Mountain of Dragons and Sacrifice (Sacrificed Hearts #1)
Series: Sacrificed Hearts
Chelsea K | Book Deals and Free Reads | 1 post | 02/12/2025
Chelsea K avatar
Chelsea K | Literature | 1 post | 02/12/2025
Stalks of Gold (Bewitching Fairy Tales #1)
Series: Bewitching Fairy Tales
Chelsea K | Book Deals and Free Reads | 1 post | 02/12/2025

Release date?

Dungeon Diving 201 (Dungeon Diving #5) by Bruce Sentar
Dungeon Diving 201
Dungeon Diving #5
by Bruce Sentar

Ken returns from the Elven World to another year at Haylon College.

Yet, attitudes towards training have changed, the Naga attack has shifted priorities the world over and Ken finds himself and his fellow classmates pushed harder than ever before.

The big four colleges no longer are going to focus on survival of their students, it’s time to push them and let the strongest shine.

Which would be okay for Ken, if a new problem hadn’t cropped up. A monster that doesn’t appear in any of the records has been stalking him through the dungeon. The answer to it, might actually lie in Crimson’s past.

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1 post
 Is there a update on the release date?
Darkki avatar
254 rated books, 247 posts
Book is now released (March 7th, 2024).
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