Henry Bartholomew

Henry Bartholomew

Henry Bartholomew is a lecturer in the English Department at XJTLU. He received his PhD from the University of Exeter, and has taught at both Exeter and the University of Plymouth. His research centers on Gothic and weird fiction, the ghost story, dark ecology, Speculative Realism, and the author Algernon Blackwood. He is the editor of three short story collections, one for the British Library (2020) and two for Handheld Press (2023; 2024). His other published work includes an essay on the uncanny for the journal Open Philosophy (2019) and a chapter on psychic vampires for The Palgrave Handbook to the Vampire (2023). He is currently working on two projects: a substantial, two-volume essay collection for Palgrave titled New Directions to the Ghost Story (due 2025), and a monograph - Gothic Immaterialism: Objects, Affects, and the Ghost Story, 1890-1920 - which examines how new theories about "objects" and "things" shine fresh light on the British ghost story tradition.

Updated 09/01/2024
Photo: Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University

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Books by Henry Bartholomew

Series by Henry Bartholomew

British Library Tales of the Weird (57 books)
Handheld Weirds (10 books)

Comics and Anthology

(Handheld Weirds #9 / 10)
2023 | horror, gothic horror, splatterpunk, weird fiction, anthology, collection, short stories
(British Library Tales of the Weird #20 / 59)
2021 | horror, gothic horror, psychological horror, weird fiction, anthology, collection, short stories

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