Devan Sagliani
Devan Sagliani was born and raised in Southern California and graduated from UCLA. He is the author of the Zombie Attack! series, The Rising Dead, A Thirst For Fire, and the UNDEAD L.A. series. Devan also wrote the original screenplay for the movie HVZ: Humans Versus Zombies. He writes a bimonthly horror column for Escapist Magazine called Dark Dreams.
Devan's fiction has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize and the Million Writers Award. In 2012 his debut novel Zombie Attack! Rise of the Horde won Best Zombie/Horror E-book on Goodreads. He is also an active member of the Horror Writer's Association.
He currently lives in Venice Beach, California with his wife.
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Speculative Fiction Books
Zombie Attack!: Book I: Rise of the Horde / Book II: Army of the Dead (Zombie Attack! #3 / 3)
2014 | horror
A Thirst for Fire
2013 | horror, short stories
The Rising Dead
2012 | horror