Shaun Meeks
Shaun Meek lives in Toronto, Ontario with his partner, Mina LaFleur, where they own and operate their own corset company L’Atelier de LaFleur. Shaun is the author of the Dillon the Monster Dick series (The Gate at Lake Drive and Earthbound and Down), as well as Maymon, Shutdown and Down on the Farm. He has published more than 50 short stories; the most recent appearing in The Best of the Horror Zine, Midian Unmade: Tales of Clive Barker’s Nightbreed, Dark Moon Digest, Rouge Nation, Shrieks and Shivers from The Horror Zine, Zippered Flesh 2, Of Devils & Deviants and Fresh Fear. His short stories have been collected in At the Gates of Madness, Dark Reaches and Brother’s Ilk (with James Meeks).