romance-writers, and her popularity continued through the 19th century. Interest has revived in the early 21st century, with the publication of paperback reprints and three biographies.

Irene Radford
Radford, Irene

Irene Radford also writes under the pseudonyms of P. R. Frost, C. F. Bentley and Rachel Atwood.

Honour Rae
Rae, Honour

My life changed the day I found a genre where you quantify magic into stats...

Christy Raedeke
Raedeke, Christy

Christy Raedeke is a writer and travel addict. She has trekked in the Himalayas, spent Halloween in a 16th century Scottish castle, dived into bottomless cenotes in the Yucatan jungle, studied feng shui in Kuala Lumpur, been dropped by floatplane into the wilds of British Columbia, stood atop the Jungfrau in Switzerland, floated down the River Ganges, explored Zeus's cave on Crete, climbed Mayan pyramids in Chiapas, explored the catacombs under Paris and Rome, melted her shoes on the lava fields of the Mauna Loa volcano, and body surfed in the Libyan sea.

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Eliza Raine
Raine, Eliza

Eliza Raine writes mythology-inspired fantasy romance that is fast-paced, full of magic, adventure and couples who will set the world on fire for each other. She lives near Reading in England with her husband, three cats, and outrageously cute puppy. She has a BA Hons in History and has a deep-rooted passion for mythology and stories about women who don't need rescuing.

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Stephen Mark Rainey
Rainey, Stephen Mark

Stephen Mark Rainey (born 1959) is an American author of novels, short stories, and various works of nonfiction. From 1987 to 1997, he edited Deathrealm, a magazine of horror and dark fantasy fiction, for which he won several awards for Best Editor.

Luna Rains
Rains, Luna

Hey there, I'm Luna Rains, a writer in my 30s with an insatiable passion for crafting steamy paranormal romance novels. Growing up beneath the spellbinding Carolina skies, I was raised on a steady diet of Southern charm and eerie legends that ignited my fascination with the supernatural.

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Hannu Rajaniemi
Rajaniemi, Hannu

Hannu Rajaniemi (born 1978) is Scottish-based Finnish SF writer. Rajaniemi's short fiction has featured in Interzone, Finnish magazines, the anthology Nova Scotia and two Best of the Year SF anthologies. Hannu has a Ph. D. in string theory and is a co-founder of ThinkTank Maths Limited, a technology consultancy.

Hannu Rajaniemi's favorite word is lumi.

Adam Rakunas
Rakunas, Adam

Adam Rakunas was born, raised, and educated in Southern California. He has been a virtual world developer, a parking lot attendant, a triathlon race director, a fast food cashier, and an online marketing consultant. Now a stay-at-home dad, Adam splits his non-parenting time between writing, playing the cello, and political rabble-rousing. His stories have appeared in Futurismic and the Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction. Windswept is his first novel.

Akshaya Raman
Raman, Akshaya

Akshaya Raman was born in India and immigrated to the United States with her parents at age nine. She is a cofounder of and contributor to Writer’s Block Party, a group blog about writing and publishing, and has served on the planning teams of the Boston Teen Author Festival and DivBookFest. She lives in the Bay Area. The Ivory Key is her debut novel.

Cat Rambo
Rambo, Cat

Cat Rambo is an American fantasy and science fiction writer whose work has appeared in, among others, Asimov's, Weird Tales, Chiaroscuro, Talebones, and Strange Horizons. A graduate of the Johns Hopkins Writing Seminars, where she studied with John Barth and Steve Dixon, she attended the Clarion West Writers' Workshop in 2005. She is currently the managing editor of Fantasy Magazine. Her collaboration with Jeff VanderMeer, The Surgeon’s Tale and Other Stories, appeared in 2007, and her collection of stories, Eyes Like Sky And Coal And Moonlight, is available from Paper Golem Press. She lives and writes in Washington State, and “Cat Rambo” is her real name.

D. Hale Rambo
Rambo, D. Hale

D. Hale Rambo is an avid reader, Pathfinder/Dungeons & Dragons player, bubble bath connoisseur, and author. She has been writing and creating other worlds since she was old enough to mark them on her bedroom wall. As a dungeon master and in life, D. Hale Rambo believes in the fun of morale bonuses, inspiration, and always using cover. Get updates on the series, say hello, or debate with her about the versatility of gnomes at

David Ramirez
Ramirez, David

David Ramirez is an ex-scientist who divides his time between Oakland, CA, and Manila, Phillipines. Once a molecular biologist who worked on the Human Genome Project, Ramirez returned to the Philippines to get married. He currently dabbles in computer science and programmed part of the information system for the chronobiologists of EUCLOCK, a cooperative project between European research groups on the study of circadian rhythms in model organisms and humans.

Ayn Rand
Rand, Ayn

Ayn Rand (Alisa Zinov'yevna Rosenbaum, 1905–1982), was a Russian-American novelist, philosopher, playwright, and screenwriter. She is known for her best-selling novels and for developing a philosophical system she called Objectivism.

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Breanne Randall
Randall, Breanne

Breanne Randall is a freelance writer by trade and an author by vocation. She graduated with honors with degrees in English Literature, Psychology, and Religious Studies, and her articles have been published in national magazines such as Parents, Fit Pregnancy, Good Housekeeping, Family Circle et al. as well as regular contributions to sites such as Disney Family, SheKnows, Bustle, et al. A seasoned traveler, she imbues her stories with the magic and culture collected from the over forty countries she’s visited.

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Marta Randall
Randall, Marta

Marta Randall (born 1948) is a science fiction writer.

In addition to writing numerous science fiction novels and short fiction, Marta Randall has edited the New Dimensions science fiction anthology series, and Nebula Awards 19.

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Robert Randall
Randall, Robert

Robert Randall is a pseudonym of Randall Garrett and Robert Silverberg.

Barbara Randell
Randell, Barbara

Barbara was born in a small Australian town in 1942, then educated for 9 years in a one-roomed school with all grades taught by a single teacher. She left home at 14, to spend 4 years in a girls’ boarding school, followed by 8 years at Universities, where she became an environmental scientist. After marrying and raising 2 daughters, she taught in high schools, universities and adult education for 20 years. She is now widowed and has a teenage grandson.

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Angelika Ranger
Ranger, Angelika

Angelika Ranger grew up in Germany and the Netherlands, and immigrated to Nova Scotia as a young adult. She now lives in northern British Columbia with her husband, two children and their pet fish.

Robert Rankin
Rankin, Robert

Robert Fleming Rankin (born 1949) is a prolific British humorous novelist.

Robert Rankin's books are a mix of science fiction, fantasy, the occult, urban legends, running gags, metafiction, steampunk and outrageous characters. 

Julie Ranseth
Ranseth, Julie

Julie Ranseth has been writing stories in her head all her life. Her stories contain elements of fantasy, the paranormal, and romance. She loves happy endings and likes nothing better than escaping to worlds of make-believe, whether of her own or others’ creations. Her writing is overseen by her ever-present furry companions (one of whom believes he’s in charge).

Christoph Ransmayr
Ransmayr, Christoph

Christoph Ransmayr (born 1954) is an Austrian writer.

Daniel Ransom
Ransom, Daniel

Daniel Ransom is a pseudonym of Ed Gorman.

Clive Osborne Rapley
Rapley, Clive Osborne

Clive Osborne Rapley grew up in Sussex England and while working in the British Foreign & Commonwealth Office obtained a Degree in Telecommunications. He subsequently moved into the IT Industry where he has worked for the last twenty-five years.

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Zachariah Rapola
Rapola, Zachariah

Zachariah Rapola is an award-winning writer and filmmaker whose short stories have been published in The Boston ReviewDiscovering Home, and Tribune. He is the author of Stanza on the Edge.

Jennifer Rardin
Rardin, Jennifer

Jennifer Rardin (1965–2010) was an American author.

Alis A. Rasmussen
Rasmussen, Alis A.

Alis A. Rasmussen (born 1958) is an American fantasy and science fiction author.

Kate Elliott is the pen name of Alis A. Rasmussen.

Jean Raspail
Raspail, Jean

Jean Raspail (1925–2020) was a French author, traveler and explorer. Many of his books are about historical figures, exploration and indigenous peoples. He was a recipient of the prestigious French literary awards Grand Prix du Roman and Grand Prix de littérature by the Académie française. Internationally, he is best known for his controversial 1973 novel The Camp of the Saints, which is about mass third-world immigration to Europe.

Rudolph Erich Raspe
Raspe, Rudolph Erich

Rudolf Erich Raspe (1736–1794) was a German librarian, writer and scientist. He was also called by his biographer John Carswell a "rogue".

Rudolf Erich Raspe is best known for his collection of tall tales: The Surprising Adventures of Baron Munchausen.

Brian Rathbone
Rathbone, Brian

Brian Rathbone is an American author.

Julian Rathbone
Rathbone, Julian

Julian Christopher Rathbone (1935–2008) was an English novelist.

Lina Rather
Rather, Lina

Lina Rather is a speculative fiction author from Michigan, now living in Washington, D.C. Her stories have appeared in a variety of publications, including Shimmer, Flash Fiction Online, and Lightspeed. When she isn’t writing, she likes to cook, go hiking, and collect terrible 90s comic books.

Edward J. Rathke
Rathke, Edward J.

Edward J. Rathke is the author of Ash Cinema (KUBOA Press, 2012), Twilight of the Wolves (Perfect Edge Books, 2014), and Noir: A Love Story (Civil Coping Mechanisms, 2014). He edits at The Lit Pub and Monkeybicycle.

Charity Rau
Rau, Charity

Charity loves fairy tales and myths and re-imagining them. When not writing, she takes creative photos, paints, and spends time with family. Charity lives in Maryland with her sassy pomchi and her own charming prince. The Bloodstained Key is her first book.

Sarah Raughley
Raughley, Sarah

Sarah Raughley grew up in Southern Ontario writing stories about freakish little girls with powers because she secretly wanted to be one. She is a huge fangirl of anything from manga to sci-fi fantasy TV to Japanese role-playing games and other geeky things, all of which have largely inspired her writing. Sarah has been nominated for the Aurora Award for Best YA Novel and works in the community doing writing workshops for youths and adults. On top of being a YA writer, Sarah has a PhD in English, which makes her a doctor, so it turns out she didn't have to go to medical school after all. As an academic, Sarah has taught undergraduate courses and acted as a postdoctoral fellow. Her research concerns representations of race and gender in popular media culture, youth culture, and postcolonialism. She has written and edited articles in political, cultural, and academic publications. She continues to use her voice for good.

Mikko Rauhala
Rauhala, Mikko

Mikko Rauhala is a Finnish SF author making their foray into the English speaking world. They often write their stories in both languages, which can get frustrating when there’s no one else to blame for the occasional double entendres.

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Lux Raven
Raven, Lux

Lux Raven is a Watty-winning romance author and official Wattpad Creator based in Los Angeles, California. Her paranormal series, Siren's Mark, has amassed over 2.4 million reads online and is available exclusively through Wattpad Paid Stories.

Simon Raven
Raven, Simon

Simon Arthur Noël Raven (1927 –2001) was an English novelist, essayist, dramatist and raconteur who, in a writing career of forty years, caused controversy, amusement and offence. His obituary in The Guardian noted that, "he combined elements of Flashman, Waugh's Captain Grimes and the Earl of Rochester", and that he reminded Noel Annan, his Cambridge tutor, of the young Guy Burgess.

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J. D. Ravencroft
Ravencroft, J. D.

J. D. Ravencroft is the daughter of Bishop Aldrich and Faye Johnson and the sister to the best younger brother ever. J.D. is a born and raised southern girl who has always had a deep passion for writing, God, and olives. J.D. started filling her diary and journals full of poetry at age eight and had written her first novel's rough draft by age eleven. Finally, J.D., at age nineteen has decided to listen to her calling and pursue publication of her first novel Afextra (Gargoyles Vs. Fairies, #1) which is due to release October 2014. Stay tuned for updates as the release draws closer.

Silver RavenWolf
RavenWolf, Silver

Silver RavenWolf (Jenine E. Trayer, born 1956) is an American author and lecturer who focuses on Neopaganism. She is married and has four children. She currently resides in Dillsburg, Pennsylvania.

James Wesley Rawles
Rawles, James Wesley

Former U.S. Army intelligence officer and survivalist James Wesley, Rawles is a well-known survival lecturer and author. Rawles is the editor of — the nation’s most popular blogs on family preparedness. He lives in an undisclosed location west of the Rockies. He is the author of the bestselling Patriots: A Novel of Survival in the Coming Collapse and a nonfiction survival guide, How to Survive the End of the World As We Know It.

Pete Rawlik
Rawlik, Pete

Pete Rawlik is also known as Peter Rawlik.

Peter Rawlik
Rawlik, Peter

A pseudonym of Pete Rawlik.

Melanie Rawn
Rawn, Melanie

Melanie Rawn was born in California, and graduated from Scripps College with a BA in history. She has worked as a teacher and as an editor, before she wrote her bestselling "Dragon Prince" trilogy. Melanie took a break from writing from 1995 to 2005, due to family obligations. After the death of her mother she began to write again.

Jean Ray
Ray, Jean

Jean Ray is the best-known pseudonym among the many used by Raymundus Joannes de Kremer (1887–1964), a prolific Belgian (Flemish) writer. Although he wrote journalism, stories for young readers in Dutch by the name John Flanders, and scenarios for comic strips and detective stories, he is best known for his tales of the fantastique written in French under the name Jean Ray. Among speakers of English, he is famous for his macabre novel Malpertuis (1943), which was filmed by Harry Kümel during 1971 (starring Orson Welles). He also used the pseudonyms King Ray, Alix R. Bantam and Sailor John, among others.

Jon Ray
Ray, Jon

Jon Ray is a writer, director, and actor in film along with a large assortment of other titles when it comes to entertainment. Since the age of 13, he has played and enjoyed Dungeons & Dragons normally running his own games as the Dungeon Master for others. Originally from Tyler, Texas in the U.S., Jon currently resides in Sydney, Australia where he prospects for gold in the outback when not writing.

Michael Corbin Ray
Ray, Michael Corbin

Michael Corbin Ray lives in California with two brown dogs who keep him safe from night monsters.

Roxie Ray
Ray, Roxie

Roxie Ray is a group of writer friends who love to write Sci Fi Alien Romance and Paranormal Romance. They love to talk, read and write this lovely genre. They hope you love their books and strive to make sure you have a steamy, wonderful experience!

Deanna Raybourn
Raybourn, Deanna

New York Times and USA Today bestselling novelist Deanna Raybourn is a 6th-generation native Texan. She graduated with a double major in English and history from the University of Texas at San Antonio. Married to her college sweetheart and the mother of one, Raybourn makes her home in Virginia. Her novels have been nominated for numerous awards including the Edgar, two RT Reviewers’ Choice awards, the Agatha, two Dilys Winns, and a Last Laugh. She launched a new Victorian mystery series with the 2015 release of A CURIOUS BEGINNING, featuring intrepid butterfly-hunter and amateur sleuth, Veronica Speedwell.

Tricia Rayburn
Rayburn, Tricia

Tricia Rayburn is an American Author. Tricia lives on eastern Long Island. 

She used to save her weekly allowance for two things: the Scholastic Book Club and her family's bi-annual trip to the Smithaven Mall, where she loaded up on the latest Baby-Sitter's Club and Sweet Valley Twins books. Years later, Tricia discovered her love of writing for tweens and teens while taking a children's literature course in graduate school.

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Alex Raymond
Raymond, Alex

Alexander Gillespie Raymond (1909–1956) was an American cartoonist, best known for creating Flash Gordon for King Features in 1934. The strip was subsequently adapted into many other media, from a series of movie serials (1936–1940) to a 1970s television series and a 1980 film.

Benjamin Read
Read, Benjamin

Benjamin Read tells stories, whether they’re novels, comics, or films. He wrote the multi-award nominated graphic novel series, Porcelain, and a host of other comics including Briar, Butterfly Gate, True Grit, and Super 8. He is one of the founder members of the Improper Books comics studio, and is fuelled by tea. He is currently working on the next book of The Midnight Hour series, and developing a number of his projects for TV and film.

Herbert Read
Read, Herbert

Sir Herbert Edward Read (1893–1968) was an English anarchist poet, and critic of literature and art.

Sarah Read
Read, Sarah

Sarah Read is a dark fiction writer in the frozen north of Wisconsin. Her short stories can be found in Gamut, Black Static, and other places, and in various anthologies including Exigencies, Suspended in Dusk, BEHOLD! Oddities Curiosities and Undefinable Wonders, and The Best Horror of the Year vol 10. Her novel The Bone Weaver’s Orchard is now out from Trepidatio Publishing, and her debut collection Out of Water will follow in late 2019. She is the Editor-in-Chief of Pantheon Magazine and of their associated anthologies, including Gorgon: Stories of Emergence. She is an active member of the Horror Writers Association. When she’s not staring into the abyss, she knits.

Tom Reamy
Reamy, Tom

Tom Reamy (1935–1977) was an award-winning American science fiction and fantasy author and important figure in 1960s and 1970s science fiction fandom. Tom Reamy died prior to the publication of his first novel. His works are primarily dark fantasy.

Michael Reaves
Reaves, Michael

James Michael Reaves is an American writer, known for his contributions as scriptwriter and story editor to a number of 1980s and 1990s animated television series, including Disney's Gargoyles and Batman: The Animated Series. He has also written media tie-in novels, children's books, and original fiction.

Joanne Reay
Reay, Joanne

Joanne Reay is a film scriptwriter with an impressive list of credits: Against All Odds, The Murder Rooms, Bring Me The Head of Mavis Davis and Station Jim for the BBC; the features Everybody Loves Sunshine (Sony), Cold and Dark, and Gallowwalker. She lives in Maidenhead.

Z. A. Recht
Recht, Z. A.

Z.A. Recht (1983–2009) was an author best known for his trilogy of zombie-themed books. Recht only wrote two of the three books in his trilogy before passing away.

Eric Red
Red, Eric

Eric Red is a Los Angeles based motion picture screenwriter, director and author. His original scripts include The Hitcher for Tri Star, Near Dark for DeLaurentiis Entertainment Group, Blue Steel for MGM and the western The Last Outlaw for HBO. He directed and wrote the crime film Cohen and Tate for Hemdale, Body Parts for Paramount, Undertow for Showtime, Bad Moon for Warner Bros. and the ghost story 100 Feet for Grand Illusions Entertainment.

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Robert V. S. Redick
Redick, Robert V. S.

Robert V. S. Redick is the author of the Chathrand Voyage Quartet (The Red Wolf Conspiracy and sequels), among the most beloved and critically acclaimed epic fantasy series of recent years. An instructor in the Stonecoast MFA program and an environmental justice consultant, he has lived and worked in Indonesia, Argentina, Colombia, and many other countries. Master Assassins (Talos Press, 2018), the first book in The Fire Sacraments trilogy, was a finalist for the European Booknest Award for Best Novel, and was featured on numerous Best of the Year lists. He lives with his partner in Western Massachusetts.

C. J. Redwine
Redwine, C. J.

C.J. Redwine is the New York Times bestselling author of the Ravenspire series and the Defiance trilogy. She adores Harry Potter, Sherlock, most of the shows on the CW, and Batman.

Willa Reece
Reece, Willa

Willa Reece has published more than a dozen books with top publishers as Barbara J. Hancock, most recently the Brimstone and Legendary Warriors series of paranormal romances for Harlequin and her gothic YA AFTER ALWAYS for Entangled Teen. Her novella “Ghost in the Machine” was a Dear Author Recommended Read. Besides writing, Willa is devoted to animal rescue and her three scientist sons - a biologist, and an aspiring chemist and physicist. Willa lives in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia where stories are often told on a dark side porch by the flicker of firefly light.

Amy Reed
Reed, Amy

Amy Reed was born and raised in and around Seattle, where she attended a total of eight schools by the time she was eighteen. Constant moving taught her to be restless and being an only child made her imagination do funny things. After a brief stint at Reed College (no relation), she moved to San Francisco and spent the next several years serving coffee and getting into trouble. She eventually graduated from film school, promptly decided she wanted nothing to do with filmmaking, returned to her original and impractical love of writing, and earned her MFA from New College of California. Her short work has been published in journals such as Kitchen Sink, Contrary, and Fiction. Amy currently lives in Oakland with her husband and two cats, and has accepted that Northern California has replaced the Pacific Northwest as her home. She is no longer restless.

Dallas Reed
Reed, Dallas

Dallas Reed is a pseudonym of Lee Thomas.

Kit Reed
Reed, Kit

Kit Reed (1932-2017) was an American author of both speculative fiction and literary fiction, as well as psychological thrillers under the pseudonym Kit Craig.

Reed was born on June 7, 1932 in San Diego, California. Her first short story, "The Wait" (1958), was published by Anthony Boucher in The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction. She is a Guggenheim Fellow and recipient of a five-year grant literary from the Abraham Woursell Foundation.

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Rick R. Reed
Reed, Rick R.

In their October 2006 issue, Unzipped magazine said: "You could call him the Stephen King of gay horror." And Dark Scribe magazine said: "Reed is an established brand – perhaps the most reliable contemporary author for thrillers that cross over between the gay fiction market and speculative fiction." To date, Reed has 14 books in print, and his short fiction has appeared in more than 20 anthologies. His novel, Orientation, won the EPPIE Award for best LGBT novel of 2009. He lives in Seattle, WA.

Robert Reed
Reed, Robert

Robert David Reed (born 1956) is a Hugo Award-winning American science fiction author. He has a Bachelor of Science in Biology from the Nebraska Wesleyan University. Reed is a prolific genre short-fiction writer with over a hundred and forty published stories. His work regularly appears in Asimov's, Fantasy & Science Fiction, and Sci Fiction. He has also published several novels. He lives in Lincoln, Nebraska.

Trent Reedy
Reedy, Trent

Trent Reedy is the author of Words in the Dust, winner of the Christopher Medal and an Al Roker's Book Club pick on the Today Show, and Stealing Air. Trent and his wife live in Spokane, Washington.

Anders Reemark
Reemark, Anders

Anders Reemark was born in 1980 in Denmark. After highschool and business school, Anders was employed by Danske Bank, where he still works. Anders and his wife and four-year-old daughter currently reside in a suburb of Copenhagen together with a cat called Mouse(!)

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Gareth E. Rees
Rees, Gareth E.

Gareth E. Rees is the founder and editor of the website Unofficial Britain, and author of Marshland (Influx Press, 2013). His work has featured in anthologies including An Unreliable Guide to London (Influx Press), Mount London (Penned in the Margins), Acquired for Development By... [Influx Press], Walking Inside Out: Contemporary British Psychogeography (Rowman & Littlefield), The Ashgate Companion to Paranormal Cultures (Ashgate), and the spoken word album A Dream Life of Hackney Marshes (Clay Pipe Music). He lives in Hastings with his two daughters and a dog named Hendrix.

Matthew G. Rees
Rees, Matthew G.

Matthew G. Rees grew up in a Welsh family in the border country between England and Wales known as the Marches. His early career was in journalism. Later he entered teaching, living and working for a period in Moscow (which has been a setting for some of his fiction). In a varied life, other employment has included time as a night-shift cab driver.

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Sarah Rees Brennan
Rees Brennan, Sarah

Sarah Rees Brennan is the New York Times bestselling writer of a dozen YA fantasy books which have been Carnegie-listed and Hugo and World Fantasy award finalists, plus tie-in books with Netflix and anthologies with Marvel. Born in Ireland by the sea, she lived in London, New York and Melbourne. A survivor of late stage cancer, she now lives in Dublin near a library founded in 1707. LONG LIVE EVIL, the tale of a dying young woman who walks into her favourite fantasy book to find herself a villain, is her first book for adults.

Barry Reese
Reese, Barry

Barry Reese (born 1972) is a librarian and American writer. He is best known for his work on The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe for Marvel Comics, D6 Space: Fires of Amatsumara Worldbook for West End Games and the Rook Universe series of novels. He is married to artist Cari Reese and together they have one son, Julian Reese.

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Jenn Reese
Reese, Jenn

Jenn Reese writes speculative fiction for readers of all ages. Her novel, Above World, was a finalist for the 2012 Andre Norton Award for Young Adult Science Fiction and Fantasy. She lives in Portland, Oregon, where she revels in the rain, plays too many video games, and works as a freelance graphic designer.

Philip Reeve
Reeve, Philip

Philip Reeve (born 1966) is a British author and illustrator.


Joel Reeves
Reeves, Joel

An avid collector of pulp science fiction and fantasy, Joel Reeves is a teacher and the author of several short stories appearing in small press publications, including Crossroads, Tales of the Unanticipated, Outer Darkness, The Fringe, and Kracked Mirror Mysteries. He lives in a small town in lower Michigan with his wife, two children, and a cat, Penguin. Of Quills and Kings is his first novel.

Keanu Reeves
Reeves, Keanu

In addition to being an actor and musician Keanu Reeves is also the co-creator of the BRZRKR comic book series which follows an immortal warrior known as Berzerker, as he fights his way through the ages.

He is the recipient of numerous accolades in a career on screen spanning four decades. In 2020, The New York Times ranked him as the fourth-greatest actor of the 21st century, and in 2022 Time magazine named him one of the 100 most influential people in the world. Reeves is known for his leading roles in action films, his amiable public image, and his philanthropic efforts.

Lisa Regan
Regan, Lisa

Lisa Regan is the USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestselling author of the Detective Josie Quinn series. Lisa is a member of Sisters In Crime, International Thriller Writers, and Mystery Writers of America. She has a Bachelor’s Degree in English and Master of Education Degree from Bloomsburg University. She lives near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in the U.S. with her husband, daughter, and Boston Terrier named Mr. Phillip. 

Christopher Reich
Reich, Christopher

Born in Tokyo, Japan on November 12, 1961, Mac Dekker's upbringing was anything but conventional. His Swiss father, Willy Wolfgang Reich, managed a travel agency in Japan, which led the family back to the United States in 1965, settling in Los Angeles. After completing his education at Harvard School for Boys, Dekker ventured east to Georgetown University, immersing himself in the School of Foreign Service. Despite his initial foray into stockbroking post-graduation, a friend's advice steered him toward business school at the University of Texas at Austin.

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Mickey Zucker Reichert
Reichert, Mickey Zucker

Mickey Zucker Reichert is a pediatrician, parent, animal lover, and author of twenty-some novels including Renshai, Nightfall, Barakhai, and Bifrost series, one illustrated novella, and fifty-plus short stories.

Kathy Reichs
Reichs, Kathy

Kathy Reichs is a forensic anthropologist for the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner, State of North Carolina, and for the Laboratoire des Sciences Judiciaires et de Médecine Légale for the province of Quebec. She is one of only fifty forensic anthropologists certified by the American Board of Forensic Anthropology and is on the Board of Directors of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences. A professor of anthropology at The University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Dr. Reichs is a native of Chicago, where she received her Ph.D. at Northwestern. She now divides her time between Charlotte and Montreal and is a frequent expert witness in criminal trials.

Ava Reid
Reid, Ava

Ava Reid was born in Manhattan and raised right across the Hudson River in Hoboken, but currently lives in Palo Alto, where the weather is too sunny and the people are too friendly. She has a degree in political science from Barnard College, focusing on religion and ethnonationalism. She has worked for a refugee resettlement organization, for a U.S. senator, and, most recently, for an AI robotics startup.

Forrest Reid
Reid, Forrest

Forrest Reid (1875–1947) was an Irish novelist, literary critic and translator. He was, along with Hugh Walpole and J.M. Barrie, a leading pre-war British novelist of boyhood. He is still acclaimed as the greatest of Ulster novelists and was recognised with the award of the 1944 James Tait Black Memorial Prize for his novel Young Tom.

Heather L. Reid
Reid, Heather L.

Heather L. Reid is both American and British and has called six different cities in three different countries, home. Her strong sense of wanderlust and craving for a new adventure mean you might find her wandering the moors of her beloved Scotland, exploring haunted castles, or hiking through a magical forest in search of fairies and sprites. When she’s not venturing into the unknown in her real life, she loves getting lost in the worlds of video games or curling up by the fire with good story. For now, this native Texan is back in the Lone Star State, settling down with her Scottish husband and working on the sequel to her Young Adult paranormal debut, Pretty Dark Nothing.

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Iain Reid
Reid, Iain

Iain Reid is the author of two critically acclaimed, award-winning books of nonfiction. His debut novel, I'm Thinking of Ending Things, was an international bestseller, and was translated into more than a dozen languages. Oscar-winner Charlie Kaufman is writing and directing the film adaptation for Netflix. Foe is Reid's second novel.

Rob Reid
Reid, Rob

Robert H. "Rob" Reid (born 1966) is an American author and entrepreneur. He is best known for his bestselling book Architects of the Web and as the founder of Inc., which created the Rhapsody digital music service.

Taylor Jenkins Reid
Reid, Taylor Jenkins

Taylor Jenkins Reid is the New York Times bestselling author of Daisy Jones & The Six and The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo, as well as One True Loves, Maybe in Another Life, After I Do, and Forever, Interrupted. Her newest novel, Malibu Rising, is out now. She lives in Los Angeles.

Thomas M. Reid
Reid, Thomas M.

Thomas M. Reid was born in a snowstorm in the Colorado mountains two days before the Christmas of 1966. He grew up in Texas, and he owns a cowboy hat and boots but no oil wells or accent. After earning a B.A. in History from the University of Texas in 1989, he promptly pursued a career in the exciting, fast-paced world of swing-set construction. Since then, he has held a variety of positions related to word-smithing. Today, Thomas lives on a sprawling, quarter-acre cat ranch in the beautiful Texas Hill Country, which he shares with his lovely wife Teresa and three sons named Aidan, Galen, and Quinton – all four of whom are much smarter than he is.

Matthew Reilly
Reilly, Matthew

Matthew Reilly is a New York Times best-selling author of eight novels that have been published in eighteen languages in twenty countries. He has sold more than 3.5 million copies worldwide.

Rayne Reilly
Reilly, Rayne

I enjoy writing steamy paranormal and sci fi romance books. I've been a writer for more than thirty years in one form or another and it's my passion. Sharing my stories with the public has been scary but rewarding at the same time.

Tanya Reimer
Reimer, Tanya

Born and raised in Saskatchewan, Tanya enjoys using the tranquil prairies as a setting to her not-so-peaceful speculative fiction.

She is married with two children which means among her accomplishments are the necessary magical abilities to find a lost tooth in a park of sand and whisper away monsters from under the bed.

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S. M. Reine
Reine, S. M.

S. M. Reine is a writer and graphic designer obsessed with werewolves, the occult, and collecting swords. She spins tales of dark fantasy to escape the drudgery of the desert, where she lives with her husband, the Helpful Baby, and too many black animals to count.


Jeremiah Reinmiller
Reinmiller, Jeremiah

Jeremiah Reinmiller is a lifelong computer geek, martial artist, and native of the Pacific Northwest. When he’s not building clouds (the computing kind, not the rainy ones) he’s probably hunched over a keyboard hammering out words in a semi-organized fashion. His stories have received the 2014 Sledgehammer Writing Award, and been published by Subtopian Press, Abyss & Apex Magazine, and Cantina Publishing. His debut novel, Gearspire: Advent, was released in October 2016. He resides in Vancouver (the one in Washington, not Canada) with his wife and their two cats.

Scott Reintgen
Reintgen, Scott

Scott Reintgen has spent his career as a teacher of English and creative writing in diverse urban communities in North Carolina. The hardest lesson he learned was that inspiration isn’t equally accessible for everyone. So he set out to write a novel for the front-row sleepers and back-row dreamers of his classrooms. He hopes that his former students see themselves, vibrant and on the page, in characters like Emmett.

Michael Reisman
Reisman, Michael

Michael Reisman lives in Los Angeles, California. Simon Bloom, the Gravity Keeper is his first novel.

Alter S. Reiss
Reiss, Alter S.

Alter S. Reiss is an archaeologist and writer who lives in Jerusalem with his wife Naomi and their son Uriel. He likes good books, bad movies, and old time radio shows.

Andy Remic
Remic, Andy

Andy Remic has been described as the natural successor to David Gemmell, an accolade he refuses to admit starting himself. He began his writing career writing high-octane science fiction novels, but soon diversified into visceral fantasy with his debut fantasy trilogy, The Clockwork Vampire Chronicles. Remic lives with his family in the north of England.

Eileen Rendahl
Rendahl, Eileen

Eileen Rendahl writes and lives in Davis, California, with her two lovely children, two annoying cats, and one lovely man. Don't Kill the Messenger is her first paranormal romance novel.

Joanne Rendell
Rendell, Joanne

Joanne Rendell is the author of three novels and holds a PhD in English literature. She teaches fiction writing to teens and kids and is a board member for the youth Shakespeare company, New Genesis Productions. With her husband and son, Joanne divides her time between New York City, and New Paltz, New York.

Holly Renee
Renee, Holly

USA Today Bestselling Author, Holly Renee brings readers a pinch of angst, an indulgence of heat, and the perfect amount of heart in every book.

Born and raised in East Tennessee, she is a married mom of two wild children. When she's not writing, you can find her reading, pretending to be a dragon for the hundredth time that day, being disgustingly in love with her husband, or chilling in the middle of the lake with her sunglasses and a float.

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Gordon Rennie
Rennie, Gordon

Gordon Rennie is a former music journalist turned comics writer, responsible for White Trash: Moronic Inferno, as well as several comic strips for 2000 AD and novels for Warhammer Fantasy.

In May 2008 he announced he was quitting comics to concentrate full-time on videogames which "are more fun, pay better and have a brighter future."

Cerece Rennie Murphy
Rennie Murphy, Cerece

Cerece Rennie Murphy fell in love with science fiction at the age of seven, watching “Empire Strikes Back” at the Uptown Theater in Washington, D.C., with her sister and mom. It’s a love affair that has grown ever since. As an ardent fan of John Donne, Alice Walker, Kurt Vonnegut and Alexander Pope from an early age, Cerece began exploring her own creative writing through poetry.

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Jonathan Renshaw
Renshaw, Jonathan

Jonathan Renshaw is a former high school English teacher and music producer who now writes full time. He has master's degrees in English and creative media, and a bachelor's in physics.

Robert Repino
Repino, Robert

Robert Repino grew up in Drexel Hill, Pennsylvania. After serving in the Peace Corps (Grenada 2000–2002), he earned an M.F.A. in Creative Writing at Emerson College. His fiction has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize among other awards, and has appeared in The Literary Review, Night Train, Hobart, Juked, Word Riot, The Furnace Review, The Coachella Review, JMWW, and the anthology Brevity and Echo (Rose Metal Press). Repino is the pitcher for the Oxford University Press softball team and quarterback for the flag football team, but his business card says that he’s an Editor. His debut novel Mort(e), a science fiction story about a war between animals and humans, was published by Soho Press in 2015. His novella Leap High Yahoo was published as an Amazon Kindle Single later that year.

Laura Resnick
Resnick, Laura

Laura Resnick (born 1962) is an American fantasy author.

Laura Resnick is the daughter of the science fiction author Mike Resnick.

Mike Resnick
Resnick, Mike

Michael Diamond Resnick (1942-2020) was an American science fiction writer and editor. He won five Hugo awards, a Nebula award, was the guest of honor at Chicon 7, and was executive editor of Jim Baen's Universe.

His daughter Laura Resnick is an award-winning science fiction and fantasy author.

Photo souce: Wikimedia Commons.

Adolphe Retté
Retté, Adolphe

Adolphe Retté (1863-1930) was on the editorial staff of La Vogue, and published his first collection of poems, Cloches en la nuit, in 1889. That was followed by the remarkable Thulé des Brumes (Bibliothèque Artistique et Littéraire, 1891), a portmanteau of dream-like prose poems. He experienced something of an ideological conversion in 1893 when he became a committed anarchist and gave his allegiance to an esthetic theory that preached the necessity of a return to nature and a celebration of everyday life. In 1906 he underwent another conversion, this time to Catholicism, and his subsequent literary work was doctrinaire.

Katie Reus
Reus, Katie

Katie Reus is the New York Times, USA Today, and IndieReader bestselling author of the Red Stone Security series, the Moon Shifter series and the Deadly Ops series. She fell in love with romance at a young age thanks to books she pilfered from her mom's stash. Years later she loves reading romance almost as much as she loves writing it. However, she didn't always know she wanted to be a writer. After changing majors many times, she finally graduated with a degree in psychology. Not long after that she discovered a new love. Writing. She now spends her days writing dark paranormal romance and sexy romantic suspense.

Mike Revell
Revell, Mike

Mark Revell was one of those kids who didn't like reading. He was more inclined to run home and play video games than dive into a book. But the boy wizard changed that for him, not only did Harry Potter make him a reader, it made him want to be an author too; he wanted to give to people the same feelings of wonder and enjoyment that J. K. Rowling gave to him as a young boy. Stonebird is Mark's first novel and is influenced by the real experiences of seeing his grandmother suffer from dementia, as well as his love of myths. He currently lives near Cambridge where is a sports journalist.

Beth Revis
Revis, Beth

Beth Revis wrote her first books whilst still at university, where she secretly jotted down stories instead of taking notes. In addition to writing teen fiction, Beth spends her time doing things like trying to point out the dramatic irony in "Oedipus Rex" to gaggles of sixteen-year-olds. This is because she is also a teacher, in case you were wondering. Beth lives in rural North Carolina with her husband and her dog, where she splits her time between writing lesson plans, writing stories, and writing up plans to travel somewhere new. Across the Universe is her debut novel.

Adam Rex
Rex, Adam

Adam Rex is an American author.

Dolores Reyes
Reyes, Dolores

Dolores Reyes was born in Buenos Aires in 1978. She is a teacher, feminist, activist, and the mother of seven children. She studied classical literature at the University of Buenos Aires. Eartheater is her first novel.

Laurisa White Reyes
Reyes, Laurisa White

Laurisa is the former Editor-in-Chief of Middle Shelf Magazine and former editor for Maple Tree Press and Xchyler Publishing. She is currently the Senior Editor of Skyrocket Press. She teaches English composition at College of the Canyons in So. California.

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Xavier Aldana Reyes
Reyes, Xavier Aldana

Xavier Aldana Reyes is Reader in English Literature and Film at Manchester Metropolitan University and a founding member of the Manchester Centre for Gothic Studies. He works across modern and contemporary literature, cinema and television, from the early twentieth century to the present day.

Opal Reyne
Reyne, Opal

Opal Reyne is an Australian Author who has been a fan of the Adult Paranormal Romance genre from the moment she picked up a book of it - and has never looked back.

She loves everything spicy, smutty,and everything boarder-line monster loving. She started writing because of her love of the written word, and because she wanted to build a diverse world of mythological creatures, while also showing the beauty of all ethnicities of humanity. She thrives to produce a plot driven, character developing book while sprinkling in enchanting imagery.

Abigail Reynolds
Reynolds, Abigail

Abigail Reynolds may be a nationally bestselling author and a physician, but she can't follow a straight line with a ruler. Originally from upstate New York, she studied Russian and theater at Bryn Mawr College and marine biology at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole. After a stint in performing arts administration, she decided to attend medical school, and took up writing as a way to retain her sanity during her years as a physician in private practice.

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Alastair Reynolds
Reynolds, Alastair

Alastair Reynolds (born in 1966 in Barry, Wales) is a British science fiction author. He specialises in dark hard science fiction and space opera and noir toned stories.

Reynolds spent his early years in Cornwall, moved back to Wales before going to Newcastle, where he read Physics and Astronomy. Afterwards, he earned a PhD from St Andrews, Scotland. In 1991, he moved to Noordwijk in the Netherlands where he met his wife Josette (who is from France). There, he worked twelve years for the European Space Research and Technology Centre, part of the European Space Agency. About half of his time in ESA he spent working on S-Cam, the world's most advanced optical camera. In 2004 when he left ESA to pursue writing full time. He returned to Wales in 2008 and lives near Cardiff with his wife. They like horse riding, birds, long walks in the woods, good curries and old films.

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Anthony Reynolds
Reynolds, Anthony

Anthony Reynolds was a Games Developer and manager at Games Workshop in the UK. Since then he's written freelance for a number of companies, including Black Library Publishing, Mantic Games, THQ, Bandai-Namco, Behaviour Interactive, and River Horse Games. He currently lives in California.

George W. M. Reynolds
Reynolds, George W. M.

George William MacArthur Reynolds (1814–1879) was a British author and journalist.

He was born in Sandwich, Kent, the son of Captain Sir George Reynolds, a flag officer in the Royal Navy. Reynolds was educated first at Dr. Nance's school in Ashford, Kent, and then passed on to the Royal Military College, Sandhurst. He was intended for a career in the British Army, but on the death of his parents in 1829 and his subsequent inheritance, he decided to leave the military and devote himself instead to literary pursuits. He left Sandhurst on 13 September 1830 and for the next few years he traveled a great deal, particularly in France. He took up residence in Paris in 1834, where he started a daily English newspaper. The venture failed, and Reynolds returned bankrupt to England in 1836.

Josh Reynolds
Reynolds, Josh

Josh Reynolds is the author of over thirty novels and numerous short stories, including the wildly popular Warhammer: Age of Sigmar and Warhammer 40,000. He grew up in South Carolina and now lives in Sheffield, UK.

K. A. Reynolds
Reynolds, K. A.

K. A. Reynolds is a poet and author from Winnipeg, Canada, currently residing in Maine. Her poetry has been published in literary journals and university presses, including Plainsongs, Modern Haiku, Willard & Maple, and Writer’s Journal. When not caring for the elderly or buried under a mountain of mismatched socks, she can be found writing children’s fiction with dark and fantastical cores. Kristin lives with her five children, four cats, one plump Weimaraner, and carpenter husband in a house filled with things that need fixing, and wouldn’t have it any other way.

Mack Reynolds
Reynolds, Mack

Mack Reynolds (Dallas McCord Reynolds, 1917-1983) was an American science fiction author.


Madeline J. Reynolds
Reynolds, Madeline J.

Madeline J. Reynolds is a YA fantasy author. She is the author of Illusions and The Time Traveler's Guide to Modern Romance.

R. R. Reynolds
Reynolds, R. R.

R. R. Reynolds was born in Phoenix, Arizona, but grew up on the beaches of Santa Monica, California. Eventually the polders of the Netherlands beckoned him to live below sea level. After stints working in Denmark, India, and Nepal, he ended up living a snowball’s throw from the Arctic Circle in northern Sweden. Upon returning to the United States, he enjoyed ten years defrosting under the south Florida sunshine. Lilapsophobia drove him to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where he found his new home and life as a certified Green Bay Packers-loving, Badger-rooting, beer-swilling, brat-eating Wisconsin Cheesehead. A devoted fan of both C. S. Lewis and Carl Hiaasen, Masters’ Mysterium: Wisconsin Dells is the unlikely result.


Rhaegar is the pseudonym of the renowned author G. Harthane.

Walter Rhein
Rhein, Walter

Walter Rhein was born in northern Wisconsin. After earning a degree in English literature, he began traveling and teaching English in various parts of the world. He currently splits his time between South America and Wisconsin.

Sonya Rhen
Rhen, Sonya

Sonya Rhen lives in the Pacific Northwest with her husband and two children. They also share their home with two dogs, two cats and a lonely catfish. Sonya looks for the humor and humanity in daily life. When she’s not writing or hanging out with the family, you might find her dancing.

Luke Rhinehart
Rhinehart, Luke

Luke Rhinehart is the acclaimed author of ten works of fiction. His novel The Dice Man has been translated into 27 languages and has been praised by Loaded Magazineas “the Novel of the Century,” by a BBC production as “one of the most influential books of the last half century,” and by the London Telegraph as “one of the fifty great cult books of the last 50 years.”

Loren Rhoads
Rhoads, Loren

Loren Rhoads is the author of Morbid Curiosity Cures the Blues, Wish You Were Here: Adventures in Cemetery Travel, co-author (with Brian Thomas) of the novel As Above, So Below, and editor of The Haunted Mansion Project: Year Two. She was the editor of the cult nonfiction magazine Morbid Curiosity for ten years and runs the website, where she blogs about graveyards as tourist destinations. Rhoads resides in San Francisco, California.

Jenna Rhodes
Rhodes, Jenna

Jenna Rhodes is a pseudonym of Rhondi A. Vilott Salsitz.

Jewell Parker Rhodes
Rhodes, Jewell Parker

Jewell Parker Rhodes is the author of Ninth Ward, a Coretta Scott King honor book, and Sugar, winner of the Jane Adams Peace Association book award. She has also written many award-winning books for adults. Jewell lives with her family in Arizona.

Morgan Rhodes
Rhodes, Morgan

Morgan Rhodes lives in Ontario, Canada. As a child, she always wanted to be a princess -- the kind that knows how to wield a sharp sword to help save both kingdoms and princes from fire-breathing dragons and dark wizards. Instead, she became a writer, which is just as good and much less dangerous. Along with writing, Morgan enjoys photography, travel, reality TV, and is an extremely picky, yet voracious reader of all kinds of books. Under another pen name, she’s a national bestselling author of many paranormal novels. Falling Kingdoms is her first high fantasy.

Lindsay Ribar
Ribar, Lindsay

Lindsay Ribar lives in New York City, where she works in book publishing by day and writes YA novels by night. She attends far too many concerts, watches far too much nerdy TV, and consumes fanfiction like it's made out of chocolate. She is fond of wine, cheese, and countries where they speak English but with really cool accents. Oh, and she has a Harry Potter tattoo.

Christine Riccio
Riccio, Christine

Christine's PolandbananasBOOKS YouTube channel has over 390,000 book-loving subscribers. She makes comedic book reviews, vlogs, sketches, and writing videos chronicling the creation of her own novel. She’s also one of the three YouTubers behind BOOKSPLOSION - YouTube’s longest running book club. These past four years Christine’s been collaborating with publishing companies and authors; and traveling across the United States to speak on book-related panels to further spread the reading love.

Anne Rice
Rice, Anne

Anne Rice (born Howard Allen Frances O'Brien; 1941–2021) was an American author of gothic fiction, Christian literature, and erotic literature. She was best known for her series of novels The Vampire Chronicles. Books from The Vampire Chronicles were the subject of two film adaptations - Interview with the Vampire (1994) and Queen of the Damned (2002).

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Christopher Rice
Rice, Christopher

Christopher Travis Rice (born 1978) is an American author.

Christopher Rice comes from a family of authors. His parents are Anne Rice and the late poet Stan Rice; his aunt, Alice Borchardt, is a noted writer. He is also friends with fellow author Clive Barker. Unlike his famous mother, he does not write horror novels, but considers his books to be thrillers.

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David Leo Rice
Rice, David Leo

David Leo Rice is a writer from Northampton, MA, currently living in NYC. His stories and essays have appeared in The Believer, Catapult, Black Clock, DIAGRAM, The Collagist, Fanzine, and elsewhere. His first novel, A Room in Dodge City, was published in 2017, and its sequel is forthcoming.

Jane Rice
Rice, Jane

Jane Dixon Rice (1913–2003) was an American science fiction and horror writer.

Luanne Rice
Rice, Luanne

Luanne Rice is the New York Times bestselling author of 35 novels, which have been translated into 25 languages. The author of Last Day, Dream Country, Beach Girls, Pretend She's Here and others, Rice often writes about love, family, nature, and the sea. She received the 2014 Connecticut Governor’s Arts Award for excellence and lifetime achievement in the Literary Arts category. 

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Morgan Rice
Rice, Morgan

Morgan Rice is the #1 bestselling and USA Today bestselling author of the epic fantasy series THE SORCERER’S RING, comprising seventeen books; of the #1 bestselling series THE VAMPIRE JOURNALS, comprising twelve books; of the #1 bestselling series THE SURVIVAL TRILOGY, a post-apocalyptic thriller comprising three books; of the epic fantasy series KINGS AND SORCERERS, comprising six books; of the epic fantasy series OF CROWNS AND GLORY, comprising 8 books; of the new epic fantasy series A THRONE FOR SISTERS, comprising eight books (and counting); and of the new science fiction series THE INVASION CHRONICLES. Morgan’s books are available in audio and print editions, and translations are available in over 25 languages.

Nathaniel Rich
Rich, Nathaniel

Nathaniel Rich is an American novelist and essayist. He is the author of two novels, Odds Against Tomorrow (FSG, 2013), and The Mayor's Tongue (Riverhead, 2008), as well as a nonfiction book about film noir, San Francisco Noir (The Little Bookroom, 2005). His criticism and journalism appear regularly in The New York Times Magazine, Harper's, and The New York Review of Books.

C. R. Richards
Richards, C. R.

A huge lover of horror and dark fantasy stories, C. R. Richards enjoys telling tales of intrigue and adventure. Having began writing as a part-time columnist for a small entertainment newspaper, Richards has worn several hats: food critic, entertainment reviewer and cranky editor. She has now published a handful of novels, including Phantom Harvest - book one in The Mutant Casebook Series - which took home the EPIC eBook Award for Fantasy in 2014. Richards beat out entries from the U.S., Canada, United Kingdom, Australia and other English speaking countries.

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Douglas E. Richards
Richards, Douglas E.

Douglas E. Richards is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of science-fiction thrillers that have sold more than three million copies (see list below). Richards has been celebrated for his gripping, thought-provoking works that blend cutting-edge scientific concepts with heart-pounding narratives.

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Elizabeth Richards
Richards, Elizabeth

Elizabeth Richards lives in Buckinghamshire, England.

Jess Richards
Richards, Jess

Jess Richards was born in Wales in 1972, and grew up too fast in south west Scotland where she watched the ferry boats going to and from Northern Ireland. She left home at 17, went over the border to England, and lived for a year in Carlisle, before moving to Devon. She gained a first class degree from Dartington College of Arts when she was 21, then after brief stints busking and carrying on in both Leeds and London, she moved to Brighton aged 23 where she has grown up a bit slower, and has lived and worked ever since.

Lila Richards
Richards, Lila

Lila Richards lives in a seaside suburb of Christchurch, New Zealand, where she shares her home with Merlin the cat (or perhaps the other way round). She works part-time as a sub-editor for the New Zealand Meteorological Service, and runs a small proofreading and editing business. As well as writing, Lila reads eclectically, sews and embroiders, dotes on her grandchildren, and collects things, her particular favourites being old movies, owls, and tacky clocks (a surprisingly abundant species). From time to time she enters the Middle Ages via the Society for Creative Anachronism (an international medieval re-creation group) where she transmogrifies into a ninth-century smallholder's widow from the west of Ireland, and has attained the rank of Baroness.

Lloyd Devereux Richards
Richards, Lloyd Devereux

Born in New York City, Richards worked as an attorney in Vermont and raised three children. Previously, he served as a Senior Law Clerk for an Indiana Court of Appeals judge, researching and writing drafts for dozens of published opinions, including the appeal of a serial killer sentenced to death and subsequently electrocuted. 

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Bill Richardson
Richardson, Bill

Bill Richardson (born 1955) is a very popular writer and radio personality in Canada. His other books include Bachelor Brothers' Bed and Breakfast (winner of the Stephen Leacock Medal for Humor) and Bachelor Brothers' Bed and Breakfast Pillow Book (winner of a B.C. Book Award).

E. E. Richardson
Richardson, E. E.

E.E. Richardson has been writing books since she was eleven years old, and had her first novel The Devil’s Footsteps picked up for publication at the age of twenty. Since then she’s had seven more young adult horror novels published by Random House and Barrington Stoke. Under the Skin is her first story aimed at adults. She also has a B.Sc. in Cybernetics and Virtual Worlds, which hasn’t been useful for much but does sound impressive.

K. R. Richardson
Richardson, K. R.

A pseudonym of Kat Richardson.

K. R. Richardson is a bestselling Washington-based writer and editor of science fiction, crime, mystery, and fantasy. A former journalist with publications on topics from technology, software, and security, to history, health, and precious metals, Richardson is also a lifelong fan of crime and mystery fiction, and films noir. When not writing or researching, the author may be found malingering with dogs, riding motorcycles, shooting, or dabbling with paper automata.

Kat Richardson
Richardson, Kat

Kat Richardson is an American author.

Kat Richardson also writes under the pseudonym of K. R. Richardson.

Kim Richardson
Richardson, Kim

Kim Richardson is a USA Today Bestselling author of fast-paced fantasy. She lives in the eastern part of Canada with her husband, two dogs and a very old cat. 

Luke Richardson
Richardson, Luke

WANTED, adventure lovers for hazardous journey. Must be prepared for nail-biting action, constant danger, fear around every corner, with safe return doubtful.

If that sounds like your sort of thing, in your choice of books at least, then come with me...

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Maurice Richardson
Richardson, Maurice

Maurice Richardson (1907–1978) was an English journalist and short story writer.

Sharde Richardson
Richardson, Sharde

She grew-up in the South. Almost as far south as you can get. She says things like "y'all" and "ain't" and "shut the front door"(which is more or less an expression of shock). She married a giant man and they have one, semi-giant son who's sometimes called Cluckey or The Child. During the daytime hours she works in a nursing home with the elderly. (Side note: She wants to inform you never, under any circumstances, be late for a sponge bath or try to take their dentures. The elderly are very protective of their dentures.) At night, she churns out stories and conspires to take over the world from the confines of her computer room.

Tarn Richardson
Richardson, Tarn

Tarn Richardson is the author of The Darkest Hand trilogy, published by Duckworth Overlook in Europe and Australia, and Overlook Press in the US and Canada.

Consisting of The Hunted (free prequel novella), The Damned (2015), The Fallen (2016) and The Risen (2017), The Darkest Hand trilogy unleashes the flawed but brilliant Inquisitor Poldek Tacit upon a Europe engulfed by the First World War. The Damned was one of the book depository's 'Books of 2015'.

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Tracy Richardson
Richardson, Tracy

Tracy Richardson wasn't always a writer, but she was always a reader. Her favorite book growing up was A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L'Engle. In a weird way that book has even shaped her life through odd synchronicities. She has a degree in biology like Mrs. Murray, and without realizing it, she named her children Alex and Katie after Meg's parents. Tracy uses her science background in her writing through her emphasis on environmental issues and metaphysics. When she's not writing, you'll find her doing any number of creative activities - painting furniture, knitting sweaters, or cooking something in the kitchen for her vegetarian, carnivore, and no-carb family. She lives outside Indianapolis with her husband and two children and their Jack Russel terrier, Ernie.

Alasdair Richmond
Richmond, Alasdair

Alasdair Richmond is a Faculty Member in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Edinburgh.


Caroline Tung Richmond
Richmond, Caroline Tung

Caroline Tung Richmond is the author of the alternative history duology The Only Thing to Fear and Live in Infamy, as well as the historical fiction novel The Darkest Hour. She’s also the program director of We Need Diverse Books, a nonprofit that seeks to create a world where all children can find themselves on the pages of a book.

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Jon Richter
Richter, Jon

Jon Richter writes dark fiction, and is the author of two gripping crimes thrillers, Deadly Burial and Never Rest, as well as two collections of short horror fiction (Jon Richter's Disturbing Works, Volumes One and Two). Jon writes whenever he can, and hopes to be able to bring you more macabre tales in the very near future.

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M. Rickert
Rickert, M.

Mary Rickert, known as M. Rickert (born 1959), is an American writer of fantasy fiction. Many of her stories have been published in The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction. Her first collection, Map of Dreams, was published by Golden Gryphon Press in 2006; her second collection, Holiday, appeared in 2010 from the same publisher. She lives in Wisconsin.

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Phil Rickman
Rickman, Phil

Phil Rickman is a British author best known for writing supernatural and mystery novels, often based on conflicting forces of paganism and other religions.

Phil Rickman also writes under the pseudonyms of Will Kingdom and Thom Madley.

Chris Riddell
Riddell, Chris

Chris Riddell is an accomplished graphic artist who has illustrated many acclaimed books for children. He is also political cartoonist for The Observer. He has won the Kate Greenaway Medal twice and the Nestlé Smarties Book Prize seven times.

J.H. Riddell
Riddell, J.H.

Charlotte Eliza Lawson Cowan, 1832 – 1906, later known as Mrs J. H. Riddell.



A. G. Riddle
Riddle, A. G.

A. G. Riddle spent ten years starting internet companies before retiring to pursue his true passion: writing fiction.

He released his first novel, The Atlantis Gene, in March of 2013. It became the first book in The Origin Mystery, a trilogy that has sold over two million copies in the US, has been translated into 23 languages, and is in development to be a major motion picture. The trilogy appeared in bookstores around the world in 2015.

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Travis M. Riddle
Riddle, Travis M.

Travis M. Riddle lives with his pooch in Austin, TX, where he earned his bachelor’s degree in English Writing & Rhetoric at St. Edward’s University. His work has been published in award-winning literary journal the Sorin Oak Review.

Mick Ridgewell
Ridgewell, Mick

Mick Ridgewell grew up watching Dark Shadows, The Twilight Zone, and The Outer Limits. These interests were not quite understood by his mechanic/athlete father and homemaker mother, but neither were they discouraged.

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Jason S. Ridler
Ridler, Jason S.

Jay Ridler is a professional historian and writer. He is the author of the novel Death Match, the first Spar Battersea thriller, Knockouts: Ten Tales of Fantasy and Noir, and has published over fifty stories in such magazines and anthologies as Beneath Ceaseless Skies, Brain Harvest, Not One of Us, Chilling Tales, Tesseracts Thirteen, and more. His popular non-fiction has appeared in Clarkesworld, Dark Scribe, and the Internet Review of Science Fiction.

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Klaus Rifbjerg
Rifbjerg, Klaus

Klaus Rifbjerg (born 1931) is a Danish writer. He has written more than 170 novels, books and essays.

Carol Riggs
Riggs, Carol

Carol Riggs is the author of The Body Institute, her debut novel. She enjoys reading, drawing and painting, writing conferences, walking with her husband, and enjoying music and dance of all kinds. You will usually find her in her writing cave, surrounded by her dragon collection and the characters in her head.

Ransom Riggs
Riggs, Ransom

Ransom Riggs is the acclaimed director and screenwriter of the Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters viral video book trailer. He's also the author of Quirk's Sherlock Holmes Handbook. He is a screenwriter and filmmaker by trade. Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children is his first novel.

His wife is the author Tahereh Mafi.

Alina Riley
Riley, Alina

Alina Riley writes sizzling hot steamy sci-fi alien romance books. When she isn’t writing, she spends her time sipping on coffee, playing with her plushies, or binging dark chocolate. She is a big romance reader, other than aliens, she also enjoys billionaires, enemies to lovers, or forced proximity romance.

James Riley
Riley, James

James Riley is the author of the Half Upon a Time series, as well as many books too unwritten to count. He's met thousands of imaginary people, most of whom are more polite than you'd think, but less interesting than you'd hope. He doesn't believe fairy tales actually happened, mostly because he's never had tiny elves do his work for him at night, despite them promising several times.

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JP Rindfleisch IX
Rindfleisch IX, JP

JP Rindfleisch IX is the author of the LGBT Cozy Suburban Fantasy series "Mandrake Manor" and co-author of the Paranormal Humor serial "NRDS: National Recently Deceased Services" and the Dark Urban Fantasy "Leah Ackerman" series. They love to explore themes of humor, queer joy, and dark academia across their diverse body of work, crafting stories that resonate with readers seeking imaginative and engaging tales.

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Seth Ring
Ring, Seth

Author of the Titan Series, Seth loves telling stories, building worlds, and sharing those stories and worlds with other people.

Growing up traveling between the USA and Ghana, West Africa, books were Seth’s constant companions. As he grew, so did his imagination spawning fantastical tales of heroes and villains, of magic, technology, and skill.

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Holly Ringland
Ringland, Holly

HOLLY RINGLAND is a writer, storyteller, and television presenter.

Her bestselling debut novel, THE LOST FLOWERS OF ALICE HART, has been published in 30 countries/territories and will stream globally in 2023 as a seven-part series on Amazon Prime, starring Sigourney Weaver. Holly is the co-host of ABC TV’s series, Back To Nature, which aired to critical acclaim in 2021. Holly’s bestselling second novel, THE SEVEN SKINS OF ESTHER WILDING, was published in Australia in October, 2022 and is forthcoming in the UK (July, 2023) and North America. 

John Ringo
Ringo, John

John Ringo (born 1963) is an American science fiction and military fiction author.

Whitaker Ringwald
Ringwald, Whitaker

Before becoming an author, Whitaker Ringwald was certified as World’s Greatest Snowball Maker and developed a nonstick peanut butter formula in conjunction with lauded Ig Nobel scientists. Whitaker spends six months of every year in a deep-sea submersible trying to film live footage of giant squids. But giant squids are hard to come by, so that’s where Whitaker gets a lot of writing done.

Rick Riordan
Riordan, Rick

Richard Russell Riordan Jr. (born June 5, 1964) is an American author. He is known for writing the Percy Jackson & the Olympians series, about a teenager named Percy Jackson who discovers he is a son of the Greek god Poseidon. Riordan's books have been translated into forty-two languages and sold more than thirty million copies in the US. 20th Century Fox adapted the first two books of his Percy Jackson series as part of a series of films. His books have spawned related media, such as graphic novels and short story collections.

Farah Naz Rishi
Rishi, Farah Naz

Farah Naz Rishi is a Pakistani-American Muslim writer and voice actor, but in another life, she’s worked stints as a lawyer, a video game journalist, and an editorial assistant. She received her B.A. in English from Bryn Mawr College, her J.D. from Lewis & Clark Law School, and her love of weaving stories from the Odyssey Writing Workshop. When she’s not writing, she’s probably hanging out with video game characters.

Aaron Michael Ritchey
Ritchey, Aaron Michael

Aaron Michael Ritchey is the author of twenty-one novels and numerous pieces of short fiction. He was born on a cold and snowy September day in Denver, Colorado, and while he’s lived and travelled all over the world, he’s a child of the American West. Sagebrush makes him homesick. While he pines for the road, he still lives in Colorado with his cactus flower of a wife and two stormy daughters.

Becca Ritchie
Ritchie, Becca

Krista & Becca Ritchie are New York Times and USA Today bestselling authors and identical twins - one a science nerd, the other a comic book geek - but with their shared passion for writing, they combined their mental powers as kids and have never stopped telling stories. Now in their twenties, they write about other twenty-somethings navigating through life, college, and romance. They love superheroes, flawed characters, and soul mate love. 

Krista Ritchie
Ritchie, Krista

Krista & Becca Ritchie are New York Times and USA Today bestselling authors and identical twins - one a science nerd, the other a comic book geek - but with their shared passion for writing, they combined their mental powers as kids and have never stopped telling stories. Now in their twenties, they write about other twenty-somethings navigating through life, college, and romance. They love superheroes, flawed characters, and soul mate love. 

Krysten Ritter
Ritter, Krysten

Krysten Ritter is well known for her starring roles in the award winning Netflix original series, Marvel's Jessica Jones, and cult favorite, Don't Trust the B---- in Apartment 23, as well as her pivotal role on AMC’s Breaking Bad. Krysten’s work on film includes Big Eyes, Listen Up Philip, Life Happens, Confessions of a Shopaholic and She’s Out of My League. She is the founder of Silent Machine, a production company which aims to highlight complex female protagonists. Ritter and her dog Mikey split their time between New York and Los Angeles.

William Ritter
Ritter, William

William Ritter is an Oregon author and educator. He is the proud father of the two bravest boys in the Wild Wood, and husband to the indomitable Queen of the Deep Dark. The Oddmire, Book 1: Changeling is his first book for middle-grade readers.

Jonathan Rivalland
Rivalland, Jonathan

A sharp dislike of anything to do with the outside has greatly complemented Jonathan Rivalland’s intense desire to write novels and stories.  Having finished his first book he is eagerly moving forward on to the other dozen or so titles that all deserve their turn (ability to complete them all in a standard lifetime notwithstanding). After incidentally being from South Africa, graduating university with majors in History and Psychology, moving to South Korea to teach ESL (and staying for four years), he moved to the US, where he primarily spends his time either writing or thinking about writing.

Reimar Breaking is both the beginning of a series (The Iberan War) as well as the first of a variety of titles, set in the same universe (The Fourth World), concerning an array of characters, locations, and events.  None of these have any reliable completion dates because the author is vigorously allergic to deadlines.

Uncle River
River, Uncle

Uncle River is a hermit, living in the New Mexican mountains. His first book was Thunder Mountain. He has also written the "Mogollon News", fictitious news from the real New Mexico ghost town where River lived for five years. His works are published in Asimov's, Analog, Amazing Stories, Interzone, Absolute Magnitude, and Talebones.

K. Arsenault Rivera
Rivera, K. Arsenault

K. Arsenault Rivera was born in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, but moved to New York when she was a toddler. While not managing a nutritional supplement store in Brooklyn, K is an avid participant in the RPG community, from which she drew inspiration for her debut novel, The Tiger’s Daughter.

Lilliam Rivera
Rivera, Lilliam

Lilliam Rivera is the author of the young adult novel The Education of Margot Sanchez. A 2016 Pushcart Prize winner, her work has appeared in ElleTin House, and the Los Angeles Times, among others. Originally from the Bronx, New York, Lilliam now lives in Los Angeles.

Alec Rivere
Rivere, Alec

Alec Rivere is a pseudonym of Charles Nuetzel.

Greer Rivers
Rivers, Greer

Greer Rivers is a former crime fighter in a suit, but now happily leaves that to her characters! A born and raised Carolinian, Greer says “y’all”, the occasional “bless your heart” (when necessary), and feels comfortable using legal jargon in everyday life. 

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Jermaine Rivers
Rivers, Jermaine

Jermaine Rivers established himself in the literary industry after self publishing a series of fast paced, action packed novels titled The Nemesis Chronicles. Following the release of his thought provocative series, Jermaine delved even deeper into his craft by undertaking the role of publisher and founded Maine Stream Publishing in 2008 as a small press based out of Atlanta Georgia. After garnishing an iron clad affiliation with international distribution powerhouses Lightning Source Inc and Book Masters in 2010, Jermaine transformed his company from a small press into an international press capable of publishing and distributing his client's titles worldwide.

David Rix
Rix, David

David Rix (born in England in 1978) is an author, composer, editor, artist and publisher active in the area of Slipstream, Speculative Fiction and Horror - not to mention hints of absurdism, miserablism, naturism and pissed-offism. Contemporary classical music, the seashore, urban underground, railways, rocks and canals. His published books are What the Giants were Saying, the chapbook Brown is the New Black and the novella/story collection Feather, which was shortlisted for the Edge Hill prize. In addition, his works have appeared in various places, the most notable being many of the Strange Tales series of anthologies from Tartarus Press, Monster Book For Girls from Exaggerated Press, Creeping Crawlers from Shadow Publishing, and Marked to Die from Snuggly Books. He also runs and creates the art for Eibonvale Press, which focuses on innovative and unusual new slipstream writing. As an editor, his first anthology Rustblind and Silverbright, a collection of Slipstream stories connected to the railways, was shortlisted for the British Fantasy Award in the Best Anthology category.

Deborah Rix
Rix, Deborah

Deborah Rix has had a successful career in entertainment publicity, live music promotion, corporate communications and event management. She lives with her family in Toronto, Canada, where she is the proprietor of The Lucky Penny, a corner store and take-out joint in the Trinity-Bellwoods neighbourhood.

External Forces is her first novel.

Caris Roane
Roane, Caris

Caris Roane has authored over fifty published Regency romance novels and novellas under the name Valerie King. In 2005, Romantic Times honored her with a Career Achievement award for her Regency work.  Ascension is her first paranormal romance.

Rebecca Roanhorse
Roanhorse, Rebecca

Rebecca Roanhorse is a NYTimes bestselling and Nebula, Hugo, and Locus Award-winning speculative fiction writer and the recipient of the 2018 Astounding (Campbell) Award for Best New Writer.

Rebecca has published multiple award-winning short stories and five novels, including two in The Sixth World Series, Star Wars: Resistance Reborn, Race to the Sun for the Rick Riordan imprint, and her latest novel, the epic fantasy Black Sun. She has also written for Marvel Comics and for television, and had projects optioned by Amazon Studios, Netflix, and Paramount TV.

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J. D. Robb
Robb, J. D.

J. D. Robb is a pseudonym used by Nora Roberts.

Eleanor Marie Robertson, better known as Nora Roberts (October 10, 1950) is an American romance writer. She has written more than 165 romance novels. She writes as J. D. Robb for the "In Death" series. She also has written under the pseudonym Jill March, and by error some of her works were published in the UK as Sarah Hardesty.

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Suzanne Robb
Robb, Suzanne

Suzanne Robb is the author of Z-Boat, released by Twisted Library Press and Were-wolves, Apocalypses, and Genetic Mutation, Oh My! published by Dark Continents. She is also a contributing editor at Hidden Thoughts Press, and in April Wicked East Press will be releasing Read the end First, an apocalyptic anthology she edited with Adrian Chamberlin. In her free time she reads, watches movies, plays with her dog, and enjoys chocolate and LEGO's.

David Robbins
Robbins, David

David Lawrence Robbins (born 1950) is an American author of English and Pennsylvania Dutch descent. He writes both fiction and non-fiction. He has written hundreds of books under his own name and many pen names, among them: David Thompson, Jake McMasters, Jon Sharpe, Don Pendleton, Franklin W. Dixon, Ralph Compton, Dean L. McElwain, J. D. Cameron and John Killdeer.

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Tod Robbins
Robbins, Tod

Clarence Aaron "Tod" Robbins (1888–1949) was an American author of horror and mystery fiction.

Chris Roberson
Roberson, Chris

Chris Roberson is obsessed with superhero comics, pulp fiction, puppetry, animation, history, and science, and has a Bachelor of Arts in English and Liberal Arts Honors from the University of Texas at Austin, 1992. His books include the novels Here, There & Everywhere, The Voyage of Night Shining White, Paragaea: A Planetary Romance, X-Men: The Return, Set the Seas on Fire, End of the Century, Iron Jaw and Hummingbird, The Dragon’s Nine Sons, Three Unbroken, and Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II, and the comic book mini-series Cinderella: From Fabletown With Love. His short stories have appeared in such magazines as Asimov’s Science Fiction, PostScripts, and Subterranean.

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Jennifer Roberson
Roberson, Jennifer

Jennifer Mitchell Roberson (born 1953) is an author of fantasy and historical literature.

Katee Robert
Robert, Katee

New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling author Katee Robert learned to tell her stories at her grandpa’s knee. Her 2015 title, The Marriage Contract, was a RITA finalist, and RT Book Reviews named it 'a compulsively readable book with just the right amount of suspense and tension." When not writing sexy contemporary and romantic suspense, she spends her time playing imaginary games with her children, driving her husband batty with what-if questions, and planning for the inevitable zombie apocalypse. 

Sky Robert
Robert, Sky

Smutty monster sci-fi alien fated mates romances.

Every book a standalone romance unraveling the universe one spicy book at a time.

A. R. R. R. Roberts
Roberts, A. R. R. R.

A. R. R. R. Roberts is pseudonym of Adam Roberts.

A3R Roberts
Roberts, A3R

A3R Roberts is a pseudonym of Adam Roberts.

Adam Roberts
Roberts, Adam

Adam Roberts (born 1965) is a British academic, critic and novelist. He also writes under the pseudonyms of A. R. R. R. Roberts, A3R Roberts, Robertski Brothers and Don Brine.


Gareth Roberts
Roberts, Gareth

Gareth John Pritchard Roberts (born 1968) is a British television screenwriter and novelist, best known for his work related to the science-fiction television series Doctor Who. He has also worked on various comedy series and soap operas.

Jeyn Roberts
Roberts, Jeyn

Jeyn grew up in Saskatoon, Canada. She started writing at an early age, but when she was twenty-one she moved to Vancouver with dreams of being a rock star. For the next several years she played in an alternative/punk band called Missing Mile. A former singer, songwriter, actress, bicycle courier, tree planter — Jeyn graduated from the University of British Columbia with a degree in Writing and Psychology. Shortly afterwards, she moved to England, where she received her MA in Creative Writing at Bath Spa University. An avid traveller, she’s been around the world, including teaching in a high school in South Korea and writing novels in her flat in Vancouver. Dark Inside is her first book to be published.

John Maddox Roberts
Roberts, John Maddox

US, born 1947.

Katherine Roberts
Roberts, Katherine

Katherine Roberts (born 1962) is an English author, best known for her fantasy trilogy The Echorium Sequence.


Keith Roberts
Roberts, Keith

Keith Roberts (1935–2000) was a British science fiction author.

Lauren Roberts
Roberts, Lauren

When Lauren isn’t writing about fantasy worlds and bantering love interests, she can likely be found burrowed in bed reading about them. Lauren has lived in Michigan her whole life, making her very familiar with potholes, snow, and various lake activities. She has the hobbies of both a grandmother and a child, i.e., knitting, laser tag, hammocking, word searches, and coloring. Powerless is her debut novel, and she hopes to have the privilege of writing pretty words for the rest of her life.

Lionel Roberts
Roberts, Lionel

Lionel Roberts is a pseudonym of R. L. Fanthorpe.

Nora Roberts
Roberts, Nora

Eleanor Marie Robertson, better known as Nora Roberts (October 10, 1950) is an American romance writer. She has written more than 165 romance novels. She writes as J. D. Robb for the "In Death" series. She also has written under the pseudonym Jill March, and by error some of her works were published in the UK as Sarah Hardesty.

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Shauna Roberts
Roberts, Shauna

Shauna S. Roberts (born 1956) is an American science fiction author, science writer and medical writer.

Tansy Rayner Roberts
Roberts, Tansy Rayner

Tansy Rayner Roberts (born 1978) is an award-winning Australian fantasy writer. She holds a Bachelor of Arts (Hons), and completed a PhD in Classics in 2007, both from the University of Tasmania. Roberts's short stories have been published in a variety of genre magazines, including Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine and Aurealis. In 1998, Roberts won the inaugural George Turner Prize for Splashdance Silver, awarded to an unpublished Australian science fiction/fantasy novel each year. Set in the comic fantasy world of 'Mocklore', Splashdance Silver was published by Bantam in 1998. A sequel, Liquid Gold, and the chapbook novelette Hobgoblin Boots are also both set in 'Mocklore'. In 2007 her children's novel Seacastle was published by ABC Books. Seacastle is the first book in the seven-part children's book series The Lost Shimmaron, sold to ABC Books by Australian writers group wRiters On the Rise (RoR). In May 2010 Power and Majesty, Book One of the Creature Court trilogy, was published by HarperCollins Voyager. Roberts has described the Creature Court trilogy as a combination of two fantasy sub-genres: court fantasy and urban fantasy.

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Al Robertson
Robertson, Al

Al Robertson is a Creative Consultant on branding. His work has been shortlisted for the BSFA Short Story Award and longlisted for the British Fantasy Awards. He lives in Brighton and Crashing Heaven is his first novel.

Andrea Robertson
Robertson, Andrea

Andrea Robertson is the internationally bestselling author of the Nightshade series and of Invisibility, which she co-wrote with David Levithan. She is also the author of the Inventor's Secret trilogy. Originally from Minnesota, she now lives in California.

Ashley Robertson
Robertson, Ashley

Ashley Robertson resides in sunny Orlando, Florida. She loves reading and writing about everything urban fantasy and paranormal romance. When she's not writing she spends time with family and friends, training in her home gym, traveling and exploring new places, drinking fine red wines, and making gourmet coffees with her Nespresso machine.

Edward W. Robertson
Robertson, Edward W.

Ed is the author of the post-apocalyptic Breakers series and the epic fantasy series The Cycle of Arawn. A former New Yorker and Idaho-guy, he currently lives in the LA area. His short fiction has appeared in a whole bunch of magazines and anthologies.

Freya Robertson
Robertson, Freya

Freya Robertson lives in New Zealand. She has published over twenty romance novels under her pseudonym, Serenity Woods.

James G. Robertson
Robertson, James G.

Born in 1990, James G. Robertson grew up in the small town of Pratt, Kansas. He’s also lived in Texas, Missouri, and in New York where he graduated from SUNY Oswego in 2019, obtaining his bachelor's degree in political science with a theatre minor. James began writing his first book, Afterworld, in 2010. After a long hiatus, he finished Afterworld and had it published April 14th, 2020.

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K.D. Robertson
Robertson, K.D.

I’m a fantasy author with a love for complex magical worlds, particularly with an adult flavor.

The stories I write are what I want to see more of in fiction. Fantasy stories with a strong focus on the female characters, huge battles between absurdly powerful fantasy beings, empire building stories with politics and intrigue, and most importantly: interesting and complex worlds based on magic that are fun to explore over the course of a series.

Linda Robertson
Robertson, Linda

Linda Robertson not only writes, she is an artist, plays the piano and electric guitar, composes and was in a super-cool rock band four children ago. Now that her four sons are older, she's looking for a new band. Originally from Mansfield, Ohio, she's a graduate of Ohio State University and currently lives in Medina, Ohio.

Albert Robida
Robida, Albert

Albert Robida (1848–1926) was an illustrator, etcher, lithographer, caricaturist, and novelist. He edited and published La Caricature magazine for 12 years. Through the 1880s he wrote an acclaimed trilogy of futuristic novels. In the 1900s he created 520 illustrations for Pierre Giffard's weekly serial La Guerre Infernale.

Emery Robin
Robin, Emery

Emery Robin is a paralegal, recovering Californian, and sometime student of propaganda and art history living in New York City.

Stephen Robinett
Robinett, Stephen

Stephen Allen Robinett (1941–2004) was an American author of science fiction novels and stories.

Robinett's first publication was in the March 1969 edition of the magazine Analog Science Fiction and Fact, with the novelette Minitalent, which appeared under his most-used pseudonym, Tak Hallus (which he claimed was Persian for "pseudonym"). By the mid-1970s, however, he had begun using his own name. He published two novels, Stargate and The Man Responsible in the mid-1970s, and continued to publish short fiction until the early 1980s. He also wrote two linked mystery novels: Final Option (1990) and Unfinished Business (1990).

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Alex Robins
Robins, Alex

Alex Robins was born in Norwich, England back when it was still trendy to wear lycra tracksuits and bright pink headbands. Norwich School Library was where he first discovered his love of reading, an old converted undercroft packed to the rafters with books. The first fantasy series he read was The Dragonlance Chronicles by Margaret Weis & Tracey Hickman, quickly followed by The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, and David Eddings' The Belgariad.

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Lane Robins
Robins, Lane

Lane Robins was born in Miami, Florida, the daughter of two scientists, and grew up as the first human member of their menagerie. When it came time for a career, it was a hard choice between veterinarian and writer. It turned out to be far more fun to write about blood than to work with it. She received her BA in Creative Writing from Beloit College, and currently lives in Lawrence, Kansas.

Eden Robinson
Robinson, Eden

Eden Victoria Lena Robinson (born 1968) is a Canadian novelist and short story writer.

Born in Kitamaat, British Columbia, she is a member of the Haisla and Heiltsuk First Nations. She was educated at the University of Victoria and the University of British Columbia.

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Frank M. Robinson
Robinson, Frank M.

Frank M. Robinson (born 1926) is an American science fiction and techno-thriller writer.

Jeremy Robinson
Robinson, Jeremy

Jeremy Robinson also writes books under the pseudonym of Jeremy Bishop.

Justin Robinson
Robinson, Justin

Much like film noir, Justin Robinson was born and raised in Los Angeles. He splits his time between editing comic books, writing prose and wondering what that disgusting smell is. Degrees in Anthropology and History prepared him for unemployment, but an obsession with horror fiction and a laundry list of phobias provided a more attractive option.

Kim Stanley Robinson
Robinson, Kim Stanley

Kim Stanley Robinson (born 1952) is an American science fiction author.

Michelle Janine Robinson
Robinson, Michelle Janine

Michelle Janine Robinson is the author of Color Me Grey, More Than Meets the Eye, and Serial Typical. Her short story “Mi Destino” was included in Zane’s New York Times bestseller Caramel Flava, and her short story contribution “The Quiet Room” was a featured story in the New York Times bestseller Succulent: Chocolate Flava II. Michelle is a native New Yorker and the mother of identical twin boys.

Seth Robinson
Robinson, Seth

Seth Robinson is an American-Australian author based in Melbourne. Seth retains his American twang and love of pine trees, something that contributed to the setting of Welcome to Bellevue, his debut novel.

Spider Robinson
Robinson, Spider

Spider Robinson (born 1948) is an American-born Canadian science fiction author.

Cecy Robson
Robson, Cecy

Cecy Robson is an international and award-winning author who is published with Penguin, Random House, and Entangled Publishing.

As a registered nurse of twenty-one years, Cecy spends her free time creating magical worlds, heart-stopping romance, and young adult adventure. Her novels have been translated into multiple languages and are featured in CHAPTERS Interactive Story app., as well as HOOKED where Cecy writes as Rosalina San Tiago.

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Eddie Robson
Robson, Eddie

Eddie Robson is a British comedy and science fiction writer best known for his sitcom Welcome to Our Village, Please Invade Carefully and his work on a variety of spin-offs from the BBC Television series Doctor Who. He has written books, comics, short stories and for television and theatre, and has worked as a freelance journalist for various science fiction magazines.

Justina Robson
Robson, Justina

Justina Robson (born 1968) is from Leeds, a city in Yorkshire in the north of England. She started writing in her teens.

Mark Robson
Robson, Mark

Mark Robson is a British fantasy author. He was born 1966. He writes fantasy books for children and young adults.

K. E. Rocha
Rocha, K. E.

K.E. Rocha received an MFA from New York University and served as the Starworks Fellow at Mount Sinai's Kravis Children's Hospital, providing pediatric patients with bedside creative writing instruction. She creates, writes, and story develops for Egg in the Hole Productions, and lives in Brooklyn, New York.

Kit Rocha
Rocha, Kit

Kit Rocha is the pseudonym for the author duo Donna Herren (@totallydonna) and Bree Bridges (@mostlybree). They are best known for their gritty and sexy dystopian BEYOND series, and were the first indie authors to receive a Romantic Times Reviewer’s Choice Award. They currently live three miles apart in Alabama and spend their non-writing time caring for a menagerie of animals and crafting handmade jewelry, all of which is chronicled on their various social media accounts.

Warren Rochelle
Rochelle, Warren

Warren Rochelle is an associate professor of English at the University of Mary Washington. He is the author of Communities of the Heart: The Rhetoric of Myth in the Fiction of Ursula K. Le Guin and The Wild Boy. He lives in Fredericksburg, Virginia.

Jean-Marc Rochette
Rochette, Jean-Marc

Jean-Marc Rochette (born 1956) is a French painter, illustrator and comics creator.

He is best known and recognized for the comic book series Edmond le Cochon and Le Transperceneige, as well as for his illustrations of the literary classic Candide ou l'optimisme by Voltaire, and Homer's Odyssey.

Farrah Rochon
Rochon, Farrah

New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author Farrah Rochon hails from a small town just west of New Orleans. She has garnered much acclaim for her Boyfriend Project series with Forever Romance. 

When she is not writing in her favorite coffee shop, Farrah spends most of her time reading, cooking, traveling the world, visiting Walt Disney World, and catching her favorite Broadway shows.

Maya Rock
Rock, Maya

Maya Rock, a former literary agent, lives in New York City. Scripted is her first novel.

Zin E. Rocklyn
Rocklyn, Zin E.

Zin E. Rocklyn is a contributor to Bram Stoker-nominated Nox PareidoliaKaiju Rising II: Reign of MonstersBrigands: A Blackguards Anthology, and Forever Vacancy anthologies and Weird Luck Tales No. 7 zine. Their story “Summer Skin” in the Bram Stoker-nominated anthology Sycorax’s Daughters received an honorable mention for Ellen Datlow’s Best Horror of the Year, Volume Ten. Zin contributed the nonfiction essay “My Genre Makes a Monster of Me” to Uncanny Magazine’s Hugo Award-winning Disabled People Destroy Science Fiction. Their short story “Night Sun” was published on Zin is a 2017 VONA and 2018 Viable Paradise graduate as well as a 2021 Clarion West candidate.

Betty Rocksteady
Rocksteady, Betty

Betty Rocksteady writes cosmic sex horror, cat mythos, and surreal, claustrophobic nightmares.

Her debut novella Arachnophile was part of Eraserhead Press New Bizarro Author Series 2015. Like Jagged Teeth and The Writhing Skies were released by Perpetual Motion Machine Publishing. The Writhing Skies was voted Novella of the Year by This Is Horror Awards 2018.

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Graeme Rodaughan
Rodaughan, Graeme

Graeme Rodaughan was born in Maffra, Victoria and grew up on a dairy farm at Invergordon, in the Goulburn Valley, Victoria, Australia. He was educated at Numurkah and Shepparton High Schools, and later at Latrobe University where he graduated with a degree in Philosophy and a graduate diploma in Computer Science.

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Emily Rodda
Rodda, Emily

Emily Rodda is a pseudonym used by Jennifer June Rowe (born 1948). Jennifer Rowe is an Australian author, who writes adult fiction under her own name and children's fiction under the pseudonym of Emily Rodda.


Sean Rodden
Rodden, Sean

Sean Rodden is an epic fantasy author with residing and writing in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Born and raised in Oakville, Ontario, he grew up with skates and hockey sticks, hiking shoes and canoes, heavy weights and hard rock – and lovingly dog-eared copies of the Silmarillion, Homer’s Iliad and volumes of Greek, Norse and Celtic mythology. He finished his first epic fantasy novel, WHISPERS OF WAR, in the spring of 2014, publishing independently through CreateSpace in May of the same year. He signed a three book deal with Realmwalker Publishing Group in September of 2015, but decided to publish independently again in April 2016.

Dalia Roddy
Roddy, Dalia

Dalia Roddy is a former journalist and photographer. She lives in the Northern California Sierras.

Alan Rodgers
Rodgers, Alan

Alan Rodgers (1959-2014) was a science fiction and horror writer, editor, and poet. In the mid-eighties he was the editor for Night Cry. His short stories have been published in a number of venues, including Weird Tales, Twilight Zone and a number of anthologies, such as Darker Masques, Prom Night, and Vengeance Fantastic. His novelette "The Boy Who Came Back From the Dead" won the Bram Stoker Award for Best Long Fiction in 1987 and was nominated for the World Fantasy Award.

Steve Rodgers
Rodgers, Steve

Steve Rodgers has been reading science fiction since he was old enough to carry a stack of hard-bound books out of the central library. He's been writing all his life, including a novel started when he was 18.

In his adult life, Steve is a writer of science fiction, fantasy, and speculative fiction whose short stories have appeared in Deepwood Publishing's "Ruined Cities" anthology, Cosmic Vegetable's "Anthology of Humorous SF", Longcount Press's "Songs of the Great Cycle (Mesoamerican Fantasy)", and "Dysfunctional Family: An Anthology", all for sale on Amazon. His short fiction has also appeared in several on-line magazines, such as Perihelion (, Stupefying Stories (, Black Denim Lit (, Electric Spec (, Newmyths (, and many others. Steve has won several honorable mentions and silver honorable mentions from the prestigious Writers of the Future contest, and has attended the Viable Paradise science fiction writing workshop. He is currently working on a Fantasy novel duology "Spellgiver".

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Geoff Rodkey
Rodkey, Geoff

Geoff Rodkey is the  Emmy-nominated writer of such hit films as Daddy Day Care, RV, and the Disney Channel’s Good Luck Charlie, It’s Christmas. He grew up in Freeport, Illinois, and began his writing career on his high school newspaper.

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Caleb Roehrig
Roehrig, Caleb

Caleb Roehrig's debut YA thriller, Last Seen Leaving, was called one of the Best YA Novels of 2016 by Caleb lives with his husband in Los Angeles.

Don Roff
Roff, Don

Don Roff (born 1966) is an American writer and filmmaker.

Bruce Holland Rogers
Rogers, Bruce Holland

Bruce Holland Rogers is an American author of short fiction who also writes under the pseudonym Hanovi Braddock. His stories have won a Pushcart Prize, two Nebula Awards, the Bram Stoker Award, two World Fantasy Awards, the Micro Award, and have been nominated for the Edgar Allan Poe Award and Spain's Premio Ignotus.

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Cameron Rogers
Rogers, Cameron

Cameron Rogers lives in Melbourne. The Music of Razors is his first novel.

He's been an itenerant theater student, a stage director, a stand-up comic, a motion-capture model for an elf who needed food badly, and had a question mark instead of a photo in his highschool yearbook. He spent three months cutting up vegetables in stainless-steel cubicle with a defecting Soviet weightlifter, and almost got suckered into working in what turned out to be a Yakuza-run all-gay bowling alley in Kyoto. His last Real Job was with the Crime Management Unity of the Queensland Police Service.

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Ian Rogers
Rogers, Ian

Ian Rogers is a writer, artist, and photographer. His short fiction has appeared in several publications, including Cemetery Dance, Shadows & Tall Trees, and On Spec. His latest books include the dark fiction collection Every House Is Haunted (ChiZine Publications) and SuperNOIRtural Tales (Burning Effigy Press), a collection of stories featuring supernatural detective Felix Renn. Ian’s work has been selected for The Best Horror of the Year and Imaginarium: The Best Canadian Speculative Writing. His novelette, “The House on Ashley Avenue,” was nominated for the Shirley Jackson Award. Ian lives with his wife in Peterborough, Ontario.

Jane Rogers
Rogers, Jane

Jane Rogers has written eight novels including Her Living Image (Somerset Maugham Award), Mr Wroe's Virgins, Promised Lands (Writers Guild Best Novel Award), Island (Orange long-listed), and The Voyage Home. Both Island and Mr Wroe s Virgins were selected as New York Times Notable Books. Her novels have been translated into German, Dutch, French, and Hebrew. She has written drama for radio and TV, including an award-winning adaptation of Mr Wroe s Virgins, directed by Danny Boyle. Her radio work includes both original drama and Classic Serial adaptations. She has taught writing at the University of Adelaide, Paris Sorbonne IV, and on a radio-writing project in Eastern Uganda. She is Professor of Writing at Sheffield Hallam University, and is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature. She lives on the edge of the moors in Lancashire.

Sharon Carter Rogers
Rogers, Sharon Carter

Sharon Carter Rogers is the pseudonym for a thriller novelist active in the Christian suspense genre of books. She is author of the critically acclaimed thrillers, Sinner, Unpretty, and Drift.

Margaret Rogerson
Rogerson, Margaret

Margaret Rogerson is the New York Times and internationally bestselling author of Sorcery of Thorns and An Enchantment of Ravens. Her newest book, Vespertine, released October 2021 from Simon & Schuster. When not reading or writing, she enjoys watching more documentaries than is socially acceptable (according to some) and creeping through the woods in search of toads and mushrooms. She lives near Cincinnati, Ohio with her one-eyed cat Commodore. Her books have been translated into over a dozen languages.

Michael Scott Rohan
Rohan, Michael Scott

Michael Scott Rohan (1951-2018) was a Scottish fantasy and science fiction author and writer on opera.

He had a number of short stories published before his first books, the science fiction novel Run to the Stars and the non-fiction First Byte. He then collaborated with Allan J. Scott on the nonfiction The Hammer and The Cross (an account of Christianity arriving in Viking lands, not to be confused with Harry Harrison's similarly themed novel trilogy of the same name) and the fantasy novels The Ice King and A Spell of Empire.

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Sax Rohmer
Rohmer, Sax

Arthur Henry Sarsfield Ward (1883–1959), better known as Sax Rohmer, was a prolific English novelist. He is best remembered for his series of novels featuring the master criminal Dr. Fu Manchu.


Glenn Rolfe
Rolfe, Glenn

Glenn Rolfe is an author from the haunted woods of New England. He has studied Creative Writing at Southern New Hampshire University, and continues his education in the world of horror by devouring the novels of Stephen King and Richard Laymon. He and his wife, Meghan, have two girls, Ruby, and Ramona, and their son, Axl.

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Jason E. Rolfe
Rolfe, Jason E.

Jason Rolfe writes fiction that is both darkly comic and comically absurd. He often uses humour to shed light on things he considers philosophically absurd. His recent publications include the novella, An Archive of Human Nonsense (Snuggly Books, 2017), and the brief collection, An Inconvenient Corpse (Black Scat Books Absurdist Texts & Documents #30, 2014).  Jason regularly contributes to The Black Scat Review and Black Scat Books’ online journal, Le Scat Noir. In his spare time, he works full time  for a large multi-national corporation. He (likes to think he) plays blues guitar. He also enjoys silent comedies, writing about himself in the third person and collecting old books.

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Danielle Rollins
Rollins, Danielle

Danielle Rollins is the author of the Merciless series and Survive the Night under the pseudonym Danielle Vega. She lives in Brooklyn, New York, and spends far too much money on vintage furniture and leather boots.

James Rollins
Rollins, James

James Rollins is a #1 New York Times bestselling author of international thrillers that have been translated into more than forty languages. Known for unveiling unseen worlds, scientific breakthroughs, and historical secrets, Rollins has a knack for breakneck pacing and stunning originality that has been hailed by critics and embraced by millions of readers around the world.

L. T. C. Rolt
Rolt, L. T. C.

Lionel Thomas Caswall Rolt (usually abbreviated to Tom Rolt or L. T. C. Rolt, 1910–1974) was a prolific English writer and the biographer of major civil engineering figures including Isambard Kingdom Brunel and Thomas Telford. He is also regarded as one of the pioneers of the leisure cruising industry on Britain's inland waterways, and as an enthusiast for both vintage cars and heritage railways.

Zan Romanoff
Romanoff, Zan

Zan Romanoff was born and raised in Los Angeles, fifteen miles (at least an hour in traffic) from the ocean. She received a BA in literature from Yale, then returned to LA, where she lives in an apartment that never has quite enough shelves for all of her books. Her work has appeared in publications that range from the Paris Review to the Toast and the Atlantic.

Boris Romanovsky
Romanovsky, Boris

A book lover from a tender age, eleven-year-old Boris jotted his first novel down in his exercise book, illustrating it with pictures of his own design. It was then that he proudly announced, “I’m gonna be an author!”

His family, friends and even strangers didn’t seem to share his enthusiasm. “You gotta be kiddin’,” they told him, pointing out that wordsmiths of today couldn’t support themselves with their writing, let alone provide for a family.

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Nicholas Rombes
Rombes, Nicholas

Nicholas Rombes works in Detroit. The Absolution of Roberto Acestes Laing (Two Dollar Radio, 2014) is his first novel which, according to Elizabeth Hand, is "beautiful and nightmarish" and which Brian Evenson describes as "smart and slyly unsettling." And Evan Calder Williams says: "Suffused with the best elements and obscure conspiracies of Bolaño, Ligotti, and speculative fiction, Rombes' work gnaws away at the limits of what a novel looks like." He has written for The Believer, The Rumpus, The Oxford American and the Los Angeles Review of Books.

George A. Romero
Romero, George A.

George Andrew Romero (1940-2017) was an American filmmaker, writer and editor. He is best known for his series of gruesome and satirical horror films about an imagined zombie apocalypse, beginning with Night of the Living Dead (1968). This film is often considered a progenitor of the fictional zombie of modern culture. Other films in the series include Dawn of the Dead (1978) and Day of the Dead (1985). Aside from this series, his works include The Crazies (1973), Martin (1978), Creepshow (1982), Monkey Shines (1988), The Dark Half (1993) and Bruiser (2000). He also created and executive-produced the 1983-88 television series Tales from the Darkside.

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R. M. Romero
Romero, R. M.

R. M. Romero lives with her family and a menagerie of pets in Colorado. The Dollmaker of Kraków is her debut middle-grade novel.

Kyle Alexander Romines
Romines, Kyle Alexander

Kyle Alexander Romines is a teller of tales from the hills of Kentucky. He enjoys good reads, thunderstorms, and anything edible. His writing interests include fantasy, science fiction, horror, and western.

Kyle's debut horror novel, The Keeper of the Crows, appeared on the Preliminary Ballot of the 2015 Bram Stoker Awards in the category of Superior Achievement in a First Novel. He obtained his M.D. from the University of Louisville School of Medicine.

John Romita Jr
Romita Jr, John

John Salvatore Romita, Jr. (born 1956) is an American comic book artist best known for his extensive work for Marvel Comics from the 1970s to the 2000s. He is often referred to as JRJR (abbreviation of John Romita, Jr.)

In 2006, Romita collaborated with writer Neil Gaiman on the reinterpretation of Jack Kirby's The Eternals in the form of a seven issue miniseries.

Michael Romkey
Romkey, Michael

Michael Romkey is a newspaper editor and author. He is well known for his vampire novels. His first book, Fears Point, was released in 1989.

Mark Ronson
Ronson, Mark

Mark Ronson is a pseudonym of Marc Alexander.

Sebastian Rook
Rook, Sebastian

Sebastian Rook is a pseudonym of Ben Jeapes.

Armand Rosamilia
Rosamilia, Armand

Armand Rosamilia is a New Jersey boy currently living in sunny Florida, where he writes when he's not sleeping.

He's written over 100 stories that are currently available, including a few different series: Dying Days (extreme zombie series), Keyport Cthulhu (horror series), Flagler Beach (contemporary fiction), Metal Queens (non-fiction music series)... He also loves to talk in third person because he's really that cool. He's a proud Active member of HWA as well.

A. M. Rose
Rose, A. M.

A.M. Rose is the author of Road to Eugenica, and Breakout (formerly titled Not Innocent) is the writer of young adult novels, drinker of too much coffee (with way too much coconut creamer), and lover of all carbohydrates.

Currently, she lives in Houston, TX with her three boys (yes, her husband is in that count) and three cats. When she isn’t writing, she is an avid reader, critiquer, (is that even a word?) and trampoline enthusiast.

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A.K. Rose
Rose, A.K.

A.K. Rose is the dark contemporary romance pen name of Atlas Rose.

Allegra Rose
Rose, Allegra

Sweet and steamy is my thing! I just love when a hero is gentle, passionate, and protective with his heroine. It makes me melt inside. As a reader, I’ve especially come to love monster romance novels, but I couldn’t find enough that scratched that itch. So I decided to start writing!

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C. W. Rose
Rose, C. W.

C.W. Rose is a Fantasy and Romance author who writes about ordinary Asian women in extraordinary situations, and find themselves, and sometimes—okay, usually—love along the way, and the cinnamon roll (not always human) men who adore them. She is also a certified scuba diver and lifeguard with a deep love for the world and animals around us, though she hasn’t spotted any mermaids yet. Outside of writing, you can find her buried in a great book, learning to sing in different languages, and finding any excuse to spend time outdoors. She’s also a third culture kid who grew up in Singapore, and currently lives in New York City with her family, working as a Physical Therapist.

Kathryn Rose
Rose, Kathryn

Kathryn Rose was born in Toronto, Canada and raised in the Kitchener-Waterloo region of Southern Ontario. She graduated from York University with a bachelor's in English, minoring in philosophy, before moving to Los Angeles, California.

She is the author of the Metal & Lace trilogy.

M. J. Rose
Rose, M. J.

New York Times bestselling author M. J. Rose grew up in New York City exploring the labyrinthine galleries of the Metropolitan Museum and the dark tunnels and lush gardens of Central Park. She is the author of more than a dozen novels, a founding board member of International Thriller Writers, and the founder of the first marketing company for authors, She lives in Connecticut.

Martin Rose
Rose, Martin

Martin Rose writes a range of fiction from the fantastic to the macabre. Recent short work appears in anthologies such as Urban Green Man and Handsome Devil.

Melanie Ruth Rose
Rose, Melanie Ruth

Melanie Ruth Rose has worked extensively in the entertainment industry throughout her career, completing numerous projects for the BBC, LWT and ITV, and appearing on the West End stage. She lives in Los Angeles.

Shain Rose
Rose, Shain

Shain Rose is a USA Today and #1 best-selling author. She writes romance filled with angst, steam, and emotional rollercoasters that lead to happily ever afters.

She lives where the weather is always changing with a family that she hopes will never change. When she isn't writing, she's reading and loving life.

Patricia Rosemoor
Rosemoor, Patricia

Patricia Rosemoor writes about dangerous love – she's the author of more than fifty paranormal thrillers and novels of romantic suspense. She has won a Golden Heart from Romance Writers of America, and Reviewers Choice and Career Achievement awards from Romantic Times Book Club. In her other life, she teaches in the fiction writing department of Columbia College Chicago.

Lev Ac Rosen
Rosen, Lev Ac

LEV AC ROSEN writes books for people of all ages, most recently Jack of Hearts (and other parts). His books have been translated into different languages, featured on numerous best of the year lists, and nominated for awards. He lives in NYC with his husband and a very small cat.

Selina Rosen
Rosen, Selina

Selina Rosen is an American author.

Benjamin Rosenbaum
Rosenbaum, Benjamin

Benjamin Rosenbaum is an American science fiction, fantasy, and literary fiction writer and computer programmer, whose stories have been finalists for the Hugo Award, the Nebula Award, the Theodore Sturgeon Award, the BSFA award, and the World Fantasy Award. He was born August 23, 1969.

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Thane Rosenbaum
Rosenbaum, Thane

Thane Rosenbaum is a novelist, essayist, and law professor.

Joel Rosenberg
Rosenberg, Joel

Joel Rosenberg (1954-2011) was a science fiction and fantasy author. He had a dual American and Canadian citizenship. He is best known for the Guardians of the Flame fantasy series.


Madelyn Rosenberg
Rosenberg, Madelyn

Madelyn Rosenberg is the coauthor of This Is Just a Test, a Sydney Taylor Honor Book, and Not Your All-American Girl, which she wrote with Wendy Wan-Long Shang; Dream Boy, cowritten with Mary Crockett; and many books for younger readers, including the How to Behave books and Cyclops of Central Park. She writes books, articles, and essays for children and adults, and lives in the suburbs of Washington, DC.

Eileen Rosenbloom
Rosenbloom, Eileen

Eileen Rosenbloom is a member of the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators. Her work has appeared in magazines such as Wee Ones, On the Line, and My Friend. A native of Philadelphia, Rosenbloom has studied writing at the Institute of Children's Literature and the Univerity of California, Los Angeles. Stuck Down is her first book.

Gregg Rosenblum
Rosenblum, Gregg

Gregg Rosenblum is an editor/webmaster/communications/quasi-IT guy at Harvard. He graduated from UC San Diego and has an MFA in creative writing from Emerson College. He lives in Boston, MA, with his wife and daughter.

Mary Rosenblum
Rosenblum, Mary

Mary Rosenblum (born 1952) is an American science fiction author. She also writes mystery books as Mary Freeman.

Chuck Rosenthal
Rosenthal, Chuck

Chuck Rosenthal (sometimes writes as C. P. Rosenthal) is an American novelist and short story writer. Since the 1980s, he has published seven novels and a memoir. He is married to the poet Gail Wronsky and has one child, Marlena Rosenthal. He is a Professor of English at Loyola Marymount University.

Emerson Rosewood
Rosewood, Emerson

Emerson Rosewood once frolicked under a foreboding blood moon, discovering for herself that love should be enchanting, ethereal, and unreal. In her stories, the heroines fight to slay their mundane existences, and the guys torment the poor girls with brooding looks and desperate kisses. Emerson loves and believes in epic romances with touches of fairy-tale magic, fangs, and hints of the impossible.

James Rosone
Rosone, James

James Rosone is a six-time Amazon KDP All-Star Author, having achieved Top 100 most-read Thriller and Science Fiction author in the US, UK, and Germany Kindle Unlimited program. His Military-Technothriller series, the Monroe Doctrine, has garnered more than 15,000+ reviews across the series. At the same time, his Military-Science Fiction series, the Rise of the Republic, has garnered 16,000+ reviews. With more than 225 million page reads within the Kindle Unlimited program, he is among the most-read self-published authors in the Amazon KDP program. 

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Ava Ross
Ross, Ava

AVA ROSS fell for men with unusual features when she first watched Star Wars, where alien creatures have gone mainstream. She lives in New England with her husband (who is sadly not an alien, though he is still cute in his own way), her kids, and assorted pets, including a yorkie pup and three cats.

Deborah J. Ross
Ross, Deborah J.

Deborah J. Ross (born 1947) is an American published science fiction and fantasy author.

Deborah J. Ross has also written books under the pseudonym of Deborah Wheeler.

Joel Ross
Ross, Joel

Joel Ross is the author of two World War II thrillers for adults (Double Cross Blind and White Flag Down). This is his tween debut. He lives in Santa Barbara, CA, with his wife, Lee Naftali, who is also a full-time writer, and his son, Ben, who is a full-time kid.

Rebecca Ross
Ross, Rebecca

Rebecca Ross writes fantasy novels for teens and adults. She lives in the Appalachian foothills of Northeast Georgia with her husband, their lively Australian Shepherd, and an endless pile of books. THE QUEEN'S RISING, THE QUEEN'S RESISTANCE, SISTERS OF SWORD & SONG, and DREAMS LIE BENEATH are her titles for young adult readers. A RIVER ENCHANTED is her adult fantasy debut, publishing February 15, 2022 with a sequel to follow. When not writing, she can be found reading or in her garden, where she grows wildflowers and story ideas.

Luca Rossi
Rossi, Luca

Research, science, science fiction and high technology: this is the world of Luca Rossi, and the main themes that run through his literary work.

He believes the internet provides a tool to bring people together and make the world a more open, fair and democratic place.

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Phil Rossi
Rossi, Phil

Phil Rossi – writer, a musician, and an embracer of new media – has a passion for story-telling matched only by the pleasure he derives from keeping his fans awake at night.

Crescent, Rossi's debut novel, was originally released as a podcast in 2007 and has since lured 20,000 listeners into a dark, twisted world of nightmares and things that go bump in the night. Phil Rossi's writing has been paralleled to Stephen King, Philip K. Dick, and H. P. Lovecraft. He has a flair for vivid and often chilling imagery that lends itself to engrossing narratives and an undertone of inescapable, creeping dread.

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Veronica Rossi
Rossi, Veronica

Veronica Rossi is a New York Times bestselling author of fiction for young adults, including the "Under the Never Sky" trilogy. She completed undergraduate studies at UCLA and then went on to study fine art at the California College of the Arts in San Francisco. She lives in Northern California with her husband and two sons. When not writing, she enjoys reading, painting, and counting down the minutes until she can get back to making up stories about imaginary people.

Rena Rossner
Rossner, Rena

Rena Rossner lives in Israel, where she works as a literary agent. All eight of her great grandparents immigrated to America to escape the pogroms, from towns like Dubossary and Kupel. It is their story, together with her love of Jewish mythology and fantasy, which inspired her to write The Sisters of the Winter Wood.

Ashley N. Rostek
Rostek, Ashley N.

Ashley N. Rostek is a wife and mother by day and a writer by night. She survives on coffee, loves collecting offensive coffee mugs, and is an unashamed bibliophile.

To Ashley, there isn’t a better pastime than letting your mind escape in a good book. Her favorite genre is romance and has the overflowing bookshelf to prove it. She is a lover of love. Be it a sweet YA or a dark and lusty novel, she must read it!

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Theodore Roszak
Roszak, Theodore

Theodore Roszak (1933-2011) was professor emeritus of history at California State University, East Bay. He is best known for his 1968 text, The Making of a Counter Culture.

Philip Roth
Roth, Philip

Philip Milton Roth (born 1933) is an American novelist. He gained fame with the 1959 novella Goodbye, Columbus, an irreverent and humorous portrait of Jewish-American life that earned him a National Book Award. In 1969 he became a major celebrity with the publication of the controversial Portnoy's Complaint, the humorous and sexually explicit psychoanalytical monologue of "a lust-ridden, mother-addicted young Jewish bachelor," filled with "intimate, shameful detail, and coarse, abusive language."

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Veronica Roth
Roth, Veronica

Veronica Roth (born 1988) is an American author known for her debut Divergent trilogy. She has a degree in creative writing from Northwestern University. Roth wrote her first book, Divergent, while on winter break in her senior year at Northwestern University. Her first novel became New York Times Bestseller and the movie rights were sold before she graduated from college. Roth lives in Chicago.

Jess Rothenberg
Rothenberg, Jess

Jess Rothenberg is a writer and freelance editor. A former editor of books for young readers, including the bestselling Vampire Academy series, she is also the author of The Catastrophic History of You and Me, published in more than a dozen countries. She lives in New York City with her husband and son.

Patrick Rothfuss
Rothfuss, Patrick

Patrick James Rothfuss, born in Wisconsin in 1973, is a celebrated American writer known for his contributions to the world of epic fantasy. Growing up in an environment where the long winters and the absence of cable television left him with little choice but to embrace the joys of reading and writing.

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Milton A. Rothman
Rothman, Milton A.

Milton A. Rothman (1919–2001) was a United States nuclear physicist and college professor.

He was also an active science fiction fan and a co-founder of the Philadelphia Science Fiction Society. An occasional author as well, he published stories usually with the pseudonym "Lee Gregor".

Talia Rothschild
Rothschild, Talia

Talia Rothschild, Italian American, grew up in both tropical Florida and mountainous Utah. She’s passionate about stories in many forms - music, dance, photography, film and, of course, great novels. When she’s not happily writing, she fulfills her other dreams by mothering the sweetest baby girl and making memories with her husband. The Immortal Game, co-authored with her dear friend Ashleigh, is her debut novel.

William Rotsler
Rotsler, William

William "Bill" Rotsler (1926–1997) was an American author of several science fiction novels and short stories. He also wrote television and film novelizations and a number of non-fiction works on a variety of topics ranging from Star Trek to pornography. He was a prominent member of science fiction fandom. He was also an artist and sculptor, primarily in metal, who contributed to the art at the entrance to the Los Angeles Police Department headquarters.

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Antoine Rouaud
Rouaud, Antoine

Antoine Rouaud is a major new player in the fantasy genre. Born in France in 1979, he spent his childhood writing stories, imagining scenarios and composing songs before joining the world of radio. Today he is designer and writer at NRJ Radio and has worked on a series of audio soap operas, for which he has won two awards. The Path of Anger is his debut novel.

Victor Rousseau
Rousseau, Victor

Victor Rousseau Emanuel (1879-1960) was a writer of pulp fiction who was active in Great Britain and the U.S. in the first half of the 20th century who wrote under the pen names Victor Rousseau and H. M. Egbert. After an early career as a reporter for the New York World and as an editor of Harper's Weekly, he became a fiction writer. He wrote in a variety of genres, including historical fiction, frontier stories, western romance, and crime fiction, but was probably best known as an early exponent of science fiction and fantasy. His best known novels in those genres were The Messiah of the Cylinder, a story of a man placed in suspended animation for 100 years, and The Eye of Balamok, a lost-race novel. Several of his stories were adapted for Western films, and he was the author of one silent film screenplay, The Devil's Tower, based on one of his stories.

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Mario Routi
Routi, Mario

Mario Routi was born in Greece in 1970. He has been writing since childhood, completing his first short fantasy at the age of ten and a theatrical script when he was thirteen. At seventeen he received an honourable distinction in a national literature competition. After his national service, he studied marketing and economics, rising to prominence in major business sectors of his country. He has published articles and short stories in many newspapers and magazines. Orizon is his first novel, becoming a bestseller in Greece within a month of its publication, and is currently in its 18th edition. The author resides in London, devoting himself to his two children and his passion for writing.

Jane Routley
Routley, Jane

Jane Routley (born 1962) is an Australian-born author, who divides her time between her native land and Denmark.

Madeleine Roux
Roux, Madeleine

Madeleine Roux is the author of Allison Hewitt Is Trapped and Sadie Walker Is Stranded. Asylum is her first book for teens. A graduate of Beloit College, Madeleine now lives and works in California.

Jeff Rovin
Rovin, Jeff

Jeff Rovin is the author of more than 100 books, fiction and nonfiction, both under his own name, under various pseudonyms, or as a ghostwriter, including numerous New York Times bestsellers. He has written over a dozen Op-Center novels for the late Tom Clancy. Rovin has also written for television and has had numerous celebrity interviews published in magazines under his byline. He is a member of the Author’s Guild, the Science Fiction Writers of America, and the Horror Writers of America, among others.

Andrew Rowe
Rowe, Andrew

Andrew Rowe is a professional game designer and fantasy novelist. When he's not crunching numbers for game balance, he runs Shades of Venaya, a swords and sorcery themed live-action role-playing game. In addition, he writes for pen and paper role-playing games. Aside from game design and writing, Andrew watches a lot of anime, reads a metric ton of fantasy books, and plays every role-playing game he can get his hands on. 

Michael Rowe
Rowe, Michael

Michael Rowe is the author of Enter, Night (ChiZine Publications) and has received the Lambda Literary award and the Spectrum award. He was a finalist for the International Horror Guild, Sunburst, aurora and National Magazine awards. Clive Barker has lauded Rowe for “changing the face of horror” with his Queer Fear anthologies.

Rebecca K. Rowe
Rowe, Rebecca K.

Rebecca K. Rowe is a freelance writer, published author and member of the National Space Society and The Mars Society. She has M.A.'s in Journalism and International Relations. Her short work/poetry has been published in Polyphony, Ascent Magazine, and Sol Magazine. Rebecca is a graduate of the Clarion Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers' Workshop. Forbidden Cargo is her first novel.

Rainbow Rowell
Rowell, Rainbow

Rainbow Rowell writes books. Sometimes she writes about adults (Attachments and Landline). Sometimes she writes about teenagers (Eleanor & Park, Fangirl and Carry On). But she always writes about people who talk a lot. And people who feel like they're screwing up. And people who fall in love.

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Michelle Rowen
Rowen, Michelle

Michelle Rowen also writes under the pseudonym of Michelle Maddox.

Alexandra Rowland
Rowland, Alexandra

Alexandra Rowland grew up on a sailboat in the Caribbean and then in a house in Florida. Sick to death of the tropics, she attended Truman State University in northern Missouri, where she studied world literature, mythology, and folklore. She now lives in western Massachusetts where she works as a game monitor at an escape room company, occasional bespoke seamstress, and writer under the stern supervision of her feline quality control manager. A Conspiracy of Truths is her debut novel.

Diana Rowland
Rowland, Diana

Diana Rowland has lived her entire life below the Mason-Dixon line, uses "y'all" for second-person-plural, and otherwise has no southern accent (in her opinion.) She attended college at Georgia Tech where she earned a BS in Applied Mathematics, and after graduation forgot everything about higher math as quickly as possible.

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Christopher Rowley
Rowley, Christopher

Christopher Rowley (born 1948) is an American science fiction and fantasy author.

J. K. Rowling
Rowling, J. K.

J.K. Rowling is the author of the enduringly popular, era-defining Harry Potter book series, as well as several stand-alone novels for adults and children, and a bestselling crime fiction series written under the pen name Robert Galbraith.

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Carter Roy
Roy, Carter

Carter Roy is the author of The Blood Guard and its sequels, as well as a forthcoming novel from Delacorte/Random House Children's Books. He lives in New York with his wife, a spiky cat, and far too many books.

Lauren M. Roy
Roy, Lauren M.

Lauren M. Roy started out as an independent bookseller, moved on to Hachette Book group (where she has been a Telephone Sales representative for ten years), and is now completing her bookselling hat trick as an author.

She has done some freelance writing for tabletop roleplaying games, including Dragon Age, Trail of Cthulhu, and A Song of Ice and Fire Roleplaying.

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Lucinda Roy
Roy, Lucinda

Novelist, poet, and memoirist Lucinda Roy is the author of the forthcoming speculative novel The Freedom Race (Macmillan/Tor) and three collections of poetry, the most recent of which is Fabric: Poems. Her two previous novels, both from HarperCollins, were Lady Moses, a Barnes and Noble Discover Great New Writers Selection, and The Hotel Alleluia. She also authored the memoir No Right to Remain Silent: What We’ve Learned from the Tragedy at Virginia Tech (Random House). Among her awards are the Eighth Mountain Prize for Poetry, and the Baxter Hathaway Prize for her long slave narrative poem “Needlework,” and a state-wide faculty recognition award. She was awarded an Honorary Doctorate by the University of Richmond. An Alumni Distinguished Professor at Virginia Tech, she teaches fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction in the graduate and undergraduate Creative Writing Program. Professor Roy has been a guest on numerous TV and radio shows, including The CBS Evening News, The Today Show, Good Morning America, CBS’s Sunday Morning, Oprah, and NPR. Her work has appeared in the Chronicle of Higher EducationNorth American Review, the New York Times,  the GuardianUSA Today, American Poetry Review, and many other publications. She delivers keynotes and presentations around the country on creative writing, diversity, campus safety, and higher education. Currently, Professor Roy is working on the second book in her speculative fiction trilogy and a series of oil paintings depicting the Middle Passage.

Jaye Roycraft
Roycraft, Jaye

Jaye Roycraft is an American author from Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Amber Royer
Royer, Amber

Amber Royer teaches enrichment and continuing education creative writing classes for teens and adults. She spent five years as a youth librarian, where she organized teen writers’ groups and teen writing contests. In addition to two cookbooks co-authored with her husband, Amber has published a number of articles on gardening, crafting and cooking for print and on-line publications.

Nicholas Royle
Royle, Nicholas

Nicholas Royle is the author of two previous collections, Mortality and Ornithology, as well as In Camera (with David Gledhill). His seven novels include The Director’s Cut, Antwerp, and First Novel. Reader in Creative Writing at the Manchester Writing School at Manchester Metropolitan University, he is head judge of the annual Manchester Fiction Prize and series editor of Best British Short Stories. He also runs Nightjar Press, publishing original short stories in chapbook format.

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Michael Rubens
Rubens, Michael

Michael Rubens is a television writer and producer whose credits include work for Oxygen, the Travel Channel, CNN, and Comedy Central's Emmy and Peabody award-winning The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. The Sheriff of Yrnameer is his first novel. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.

Mel Rubi
Rubi, Mel

Mel Rubi has been a professional artist since 1993, and enjoys challenging himself on every difficult task he takes on. He loves playing chess and is a family man.

Jessica Rubinkowski
Rubinkowski, Jessica

Jessica Rubinkowski grew up on a farm in Illinois and now lives in Central Illinois with her family. The Bright & the Pale is her debut novel.

Caitlen Rubino-Bradway
Rubino-Bradway, Caitlen

Caitlen Rubino-Bradway is the author of the adult novel Lady Vernon and Her Daughter, which she wrote with her mother. Ordinary Magic is her first book for younger readers.

Laura Ruby
Ruby, Laura

Laura Ruby is the author of Bone Gap, a Michael L. Printz Award winner and National Book Award finalist. Her other acclaimed novels for children and teens include the ALA Best Fiction for Young Adults selection York: The Shadow Cipher and its sequel York: The Clockwork Ghost, the Edgar-nominated mystery Lily’s Ghosts, and the Book Sense Pick Good Girls, among others. She is on the faculty of Hamline University’s MFA in Writing for Children and Young Adults program and lives in the Chicago area.

Berta Ruck
Ruck, Berta

Amy Roberta (Berta) Ruck (1878–1978) was a romantic novelist, writing almost eighty novels over the course of her writing career as well as large numbers of short stories.

From 1905 Ruck began to contribute short stories and serials to magazines. Ruck published her first novel, His Official Fiancée in 1914. Ruck also wrote an autobiography and two memoir-style works.

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Rudy Rucker
Rucker, Rudy

Rudy Rucker (Rudolf von Bitter Rucker, born 1946) is an American mathematician, computer scientist and science fiction author. He is one of the founders of the cyberpunk literary movement.

Brian Ruckley
Ruckley, Brian

Brian Ruckley lives in Edinburgh. He is the author of the Godless World trilogy.

Dave Rudden
Rudden, Dave

Dave Rudden completed his Creative Writing Masters at University College Dublin, earning a first-class honors degree. His short stories and poetry have been published in such journals as Bare Hands, Wordlegs, and the Quotable. He has been shortlisted for the Bath Short Story Prize and longlisted for the Fish Poetry Prize, and won the Fantasy Book Review Short Story Prize. He lives in Dublin, Ireland.

Paul Ruditis
Ruditis, Paul

Paul Ruditis is an American author.

Kate Rudolph
Rudolph, Kate

I love writing about kick butt heroines and the steamy heroes who love them.

Gertty Rudraw
Rudraw, Gertty

Gertty Rudraw is an indie romance author who has taken the genre by storm with her popular series. She writes both contemporary and paranormal page-turning romances . Readers consume faster than she can produce. And you will be pretty happy about that!

She lives with her husband and two awesome sons in Sedona, enjoying plenty of farm animals, and devotes her life to writing stories. If you are looking for romantic books with alpha heroes who have to contend with sassy heroines then you might just love Gertty’s novels.

Matt Ruff
Ruff, Matt

Matthew Theron Ruff (born 1965) is an American author. He is the author of the critically acclaimed Set This House in Order as well as two previous novels, Fool on the Hill and Sewer, Gas & Electric: The Public Works Trilogy. He lives in Seattle, Washington.

Kristopher Rufty
Rufty, Kristopher

Kristopher Rufty is the writer/director of the movies Psycho Holocaust, Rags, and Wicked Wood, and also the author of Angel Board, The Night Everything Changed, and The Lurkers.

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Tony Ruggiero
Ruggiero, Tony

Tony Ruggiero is a science fiction, fantasy and horror author.

K. M. Ruiz
Ruiz, K. M.

K. M. RUIZ studied English and American Indian Studies at San Francisco State University. Her debut novel Mind Storm released in 2011. She lives in California.

Rudy Ruiz
Ruiz, Rudy

Rudy Ruiz is an award-winning author. His short fiction has garnered several notable awards, including four International Latino Book Awards for his short-story collection Seven for the Revolution and the 2017 Gulf Coast Prize in Fiction. His stories have been published in the Notre Dame Review, Ninth Letter, Gulf Coast, and New Texas. A native of the US-Mexico border, he earned his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at Harvard, and now resides in San Antonio with his wife and children.

Adi Rule
Rule, Adi

Adi Rule grew up among cats, ducks, and writers. She studied music as an undergrad, and has an MFA from the Vermont College of Fine Arts. Adi is a member of, and has been a soloist for, the Tanglewood Festival Chorus, the chorus of the Boston Symphony Orchestra/Boston Pops. She lives in New Hampshire.

S. A. Rule
Rule, S. A.

Sue A. Rule lives with her husband alongside a Roman road in Kent. She is marketing director of a computer systems consultancy, mother of two grown-up daughters, and old enough to want to forget birthdays. She has spent her working life organising other people and her fantasy life re-writing history. Story-telling on the page or in song has always been a passion, and Sue is also a singer, musician, and song-writer.

Katherine Rundell
Rundell, Katherine

Katherine Rundell was born in 1987 and grew up in Africa and Europe. In 2008 she was elected a Fellow of All Souls College, Oxford. Her first book, The Girl Savage, was born of her love of Zimbabwe and her own childhood there; her second, Rooftoppers, was inspired by summers working in Paris and by night-time trespassing on the rooftops of All Souls. She is currently working on her doctorate alongside an adult novel.


A USA TODAY and Amazon Top 20 international bestseller, RuNyx enjoys creating universes and setting them on fire. She loves to travel, wants to adopt a dog before 30, and learn different languages. When she's not writing, she's reading, traveling, meditating, daydreaming, and most of all, procrastinating.

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Christopher Ruocchio
Ruocchio, Christopher

Christopher Ruocchio is the author of the Sun Eater Chronicle, a space opera series from DAW Books, the first novel of which, Empire of Silence, will be out in 2018. He is also the Assistant Editor at Baen Books and a graduate of North Carolina State University. He lives in Raleigh, North Carolina.

Kristine Kathryn Rusch
Rusch, Kristine Kathryn

Kristine Kathryn Rusch (born June 1960) is an American author. She writes under various pseudonyms in multiple genres (science fiction, fantasy, mystery, romance, and mainstream).

She also writes under the pseudonym of Kris DeLake.

Jaime Rush
Rush, Jaime

Jaime Rush is a pseudonym of the romance author Tina Wainscott.

Jennifer Rush
Rush, Jennifer

Jennifer Rush lives in a little town on the shoreline of Lake Michigan with her husband and two children. She grew up wanting to be an Egyptologist, but realized she hated the desert and declared herself a writer instead. She won her first writing award in the fourth grade (a Mickey Mouse pencil was the prize) and has been crafting stories ever since. In her free time, she likes to read, Photoshop, and consume large amounts of caffeine.

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M.Q. Rush
Rush, M.Q.

M.Q. Rush writes dark, dirty tales like the books she likes to read. These books have dominant, possessive heroes, feisty, smart heroines, and twisted roads to happy endings. Follow along for more sci fi, fantasy, reverse harem, paranormal, and dark erotic romance reads.

Salman Rushdie
Rushdie, Salman

Sir Ahmed Salman Rushdie is a novelist and essayist. Much of his early fiction is set at least partly on the Indian subcontinent. His style is often classified as magical realism, while a dominant theme of his work is the story of the many connections, disruptions and migrations between the Eastern and Western world.

Peter Rushforth
Rushforth, Peter

Peter Scott Rushforth (1945–2005) was an English teacher and novelist. He published only two novels in his lifetime; although they were separated by a quarter of a century, both were released to considerable critical acclaim. He died while on his weekly ramble with his friends, from his home in the village of Castleton on the North Yorkshire Moors.

Douglas Rushkoff
Rushkoff, Douglas

Douglas Rushkoff (born 1961) is an American media theorist, writer, columnist, lecturer, graphic novelist and documentarian. He is best known for his association with the early cyberpunk culture, and his advocacy of open source solutions to social problems.

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Joanna Russ
Russ, Joanna

Joanna Russ (born 1937) is an American author.

Aidan Russell
Russell, Aidan

Aidan Russell is not a New York Times bestselling author, but he has written a few short stories for 13Thirty Books’ Never Fear anthologies alongside a few bestsellers. He also drinks Irish car-bombs faster than Tom Monteleone, a matter of historical fact. He is the author of Road of the Lost, the first book in his epic fantasy series, which will be available for pre-order in October 2017.

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Craig Russell
Russell, Craig

Craig Russell’s fantasy novel, Black Bottle Man won the Moonbeam gold medal for YA fantasy and was a Canadian Aurora Award finalist. His SF climate crisis novel, Fragment was selected for the Yale University Climate Connections reading list and was shortlisted for the Michael Van Rooy Award. Craig a retired lawyer living in Winnipeg, Canada.

D. L. Russell
Russell, D. L.

D. L. Russell is an African American Writer from Indiana. His publishing experience includes Dreams Still On You and Raymond Doesn't Remember, with Eternal Press and his current short story collection, "Hell is an Awfully Big City," with Wild Cat Books. He is also the founder and co-editor of Strange, Weird, and Wonderful Magazine.

David O. Russell
Russell, David O.

David O. Russell is a writer and director of films including We Three Kings, I Heart Huckabees, and Flirting with Disaster, among others. He lives in Los Angeles, CA.

Eric Frank Russell
Russell, Eric Frank

Eric Frank Russell (1905–1978) was a British author best known for his science fiction novels and short stories. Much of his work was first published in the United States, in John W. Campbell's Astounding Science Fiction and other pulp magazines. Russell also wrote horror fiction for Weird Tales, and non-fiction articles on Fortean topics. A few of his stories were published under pseudonyms, of which Duncan H. Munro was used most often.

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Karen Russell
Russell, Karen

Karen Russell (born 1981) is an American author. Noted for her distinct and visual style, her debut novel, Swamplandia!, was a finalist for the 2012 Pulitzer Prize for fiction.

Mary Doria Russell
Russell, Mary Doria

Mary Doria Russell (born 1950) is an American novelist.

P. Craig Russell
Russell, P. Craig

Philip Craig Russell (born 1951) is an American comic book writer, artist, and illustrator.

R. B. Russell
Russell, R. B.

R. B. Russell has only recently started writing fiction seriously, having previously written lyrics, composed music, and drawn in pen and ink for his own amusement. He runs Tartarus Press with Rosalie Parker from their home in the Yorkshire Dales.

Rachel Renée Russell
Russell, Rachel Renée

Rachel Renée Russell is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of the block buster book series Dork Diaries and the exciting new series The Misadventures of Max Crumbly. There are more than 25 million copies of her books in print worldwide, and they have been translated into thirty-four languages. She enjoys working with her two daughters, Erin and Nikki, who help write and illustrate her books.

Randy Russell
Russell, Randy

Randy Russell believes in ghosts. He conducts an annual Ghost Seminar for the State of North Carolina and can be found most summers sharing true ghost stories at visitor centers in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. He lives in Asheville, NC.

Sean Russell
Russell, Sean

Sean Russell lives on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, with his wife and son.

Richard Paul Russo
Russo, Richard Paul

Richard Paul Russo (born 1954) is an American science fiction writer.

Richard Paul Russo attended the Clarion Workshop in 1983. His first story, "Firebird Suite", appeared in Amazing Stories in 1981 and his first novel, Inner Eclipse, was published in 1988. His second novel, Subterranean Gallery, won the Philip K. Dick Award for 1989. He won that award again in 2001 for Ship of Fools. Subterranean Gallery was also a finalist for the Arthur C. Clarke Award.

Rachel Rust
Rust, Rachel

Rachel Rust is an author of young adult books. In both reading and writing, she loves all things mysterious, romantic, and thrilling. If it's a whodunit, she's all about it. When not making up stories, Rachel can usually be found with her family and two dogs - a pug and a chug (chihuahua/pug).

Michael Rutger
Rutger, Michael

Michael Rutger is a pen name for internationally bestselling author Michael Marshall.

Michael Rutger is a screenwriter whose work has been optioned by major Hollywood studios. He lives in California with his wife and son.

Greg Ruth
Ruth, Greg

Greg Ruth has written and drawn stories for Dark Horse Comics, DC/Vertigo, Fantagraphics, and the New York Times. His first picture book, Our Enduring Spirit, was written by Barack Obama. He is currently working on a graphic novel by Ethan Hawke. The Lost Boy is his debut graphic novel for Scholastic. He lives and works in western Massachusetts.

Mara Rutherford
Rutherford, Mara

Mara Rutherford began her writing career as a journalist but quickly discovered she far preferred fantasy to reality. Originally from California, Mara has since lived all over the world with her marine-turned-diplomat husband. A triplet born on Leap Day, Mara holds a master's degree in cultural studies from the University of London. When she's not writing or chasing after her two sons, she can usually be found pushing the boundaries of her comfort zone, whether at a traditional Russian banya or an Incan archaeological site. Mara is a former Pitch Wars mentee and three-time mentor.

Marie Rutkoski
Rutkoski, Marie

Marie Rutkoski is a New York Times bestselling author of several novels for children and young adults. She grew up in Illinois as the oldest of four children, and has lived in Moscow, Prague, and Paris.

She holds degrees from the University of Iowa and Harvard University, and is now a professor of English literature at Brooklyn College, where she teaches Shakespeare, children’s literature, and fiction writing. She lives in Brooklyn with her family and two cats, Cloud and Firefly.

Carl Hancock Rux
Rux, Carl Hancock

Carl Hancock Rux is an award winning writer and performer; former Head of the MFA Writing for Performance Program at the California Institute of the Arts (2006–09) and has taught or been in residence at University of California–San Diego, Stanford University, University of Massachusetts Amherst, Hollins University, University of Iowa and Brown University. He is the recipient of the Herb Alpert Award in the Arts; Obie and BESSIE award; the Village Voice Literary prize; New York Press Club Journalism Award for Entertainment News; subject of a CINE Golden Eagle Award winning documentary and featured in the New York Times Magazine "Thirty Artists Under The Age of Thirty Most Likely to Influence Culture in the Next Thirty Years".

Christine Ruymbeke
Ruymbeke, Christine

Professor Christine van Ruymbekeis a member of the Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies at Cambridge University

C. T. Rwizi
Rwizi, C. T.

C. T. Rwizi is a young debut author who grew up in Swaziland and Zimbabwe. Gaining a scholarship, he received a BA in Government from Dartmouth College in 2014 and has since returned to South Africa where he works in his family’s local business. Scarlet Odyssey is his first novel.

Amy Kathleen Ryan
Ryan, Amy Kathleen

Amy Kathleen Ryan earned an MA in English literature at the University of Vermont, and an MFA in creative writing from the New School Creative Writing for Children Program in New York City. She is also the author of two widely acclaimed young adult novels, Zen and Xander Undone and Vibes.

Anthony Ryan
Ryan, Anthony

Anthony Ryan was born in Scotland in 1970 but spent much of his adult life living and working in London. After a long career in the British Civil Service he took up writing full time after the success of his first novel Blood Song, Book One of the Raven’s Shadow trilogy. He has a degree in history, and his interests include art, science and the unending quest for the perfect pint of real ale.

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C. J. Ryan
Ryan, C. J.

C. J. Ryan is the pseudonym of an author who lives and works in Philadelphia. Dexta is his first science fiction novel.

Carrie Ryan
Ryan, Carrie

Born and raised in Greenville, South Carolina, Carrie Ryan is a graduate of Williams College and Duke Law School. A former litigator, she now writes fulltime. She lives with her writer/lawyer boyfriend and two fat cats in Charlotte, North Carolina. They are not at all prepared for the zombie apocalypse.

Frank P. Ryan
Ryan, Frank P.

Frank P. Ryan is a multiple-bestselling author, in the UK and US. His other fiction includes the thrillers Goodbye Baby Blue and Tiger Tiger. His books have been translated into over ten different languages. Born in Ireland, he now lives in England.

Konrad Ryan
Ryan, Konrad

Konrad Ryan received a bachelor's degree in accounting before he found out he was much too dull for that profession. Now he writes books. He lived in Japan for two years, is fluent in Japanese and has since fallen in love with the Lit-RPG genre. Avid gamer, father, fiction-lover and food-enthusiast.

L.T. Ryan
Ryan, L.T.

L.T. RYAN is a Wall Street Journal, USA Today, and Amazon bestselling author of several mysteries and thrillers, including the Wall Street Journal bestselling Jack Noble and Rachel Hatch series. With over eight million books sold, when he's not penning his next adventure, L.T. enjoys traveling, hiking, riding his Peloton (go team Denis), and spending time with his wife, daughter and four dogs at their home in central Virginia.

Lexi Ryan
Ryan, Lexi

Lexi Ryan is the New York Times best-selling indie author of over twenty-five romance titles, and the 2018 winner of the Romance Writers of America RITA award for Best Contemporary Romance: Long. Her novels have sold over 725,000 copies across all formats. She lives in Indiana with her husband, two children, and a spoiled dog.

Lindy Ryan
Ryan, Lindy

Lindy Ryan is a Bram Stoker Awards®-nominated and Silver Falchion Award-winning editor, author, short-film director, and professor. Ryan the current author-in-residence at Rue Morgue, the world’s leading horror culture and entertainment brand, and a regular contributor at Booktrib and LitReactor. Her guest articles and features include NPR, BBC Culture, Irish Times, Daily Mail, and more. She is an active member of the Horror Writers Association (HWA), the International Thriller Writers (ITW), and the Brothers Grimm Society of North America. In 2022, she was named one of horror's most masterful anthology curators, alongside Ellen Datlow and Christopher Golden, and has been declared a "champion for women's voices in horror" by Shelf Awareness (2023). Her animated short film, TRICK OR TREAT, ALISTAIR GRAY, based on her children's book of the same name, won the Grand Prix Award at the 2022 ANMTN Awards. 

W. C. Ryan
Ryan, W. C.

W. C. Ryan is also known as William Ryan, author of The Constant Soldier and the Korolev series of historical crime novels. His books have been shortlisted for numerous awards, including the CWA's Steel, Historical and New Blood Daggers, the Irish Fiction Award and the Theakston's Crime Novel of the Year, as well as being published in 18 countries. William lives in London and teaches creative writing at City University.

T. R. Ryden
Ryden, T. R.

As an attorney and technology entrepreneur, Todd R. Ryden has built and sold companies to Motorola, Comcast, and other global institutions. He received his undergraduate education at Purdue University, received his law degree from Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law, and has a Certificate in European Legal Studies from Tulane University School of Law, Paris, France. Occam’s Razor demonstrates his keen interest in science and the unanswered questions that riddle us all. As a dyslexic he views fact patterns, information, and connectivity of evidence a little differently from most people, and he suspects this contributed to his creation of this unique conspiracy thriller. Mr. Ryden is passionate about philanthropies that focus on children facing adversity and works with organizations that pursue educational reform in struggling urban communities and schools. He has served in a Board capacity with Big Brother & Big Sisters, Christel House, and other children-focused nonprofits. He is married to his high school sweetheart and has three sons.

Chris Rylander
Rylander, Chris

Chris Rylander is the author of the acclaimed and bestselling Fourth Stall saga, the Codename Conspiracy trilogy, and co-author of book three in the New York Times Bestselling House of Secrets series. He lives in Chicago, where he eats a lot of raspberry jam and frequently tries to befriend the squirrels on his block.

Logan Ryles
Ryles, Logan

Logan Ryles was born in small-town USA and knew from an early age he wanted to be a writer. After working as a pizza delivery driver, sawmill operator, and banker, he finally embraced the dream and has been writing ever since. With a passion for action-packed and mystery-laced stories, Logan’s work has ranged from global-scale political thrillers to small-town vigilante hero fiction. 

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Geoff Ryman
Ryman, Geoff

Geoffrey Charles Ryman (born 1951) is a writer of science fiction, fantasy and surrealistic or "slipstream" fiction.

James Malcolm Rymer
Rymer, James Malcolm

James Malcolm Rymer (1814–1884) was a British nineteenth century writer of penny dreadfuls, and is the probable author of Varney the Vampire (1847) (often attributed to fellow writer Thomas Peckett Prest) and co-author (with Prest) of The String of Pearls (1847), in which the notorious villain Sweeney Todd makes his literary debut.

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