Darren T. Patrick
Born and raised in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Darren grew up as most Winnipeggers do — surviving bone-chilling winters and mosquito-infested summers. Looking back now, he wouldn’t change a thing.
Darren attributes his passion for reading to his mother, who handed him his first fantasy fiction paperback at age twelve and told him that ‘he’d like it’; and his passion for writing to his father, who spent countless hours with him in front of a clunky word processor and told him that ‘he’d get it’. Turns out, some twenty-five years later, they were right.
Darren lives in Vancouver, British Columbia with his wife Laura, their son Nolan and their dog Gallagher. When he isn’t writing, Darren enjoys hiking with his young family, playing tennis when he can get a game in, and catching up on his reading when everyone else in the house has gone to sleep.