Cameron O'Connell
Cameron O’Connell is a Jack-of-All-Trades and Master of Some.
He writes The Phantom Queen Diaries, a series in The Nate Temple Universe, about Quinn MacKenna, a mouthy black magic arms dealer trading favors in Boston. All she wants? A round-trip ticket to the Fae realm... and maybe a drink on the house.
A former member of the United States military, a professional model, and English teacher, Cameron finds time to write in the mornings after his first cup of coffee... and in the evenings after his thirty-seventh. Follow him, and the Templeverse founder, Shayne Silvers, online for all sorts of insider tips, giveaways, and new release updates!
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Speculative Fiction Books
Last Call: A TempleVerse Anthology Book 1 (TempleVerse Anthologies #1 / 1)
2018 | fantasy, urban fantasy, short stories