Spy School Blackout (Spy School #13)
Spy School Blackout (Spy School #13) by Stuart Gibbs
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Wings of Fire Book 16 (Wings of Fire #16)
Wings of Fire Book 16 (Wings of Fire #16) by Tui T. Sutherland
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The Last Kids on Earth Book 10 (The Last Kids on Earth #10)
The Last Kids on Earth Book 10 (The Last Kids on Earth #10) by Max Brallier
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New Generation

Wings of Fire Book 16 (Wings of Fire #16) by Tui T. Sutherland
Wings of Fire Book 16
Wings of Fire #16
by Tui T. Sutherland

From #1 New York Times bestselling author Tui T. Sutherland comes the 16th highly anticipated novel in Wings of Fire series which will start a new Prophecy after The Flames of Hope.

This is the first installment of the fourth arc of the Wings of Fire series. 

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I was thinking that we go years into the future, so the dragonets from the first three arcs are grown up. They have kids, (I don't know what their names should be) who live together in a small rain forest. One day, war occurs, because a dragon is trying to become queen of the whole world (both continents). The dragonets have to try to stop her, because they remember her as the mean lady that kidnapped them when they were young. I have no idea what the character's names should be, but I feel like this would be a good plot for a new book.
Likes (1): peterson2
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I like the fast forwarding time thing but made a different plot?
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definitely a different plot, it seems a bit obvious i agree.
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good idea but needs the wings of fire vibe a bit more.
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I like the idea of a different plot.
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I like the idea of a dragon trying to take over the world. Introducing the SkyWing revolution, where almost all of Scarlet’s advisors have turned against Ruby, and take sides with a Powrr-Hyngry skywing. In the kingdom of Sand, a revolution has also broken, with thorn for queen fighting against Vulture. The hive wings want wasp back, Nightwings want Fierceteeth,  All of them trying to Rule the World. The three Challengers force every other tribes into war, but the LeafSilk Kingdom Fights back.
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what if the new main characters were the dragonets from Moon's vision in book 6?
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Mabye could also have a new part of Seawings who live deeper that can help the LeafSilk kingdom but gets revealed later in the story. At the end?
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maybe a new animus. like in a tribe that doesnt have any animus dragons? 
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Just a thought...

What if the humans take over the world and the dragons are enslaved? There is a rebellion of humans and dragons who still want peace, trying to fight against the emperor.
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I hate to be a critic, but on the SkyWing side, I believe that Scarlet's advisors didn't like Scarlet very much to begin with. Any who do not openly support Ruby would not be in as much of a position of power, if they're in any position of power at all. There are also too many dragons who like Ruby for that to be the most effective plot. the power-hungry SkyWing is likely, as there are always power-hungry people, and, since dragons and humans have many phycological similarities, it stands to reason that there would also be many power-hungry dragons. My only concerns about that are how is this power-hungry SkyWing making it known to other dragons that he/she is hungry for power, and how is he/she gaining followers? With the SandWings, there are too many dragons who support Thorn for Vulture to be a sufficient threat, especially after his talons of power were defeated and rehabilitated, Onyx was made unable to fight, and Darkstalker was defeated. And, if another animus decides to help him, which he would need for the Eye of Onyx to choose him, what are his/her reasons? With the HiveWings, I don't think they'd want Wasp back, especially after they were released from the brainwashing and the new generations had heard the horror stories. On the NightWing side, Glory is good enough of a queen for it to be unlikely that a large percentage of NightWings would want Fierceteeth, especially with Fierceteeth being busy with Renewal, where the NightWings who don't want Glory could just go. If the scenario was possible, all of them trying to rule the world seems likely, and I have nothing to say against that part, but how would the challengers force every other tribe into war? The only reason it happened with The War of SandWing Succession was because each of the potential queens had a legitimate right to the throne. And if the Leaf-Silk kingdom were to fight back, which seems likely, why would they fight back against the dragons from the other continent, which is a long journey away? Once again, sorry for being such a critic, but I felt the need to state that it is impossible for this scenario to happen, given all the history, phycology, and current situations.
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I like the idea of the humans trying to take over the world, but, seeing the reaction to Dragonslayer, with people saying there wasn't enough dragons, it is unlikely that Tui would make an entire arc about that. She might make a single book, with Sky as the main character or something, in order for the epilogue at the end of Dragonslayer to be resolved.
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I think Moon and Qibli's children should be called Skyfire, Truthseeker, and Scorpion. Also what happened to Sora and Umber?
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WHat DID happen to Sora and Umber?
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Will there be a new wing and I would like one of the books in the new ark to focus more on a mud wing because there's like no love for the mud wings
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I mean, you get to know Sora a tiny bit in book six, but other than that, she and Umber are just there. They don't really have much of a part in the series.
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Personally, I want to know what happened to Onyx. Did she give up on the throne? If there’s a Sandwing uprising, she’s sure to be a part of it. I agree that we need another Mudwing protagonist though. I could see some unrest with the Hivewings, because the last chapter of The Flames of Hope mentioned Hivewings wanting Wasp back, but I expect they’ll see Wasp was terrible in the end. I definitely want to know more about the Leafsilk kingdom though!
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We need another RainWing book right!?
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Visitor, (February 27, 2024)what if the new main characters were the dragonets from Moon's vision in book 6?
I think this is a really good idea as they would be part of the next generation of dragons. But it might be a little weird because it would be stretching All the way back to the first book of arc two and it would seem more like an arc in between the second and third arc’s. I think maybe it should be about Auklet, Peacemaker, Cliff, Bumblebee, and another protagonist that I can’t think of at the moment.
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Visitor, (March 28, 2024)We need another RainWing book right!?
I have a new Wings of Fire series suggestion this is it: (Wings of Fire What if?)  an example of this could be What if darkstalker never had Animus, or What if Darkstalker  never did the bad things, or what if Wren was obedient or never found Sky?
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How might their inclusion impact the overall narrative structure, considering that it would require going back to the first book of Arc Two and potentially creating a separate arc between the second and third arcs?
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I heard like a year ago that the next arc would be about cliff, and I also have some other suggestions about the other dragonets like bumblebee and auklet. Maybe peacemaker? Or that silkwing dragonet that Luna helps in her book. Also, I say chameleon for the villain, and maybe vulture could come back. Maybe it could be like four years later, like when starflight gets married and stuff. Then maybe if tui does a fifth arc, it could be about their dragonets, like the prophecy ones. Also, if Darkstalker found morrowseer and made him like come alive that would be cool.

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7 posts
Visitor, (March 25, 2024)Will there be a new wing and I would like one of the books in the new ark to focus more on a mud wing because there's like no love for the mud wings
I agree. MudWings are underated.
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7 posts
Visitor, (February 15, 2024)I was thinking that we go years into the future, so the dragonets from the first three arcs are grown up. They have kids, (I don't know what their names should be) who live together in a small rain forest. One day, war occurs, because a dragon is trying to become queen of the whole world (both continents). The dragonets have to try to stop her, because they remember her as the mean lady that kidnapped them when they were young. I have no idea what the character's names should be, but I feel like this would be a good plot for a new book.
But where is the rainforest, Pantala or Pyrrhia?
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7 posts
Visitor, (February 20, 2024)good idea but needs the wings of fire vibe a bit more.
I agree. In book five, the false brightest night had that "wings of fire" vibe.
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