Eugie Foster

Eugie Foster

Eugie Foster calls home a mildly haunted, fey-infested house in metro Atlanta that she shares with her husband, Matthew, and her pet skunk, Hobkin. After receiving her master's degree in Psychology, she retired from academia and became a corporate computer drone. When her company asked her to leave the phantoms and fairies in the South and return to the dead-cold lands of the Midwest, she said "no" and retreated to her library to pen flights of fancy.

Eugie's fiction has been translated into Greek, Hungarian, Polish, and French; received the Phobos Award; and been nominated for the British Fantasy, Bram Stoker, and Pushcart awards. Her publication credits number over 100 and include stories in Realms of Fantasy, Interzone, Cricket, Cicada, Fantasy Magazine, Orson Scott Card's InterGalactic Medicine Show, Jim Baen's Universe, and anthologies Best New Fantasy (Prime Books), Heroes in Training (DAW Books), Magic in the Mirrorstone (Mirrorstone Books), and Best New Romantic Fantasy 2 (Juno Books).

Updated 01/01/2024

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